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The Heights Real Estate


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I am sorry to hear about the theft. I do a lot of walking along Heights Blvd. and I am amazed how infrequently I see HPD patrols. I have noticed an increase in graffiti and vandalism during the summer months. Even the neighborhood watch signs have graffiti all over them. Deadbolt and an alarm should help but always get renter's insurance as recommended by previous posts.

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What's ironic is that these apartments were designed to appeal to people who are concerned about security. Yet the gates and walls are as much an asset as a hinderance to criminals.

I'm more comfortable walking in 'worse' neighborhoods than along that stretch of Studemont between I-10 and Washington Ave. There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no one to call for help.

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There is a limit to what management can do. Certainly they should have good lighting, dead bolts on the doors and working locks on the windows, and someone on patrol at least some of the time. If they have a patrol person, & something happens, then it isn't enough, if they had four and something happened, people would want eight patroling. If they had enough to guarantee safety & stamp it out completely then no one could afford the rent. The bottom line is just like a homeowner, you have to get an alarm, have insurance, and throw on some extra locks for good measure.

I think people look too much at property managers to provide a level of protection that they have given up expecting from the local law enforcement agencies.

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In general, the Heights is fine. It has the usual problems that an urban neighborhood has. The area around the park at Studewood, however, can be a little rough, though. A buddy of mine got robbed there one night.

Since the Alexan is so close by, a little extra care should be taken. It is not an every night thing, but it is there.

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The Heights is a great neighborhood for the most part. At night, you have to be vigilant. A lot of the crime tends to spill into the area. Streets like Durham, Shepherd, Yale, and Main generate a lot of traffic activity. The majority of theft is random and mostly opportunistic, i.e., unlocked cars, opened garages, etc.

This past weekend, a lady stopped by and warned us that her home was broken into during the 2nd week of July. She lives a block away. She said a black, beat-up Nissan Maxima was casing the neighborhood the previous weekend...wee hours of the morning. She is trying to form a neighborhood watch in the area. She has lived in the area for 10 years.

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I live in Alexan Heights Apts (I-10 and Studemont)....there were 5 break-ins yesterday - 3 totally trashed apts and 2 where they just broke the door down.  Is there anyone with some advice as to what I should request from the management (if anything) to allieve my fears of this happening again?  ie: better door/deadbolt, more surveillance cameras, etc....

I know they probably aren't going to do anything - they have an off-duty policeman patrolling at night - but nobody during the day (when these break-ins happened)...

Feeling violated.... :angry:

Maybe this was an "inside" job since you have controlled access? Just a though...

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....Walgreens on 18th and TC Jester!

Looks like the CVS across the street has been shuttered after barely a year of operation. I don't know what's worse, seeing another CVS go in, or seeing a vacant CVS that will either sit abandoned for years like the K-Mart or turn into a dollar store.

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I wish the city or the county would have the money to buy the K-Mart and CVS land by White Oak turn it into a park/regional floodplain storage.

The K-Mart property as it is cannot be added onto at all. No one would ever buy it. It would only be rented because it isn't worth much.

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Heights2Bastrop, that's the one. The paint hadn't even finished drying on the walls. When the CVS/Walgreens "war" finally ends, Houston is going to be littered with big-box carcasses.

The old eckerds at Westhiemer and Sheppard (in center with Schlotsky's) was turned into an CVS and it closed down 6 months later. What a waste.

There are 6 Walgreens and CVS's within 2 miles of my house. There is no way they all last. The new Midtown Walgreens (moving dirt stage) is such a waste. The CVS three blocks away never has anyone in it.

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No I am talking about a strip shopping center along Westheimer at Montrose.  I screwed up when I said Sheppard.  My bad

yeah, that one was doomed.

the had a skeleton crew all of the time, and those few workers constantly had grievances with the management and CVS in general.

then they all got canned (i assume)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I am a freelance journalist -- originally from Houston -- who'd like to hear about bungalows, cottages, and other "small" houses -- **but only if the interiors are creatively but informally decorated and show the style of the owner. **

I know there are lots of cute small houses in the Heights, Montrose, the Museum Area and beyond, and I'd like to hear about those that are NOT formal, that show a certain DYI flair: the owners used flea market, antique, or thrift store finds, made things themselves, etc.

Thanks for your time. I've written for the Washington Post and several other magazines, and have contacts at a shelter (house) magazine.

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Well, our house pretty much fits your requirements. We live on N. Main in Sunset Heights. We took a bastardized 1920's bugalow and returned it to it's original state. Most of our furniture is from antique stores and garage stores. 95% of our art is original-inside and outside. What exactly are you looking for?

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There is a very large development just to the north of SPJST where the old trailer park used to be. Looks like Rob was sitting on a gold mine with that one. Last time I was by there a couple of trailers remained, but they may have been planned as offices or storage. I need to get back by there again.

BTW, what's wrong with "Shady Acres"? Makes it sound like there are a lot of trees there.

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I think a name change could take place without hurting anything. Its independence from the Heights should remain as is, but changing its name to something more urban would be fine. "Shady Acres" is a nature-like name, similar to all the names being mixed and matched in the new suburban neighborhoods. Something prestigious sounding would be good. I just look at the new homes going up and don't see how Shady Acres any longer applies. Maybe it would still work, who knows. This is something that should be up for discussion in the community.

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