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Home At 10920 Willowisp Dr.


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I don't want to post the pics all over again, so here's a link to some shots of the inside of my "new" home on Willowisp. These are some of the shots I'll save as "before" shots. It's all potential at this point.


By the way, my wife and I will be docents at 10911 Willowisp tomorrow between 2:30 and 5pm. We'd love to meet all the mod enthusiasts. You are also welcome to stop by 10920 and visit if we are there. Part of the time we'll be there and part of the time we'll surely be doing the house tour ourselves. Also, the former owner is allowed to be there to clean out the rest of her stuff, and I'm not sure exactly when that will happen...

I'm so looking forward to the house tour!


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Yay!! I was just wondering the other day how things were going there for you. Excellent. I wish I could make it to the open house but I'm taking my daughter up to my dads ranch for some horseback riding.... the kind of stuff you just can't even think about trying to get out of. :)

I should be closing on my mod-style condo here in the next two weeks and plans abound.

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The people who own the Caudill house were so nice. I was driving around one day with "The Guide" and drove by the house and they were outside and saw me looking and invited me in to get a sneak preview of the tour.

As for the house, I have no idea what it's going to cost to restore, but it will be worth every penny. We all know these houses are a dying breed in Houston. The main issues are the paint which we'd like removed in favor of the original brick, the vinyl siding which we'd like removed in favor of cedar or hardy plank, the sliding glass door which was "uncustomized" and needs to be replaced in favor of the custom sized door over the old carpet, new flooring, and some places where moisture got through to the sheet rock.


Wish we could say hello when you're at the Willowisp house but, at that same time, we'll be working at the Caudill house on Kirwick. 

So... what are the big plans for the house?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little update here on Willowisp...

We are closing in on choosing a contractor. Our first project will be like unwrapping a Christmas present. The house is encased in vinyl siding and we're going to take it off and see how bad the original redwood is underneath. That will help us decide between going with all new hardie planks or replacing redwood just as necessary. I know there has been lots of termite damage in the past so it may be a close call...

Here are a couple more pictures since the house got cleaned out. These are a bit more flattering than the messy ones I put up before. Pretty soon it will start getting really exciting for us.

The carpeted room is the more formal room and the tiled room is the gameroom. The tile stays and the carpet will be changed. We thought about going to hardwoods, but we found some carpets we really like, and we're trying to stay with the original intent of the architect to have carpet.

Here you go...





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I'm pretty sure (and RPS can testify to this) that without all of her possessions filling her house, that it would have sold long before we even decided to start shopping for a house, so in that regard, I am more than glad that she had all that stuff in the house. It was on the market for months before we saw it. It was even more special once it was empty, and it will serve as a reminder for us to keep it simple.

Now it's empty and it's ours, with all of its pros (size, glass, architectural pedigree, close proximity to 4 more mod houses) and cons (noisy backyard that lines up to a major street, lots of restoration to be done).

I'll keep you updated!


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Had the seller taken the home off the market in another month or so when the listing expired, like she planned, and kept living in it in that state then I think eventually the house would have been lost. tear downs are flooding into Meyerland now, and it won't be too long before it spills over into Willowbend. There is already one on that street. Had she continued to live there a few more years without doing anything to the house, I think it may have deteriorated to the point that no one would have saved it.

Everyone that saw it packed to the gills will sure be surprised at how it looks when you get it done! Can't wait for that photo spread! ( Atomic Ranch? Dwell?)


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By the way,

I'm curious if anyone has seen any other houses with this post and beam style. The poles concept especially. Someone pointed me to pictures of Mar Vista Tract by Gregory Ain in CA, in which I saw pictures of a couple of poles, but not pole after pole like this. Then I've seen them in some of the case study houses, but the poles were rectangular and usually attached to steel beams instead of wood.


We are probably going to paint the poles in our "accent" color to make them stand out. We are toying with the idea of painting the beams brown with the white painted ceiling.

By the way, from the look of the small amount of vinyl siding we've pulled off so far, the redwood underneath seems salvagable. Thank goodness for this, because I will save a lot of money and heartache if it can be saved.

More updates as I get them.


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A couple more thoughts...

I felt like the house would have sold during the RDA tour since it was on the side tour and so close to the tour. I think someone on the tour would have snapped it up, but you're definitely right about it being on the verge of tear down status. A few more years of her "letting it fall down around me" (and those were her words to a neighbor) and it would have been lost for sure.

From all the nice words and congratulations I've gotten from preservationists and enthusiasts I can tell that the house is a loved and respected house. I hope we will do it justice in our efforts. We welcome all input as long as too many cooks don't spoil the broth!


Had the seller taken the home off the market in another month or so when the listing expired, like she planned, and kept living in it in that state then I think eventually the house would have been lost.  tear downs are flooding into Meyerland now, and it won't be too long before it spills over into Willowbend.  There is already one on that street.    Had she continued to live there a few more years without doing anything to the house, I think it may have deteriorated to the point that no one would have saved it. 

Everyone that saw it packed to the gills will sure be surprised at how it looks when you get it done!  Can't wait for that photo spread!  ( Atomic Ranch?  Dwell?)


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  • 4 months later...


I haven't posted on here for awhile, as I'm just getting back into the swing of things where I teach. Our big "meet the teachers night" was on the same night of the lecture so I completely missed out there. Before that, we were on an amazing trip to Chicago to visit their architecture, baseball stadiums, and museum.

Anyway, I just wanted to invite you all to our housewarming and 50th Anniversary for party 10920 Willowisp "Hoover House". It will be on Sunday, October 16th from 3-7pm. As I understand it, every mod lover and their cousin considered buying this house before we stumbled on it. You're welcome to come over that day and see what we've done with the place. Of course, you're also welcome to drive by any day and check it out, but we've still got a lot of landscaping to do between now and forever. At least plans are in place for landscaping, thanks to SpaceAge!

If you drop by, feel free to look for the koi pond in front and say hello to our new fish, Johnson, Jenkins, and Floyd (just don't ask me which is which!) A koi pond is a lot more work than I hoped it would be!


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I haven't posted on here for awhile, as I'm just getting back into the swing of things where I teach.  Our big "meet the teachers night" was on the same night of the lecture so I completely missed out there.  Before that, we were on an amazing trip to Chicago to visit their architecture, baseball stadiums, and museum.

Anyway, I just wanted to invite you all to our housewarming and 50th Anniversary for party 10920 Willowisp "Hoover House".  It will be on Sunday, October 16th from 3-7pm.  As I understand it, every mod lover and their cousin considered buying this house before we stumbled on it.  You're welcome to come over that day and see what we've done with the place.  Of course, you're also welcome to drive by any day and check it out, but we've still got a lot of landscaping to do between now and forever.  At least plans are in place for landscaping, thanks to SpaceAge!

If you drop by, feel free to look for the koi pond in front and say hello to our new fish, Johnson, Jenkins, and Floyd (just don't ask me which is which!)  A koi pond is a lot more work than I hoped it would be!


That is great you are opening your house up. My wife and looked at a house on Willowisp last Sunday. It was a total redo as you come into the neighborhood from S. Post Oak. We loved the house and the price was in our range, but we were not too fond of having retail right behind the fence. Plus I travel quite a bit and I am not sure I feel 100% safe having my wife stay there alone for long stretches of time. Here is the house we looked at. I realize it is a little ways off from your home.


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I am not 100% sold on the neighborhood myself. I am just in love with my house and the 4 that I pass on the way to and from it. I have some issues with the surroundings. There is a home just on the other side of Willowbend that I believe is for sale. I think the back fence backs up to Popeye's. The house is average at best. I can't see why someone would move in right behind the Popeye's drive thru... "CAN I TAKE YOUR ORDER?"

The link you sent didn't work, but I found some other houses on Willowisp in the 10400 block. I'm guessing that behind their fence is the O'Reilley Auto Parts store or the abandoned Dairy Queen. At least with the auto parts store, you would have a building blocking you from S. Post Oak traffic noise. My fence borders on South Post Oak, so the noise is a major issue. Certainly it (and the house's condition) kept everyone from buying the house. I have also been told that once in awhile people live under the bridge behind my property. I had some live oak trees planted in the county property back there and go back a few times a week to water them. I don't see any people under the bridge, but I've been told they are there sometimes.

So, yes, not 100% safe (we use alarm.com), and too loud especially in the morning rush hour (we use earplugs sometimes - everyone just says we'll get used to it) and did I mention the cars that go boom? but there's not another house like it. Our neighbors are also especially nice.


That is great you are opening your house up.    My wife and looked at a house on Willowisp last Sunday.  It was a total redo as you come into the neighborhood from S. Post Oak.    We loved the house and the price was in our range, but we were not too fond of having retail right behind the fence.  Plus I travel quite a bit and I am not sure I feel 100% safe having my wife stay there alone for long stretches of time.    Here is the house we looked at.  I realize it is a little ways off from your home.


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Yeah, thank goodness we don't have a rat issue. We have some roaches, being right next to the bayou/ditch will do that for you.

We had our first bird fatality a couple of days ago. I was gone when it happened, but obviously it flew straight into our front window and landed in the pool below, either drowning or hopefully just dying instantly when it hit the window. I could see how that could happen a lot more often.

My main problem is the bass booming cars even more than the trucks - and those trucks can be over 80 decibels - the law is 68dbs near residences (and I bought a meter). I really hate the boom boom, but they are everywhere nowadays. It's like someone is out to prove a point that they can do whatever they want, including annoying everyone on the road and in the houses nearby. Anyway, I am a musician (funny, I play bass guitar so I'm tuned in to low notes) and they really mess with my ears and equilibrium. When I hear them I lose my concentration for a second and have to stop and think of what I was about to do next. It's frustrating. I bet that the restaurant workers behind that property might play loud music when they're cleaning up and such.

Well, good luck in Meyerland. There should be plenty of mods over there if you're patient.

By the way, one of the reasons the party is on a Sunday is because Sunday is the quietest day.


^^  The house we were looking at was right behind the Casa Ole.    I am thinking the noise and opportunity for rats (rodents and people) are enough to keep us more in the Meyerland area.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

Sorry, but we are needing to push our housewarming back a month for logistical reasons as well as the fact that the hurricane had made my landscaper extra busy now...

It will now be November 20th from 3-7pm.

Please send me a "pm" to rsvp.

Jason Smith


I haven't posted on here for awhile, as I'm just getting back into the swing of things where I teach. Our big "meet the teachers night" was on the same night of the lecture so I completely missed out there. Before that, we were on an amazing trip to Chicago to visit their architecture, baseball stadiums, and museum.

Anyway, I just wanted to invite you all to our housewarming and 50th Anniversary for party 10920 Willowisp "Hoover House". It will be on Sunday, October 16th from 3-7pm. As I understand it, every mod lover and their cousin considered buying this house before we stumbled on it. You're welcome to come over that day and see what we've done with the place. Of course, you're also welcome to drive by any day and check it out, but we've still got a lot of landscaping to do between now and forever. At least plans are in place for landscaping, thanks to SpaceAge!

If you drop by, feel free to look for the koi pond in front and say hello to our new fish, Johnson, Jenkins, and Floyd (just don't ask me which is which!) A koi pond is a lot more work than I hoped it would be!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello agian...

Well, things haven't exactly gone as quickly as we'd like with our housewarming party plans, so it's going to be delayed again. I hesitate to put the date down that we are now planning for since I've jinxed it twice already, but let's just say it will have an "Oscar" theme.

If you are just dying to see our house, pm me and I'd be more than happy to show you, but to have the whole "mod world" of Houston see it at one time, we want it to be further along than it is now.


Hello everyone,

Sorry, but we are needing to push our housewarming back a month for logistical reasons as well as the fact that the hurricane had made my landscaper extra busy now...

It will now be November 20th from 3-7pm.

Please send me a "pm" to rsvp.

Jason Smith

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  • 5 months later...

Hey all,

Thought I'd invite all my online friends to come over to see the house again. We'll be keeping it a little more low key this time, but we're having a veggie-q for my birthday and to celebrate the appearance in Southwest News. We'll also watch the draft day procedings for those interested in football.

Let me know (PM) if you'd like to come.

BYOB! We'll supply the veggies.

It's Saturday, April 29th at 2pm

10920 Willowisp


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Hey all,

Thought I'd invite all my online friends to come over to see the house again. We'll be keeping it a little more low key this time, but we're having a veggie-q for my birthday and to celebrate the appearance in Southwest News. We'll also watch the draft day procedings for those interested in football.

Let me know (PM) if you'd like to come.

BYOB! We'll supply the veggies.

It's Saturday, April 29th at 2pm

10920 Willowisp


I highly recommend any mod fan seeing Jason's home. I probably can't make this one since I'm committed next weekend to Kinky Friedman's campaign. Have fun!


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  • The title was changed to Before Pics Of Willowisp Dr.
  • The title was changed to Home At 10920 Willowisp Dr.

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