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Will They Just Become Houstonians?

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I heard a rumor that President W Bush turn down the aid offered by other natuions today.  Is this true?

Well if it is true I hope that most of the residents of NOLA decide to stay.  This will help sway the balance of the political chemistry here in Texas from Republican to Democrat

I found a great source for those who would like to see satellite images of the devastation at this site:  http://www.nola.com/hurricane/photos/

Yes, he did. He said he appreciated the offers of sympathy and aid, but that the US would take care of itself.

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I heard a rumor that President W Bush turn down the aid offered by other natuions today.  Is this true?


Sorry RedScare, but I REFUSE to believe that Bush would EVER do something like that. We're accepting thousands of refugees in Houston to capacity. We need ALL the help we can get. If we can take care of ourselves, then why did our levees break?

Bush is not stupid. We may be the United States, but that doesn't mean New Orleans doesn't need help. I'm sure New Orleans wouldn't mind if a dude from Europe was giving them food right now. If Sri Lanka turned down our tsunami aid, we would have thought they were the craziest people in the world. Screw pride. We are humans, and we all need help sometimes.

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I heard a rumor that President W Bush turn down the aid offered by other natuions today.  Is this true?

Please, no rumors in this section of the forum. If it can't be documented, don't post it here.

There's enough problems with communication in this disaster. Misinformation will make it worse.

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Is it just me or this the place that you would think NO people are most likely to resettle? I say this due to architectual style, history of the area, etc.

I live in the Woodland Heights and am seeing quite a few families staying with friends and families here. I also am noticing that a lot of residents in the Heights are already from Louisiana.

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Please, no rumors in this section of the forum.  If it can't be documented, don't post it here.

There's enough problems with communication in this disaster.  Misinformation will make it worse.

That quote, which I mentioned in another post, is true. I heard the actual comments on the Neil Bork radio show. Bush said that he didn't think anyone anticipated that the levees would breach. He then stated that no one anticipated a huge storm.

Bork responded, "What country has he been living in?"

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Please, no rumors in this section of the forum.  If it can't be documented, don't post it here.

There's enough problems with communication in this disaster.  Misinformation will make it worse.

I only called it a rumor because I heard it from a VA representative who read it in a government intranet blogg at his job, but I had not heard it in the news. However we all know that the media does not always report everything and some of the time it is not true. I did get this emailed to me and I wanted to share it with everyone here:

>Guys I just wanted to share some information that was just relayed to


> me.


> A guy I know spoke to his friend that works at the police department


> this morning and he told him something that he said you probably won't


> see on the news - which you will figure out why when reading. He


> informed him that everyone needs to be extremely careful right now and


> to tune in to what is really happening around you. He said that we



> to remember that there are thousands of good people that are elderly,


> children and helpless being housed with people that are criminals and


> dope addicts going through withdrawals out of no choice. He said that


> there has already been a rape in the dome of a woman by two men and



> are writing graffiti on the walls and some are going through



> and have been violent to innocent people. He said that these people



> not be contained to the dome and some are desperate and that desperate


> people do things that they might not ordinarily do. He said to heighten


> your awareness and to put your


> intelligence ahead of your pity. He said to not drive with your doors


> unlocked because there has been some cases in Louisiana and one in



> of carjacking. When you pump gas, lock the car doors till you get


> finished.


> Don't open your doors for solicitation. No one from Red Cross or a


> reliable organization will go door to door. Do not open your window to


> speak to people that are on the side of the road. Some might be from


> the disaster but some may just be taking advantage of the situation and


> you and you might be in danger to open your window.




> He said to do your donations to the Red Cross or other reliable source.


> He said that we need to remember that there are thousands of good



> but they are being housed with the bad out of no choice. They need our


> help but not to try to go alone to do it for your own safety. Bring


> donations to the drop off locations or notify someone to pick it up.




> I passed this on, because I have been kind of in a trance from the


> disbelief of the magnitude of this. When he told me this, I just


> couldn't believe that people could hurt someone that was trying to help


> or someone that is in a bad situation the same as you. I thought why



> he saying this, those people are hurting they surely wouldn't hurt


> others that are helping, but after thinking about it, I realized that


> there are thousands of people with nothing and nothing to lose, they


> need help. This is sad but it is realistic, I just wanted to pass it on


> to you because I just wanted you to be alert to what danger could be



> there to you and your family which ordinarily might not be because of


> desperation. Please make your children and friends aware that their


> sadness for the situation could be taken advantage of.




> We need to all pray really hard right now.





>Baltazar Orlando Ochoa

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Huh? Is he saying that prior to today, it was safe to drive around the astrodome area at night with your doors unlocked? There was no graffitti in Houston prior to their arrival? There had been no drug abuse or violence in Houston prior to opening the dome yesterday?

Oh, joy! Wouldn't it be great to live in Pleasantville!


It has always been wise to keep your wits around you and lock your doors.

Please, everyone, quit posting the "I know a guy who has a friend at the PD" crap. I have numerous friends at both HPD and HCSO. They say there are the usual problems that one would expect. But, they can handle it.

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instead of worrying about companies moving here, maybe we should hope they set up shop temporarily. we have plenty of empty office space downtown right? LA companies could be offered reduced temporary rent, and get a computer infrastructure set up so they can continue operations for the time being.

if its set up right, it would be a win-win situation.

Interesting...our office buildilng circulated a document (downtown building) today that indicated that office-space was available at reduced rates for companies that had to temporarily relocate and get back on their feet...

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I'm closing this topic and several others.

I'm trying to provide a service to people in desperate times. There are some HAIF members who are also trying to provide useful information. I thank those people. But the rest of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Why would anyone from Louisiana want to stay in Houston after they read all the hatred, bigotry (from both sides), and venom you people have posted here? No, I'm not pretending I'm innocent. I should set a better example.

The purpose of having this Hurricane Katrina section was to provide important information to people in need. Instead it's been hijacked by a bunch of people who want to lay blame, and play the race card.

Well, you're not going to do it on my dime. Anyone who wants to talk about those sorts of things is welcome to do it either in the Way Off Topic section of this forum, or on another web site.

Those who want to post constructive, helpful information in the Katrina section are welcome. Those who want to provide thoughtful, carefully considered insight into the circumstances these people are in are also welcome. Discussion of current events surrounding the hurricane and the future of New Orleans is also welcome. Everyone else can just slag off.

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