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The Heights Real Estate


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My favorite quote:

"Neighbors don't realize the hazards of having a perfect, green turf lawn," Bradshaw said.

Yes, Bradshaw, we are all idiots.  Only YOU have the brain power to see the truth.



This time I have to take exception.

Allow me to bore you. I grew up in a semi-rural area. As a boy, my amusements included exploring the local landscape. Luckily, my mother has an appreciation for nature, with which I have likewise been infected. Instead of playing video games or watching TV, I had the advantage of finding more humble amusements.

Wandering through tangles of brush, I'd find wild strawberries, blackberries and raspberries (and if you haven't eaten them at their source, you're missing something). Woodchuck holes, bird nests, deer, reptiles and insects were constant sources of wonder to me. Exploring nature was a wonderful part of my childhood.

Whenever I'd find an unusual flower or rock or insect, I'd bring it home. If my mom couldn't identify it, she'd direct me to ask our neighbor, who was a science teacher at our local high school. I learned about igneous,sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, monocotyledon vs. dicotyledon plants, the life-cycle of monarch butterflies...you know, utterly useless stuff. This, by the time I was ten years old!

Hey fool...what do you know about nature?

I suspect not much.

Instead of dismissing that about which you appear to be ignorant, perhaps you might find a reason to explore an essential part of life. Like it or not, we are all at the mercy of nature. And if your child brings home an interesting bug...maybe you should show interest, and not automatically pull out the anti-bacterial soap and the Raid.

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Tex has a point. American lawns are the biggest source of water pollution, with all the fertilizer and insecticide, many times improperly applied, running off the lawns into streams and rivers.

The Dead Zone, the huge and growing area of the Guld of Mexico at the mouth of the Mississippi River, that is depleted of oxygen, is largely blamed on fertilizer and insecticide runoff.

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I agree and reiterate the need for education of the issue. Ignorance and fear of something different are all that's fueling this situation. If these neighbors could just be educated as to the worthwhile benefit of what Kelly's doing, perhaps they wouldn't be so quick to pick up the phone and call in the weed police.

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from the article: "These yards are all over the Heights," said Spivey, who suspects newcomers may be to blame. In recent years, new town homes have replaced rundown bungalows nearby."

i would think that example, as well as tattling brought up earlier have the most impact. when "buffy" and "skippy" have their country club friends visit their new townhome, they might be embarrassed by Walker's "yard o' weeds."

although, having previously worked in horticulture for a few years, to my knowledge, most of the world sees st. augustine grass as a weed...heh :rolleyes:

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There are plenty of Texas natives in my garden. Five oaks in the backyward, and two in the front.

The problem with these know it alls is that they go around preaching, just like you did.

If they would change their approach, they would win more friends. Ruinning around like a wierdo from The Deer Hunter does not help.

Just like Pineda said, "these people could use a better approach to community outreach, but I digress"

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Education on many levels would be helpful. Many of the complaints may be attributed to new neighbors who have moved into a 100 year old neighborhood for the closeness to town, yet still picture a master planned community as idyllic. Master planned, by definition, means no individual choice is required, or welcomed. The attractiveness of the MP community is the fact that everything is in its place, like a well kept living room. The blandness of the MP community is directly attributable to the same qualities that make it attractive. Individual expressions of beauty or taste are discouraged, even prohibited. Sameness is encouraged, even demanded.

The Heights, while master planned 100 years ago, is no longer. It is, more than most neighborhoods, a collection of eclectic and individual tastes. On my street alone, there is an artist who uses human ashes as his medium, peace flags hanging from the porch, a gaudy blue, yellow and red house, and several that had Bush signs in the yard for months after the election. A neighborhood is great, not for the collection of artistic or architecturally significant homes it contains, but for the people who reside in those homes.

Kelly should be supported in her fight against the city, not for just the native plant vs. polluted lawn argument, but for the right of all neighbors to be individuals, not compliant corporate spokespersons for Scots Turf Builder.

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the complaints may be attributed to new neighbors who have moved into a 100 year old neighborhood for the closeness to town, yet still picture a master planned community as idyllic

I hardly think that's the case.

Has the Heights really changed that much? Most people move there becuase it's the anti-burb.

El ley es el ley. Go City! Of course, the laws can be changed.

FYI - There are also properties like this off Almeda.

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I was trying to be nice. I think this happened because people moved in who were assholes when they lived in the burbs, and they are assholes now. The only way things should be is the way they want them to be and anyone who disagrees should be made to conform.

Shorter, sweeter, more to the point. How's that? :P

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There are plenty of Texas natives in my garden.  Five oaks in the backyward, and two in the front.

The problem with these know it alls is that they go around preaching, just like you did.

Now there's some biodiversity for you. Oaks...and more oaks. I'll bet the squirrels are happy.

Sorry if you felt my post was preachy. The point I intended to make is that an appreciation of the various native plants is in itself educational and inspiring. For example, hummingbirds and butterflies feed on a variaty of native plants. I'm no expert, but I believe oaks and St. Augustine grass aren't among them.

If I'm mistaken, please feel free to correct me.

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About the pesticides running off and causing the deadzones in the Gulf, the majority of the pesticides come from agricultural areas. Very little is contributed through home use of pesitcides and fertilizers. In many areas where storm water quality requirements are enforced and much of the suburbs are being built on farmland, the subdivision is seen as an ecological improvement over the farmland. Beaumont using this information form the EPA and USDA right now.

Many large cities that exist in heavy agricultural areas are taking this approach. In the sugarcane areas of Louisiana, the pesticides that are used on sugarcane often will kill weaker plants also. My parents lost a who crop of tomatoes and cucumbers from this. After many complaints, the sugarcane industry changed from crop dusters to level level spraying machines. Many of the suburbs of New Orleans use the concept the subdivision is less polluting than the sugarcane. The section of the New Orleans subburbs that doen't apply this is the areas north of the Lake (very little farmland in that area).

Baton Rouge set themselves up so that the development will have to adjust whether they are building on farmland or forested areas. The forested areas, will need storm water quality.

Just my two cents.

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The best part of Houston freeways, I think is the 610 west Galleria Area. The area is forested, and it looks very cool and shaded even in the summer.

When you say forested are you talking about the area through memorial or the area through bellaire that has a ton of trees at the base of the freeway nest to the feeder. Both areas look good though. My personal fav. is the sunken part of 59, but that is for a different thread. :)

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Hello Neighbors,

What is your opinion on restoration vs. new construction? What option does a better job in the long run of maintaining and preserving the architectural integrity of the neighborhood? Any personal experiences or projects undertaken?

Thank you.

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That depends on so many variables, doesn't it? Mainly personal choices, I would guess, how much money you have, how much you care about preserving the integrity of the neighborhood, why you bought there in the first place, so many variables. I lived in a 30 year old home for 10 years, I just moved a few years ago into a 15 year old home, and now I have a 110 year old home. Each one has its' positives and negatives. I must say that even though the 110 year old one is the most challenging and frustrating (mainly because the previous owner let it fall into disrepair in certain aspects), it's also the most rewarding and enjoyable because of its' rich history. It's not fancy in any stretch of the imagination, but I love working on it, and knowing that it's still here 110 years from the time it was built when so many others were either bulldozed or burned down is pretty amazing. Plus, I'm learning all kinds of new skills! :lol:

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It depends a lot on the quality and appearance of both.

Certainly, restoration can bring back a neighborhood to its old glory, though with a different demographic living there.

New construction can completely reinvent a neighborhood that can be better or worse than was there before.

It is a case by case study, and frankly, different people will have different opinions on whether it is an improvement.

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I have seen a lot of new construction in my area. I had the privilege of seeing it first hand across my street (6 homes). Not all builders are the same. They differ quite a bit from the quality of the products used and the skilled labor hired. Restoration can be rewarding but you might end up paying as much as for a new house without accomplishing all your goals. I guess...for new homes...buyer beware. Restoring an older home...have a defined plan with achievable goals.

House plans from yesteryear:


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I think you have to admit that restoration isn't always the answer. While nobody likes to see old buildings torn down, very few people want to take on a dilapidated old house with plaster walls and knob-and-tube wiring.

That being said, you have to wonder if some of these developers that tear down historic buildings to put up town homes are familiar with the concept of Karma.

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i agree, renovating older places, especially those that have not been kept up, can be very expensive and time consuming.

BUT - in the case of these people on lubbock st., i doubt time or money is much of a concern...

PLUS - i think people like them probably emit noxious things in to the air that keep people in general away from them...

EDIT: i did forget to add this quote from the chronicle:

"Norman and Isabel plan to preserve the palm tree."


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What option does a better job in the long run of maintaining and preserving the architectural integrity of the neighborhood?

That's a loaded question. You have to look at what you're replacing. I bought a new Perry townhome (I know, I know) that replaced a trailer park on Airline. Literally, a trailer park. Nobody can make an architectural integrity argument that the neighborhood was better served by a trailer park than by townhomes, no matter how much you disagree with Perry's (lack of) architectural styling. I'll take a new home, no matter how cookie-cutter it is, over a trailer park any day.

People complain because new construction raises the cost of surrounding houses, but by that argument, you could say we'd be better off erecting cardboard shacks. It'd do a great job of keeping property values low and taxes cheap! Woohoo! Let's go cardboard shacks!

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