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The Heights Real Estate


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MidTown Coog, you are right. I shouldn't have said that about "prestigious sounding". A name of a neighborhood is not prestigious on its own. It is the neighborhood that gives the name prestige, which happens over time. I'd say the neighborhood already has class, but the name should be something more "city-like" rather than a "mix n match" suburban name.

That's one thing that truly makes suburban communities go unnoticed is that all the names sound exactly the same. The developers have a list of nature sounding words that they choose 2 or 3 words from to put together a name. Northwest Harris County has so many neighborhoods, but you only hear to something on the news as happening in Northwest Harris County, rather than in Timber Meadow Pointe or whatever.

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It will always be Shady Acres regardless of the development. I don't thing the residents will ever want to change it. Also, all the plats will have to be updated to make it official. Sure, you can change a sign (if there is one), the lots no matter how subdivided will be Shady Acres.

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This is one of my favorite houses in the Heights. It used to be a corner grocery store way back when, and then it was used as an office. Now it appears to have become an attractive residence. It is on W 16th and (I believe) Ashland.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am interested in moving into the neighborhood and found out about the Community Center on Herkimer (housing for people with traumatic brain injuries)...

Does anybody know anything about this facility? Should I be worrried about living close to the center?

The part that scared me was the barbed wire that enclosed the building...is it to keep people out or to keep people in?

Thanks for any details you can give to me!

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Is it just me or this the place that you would think NO people are most likely to resettle? I say this due to architectual style, history of the area, etc.

I live in the Woodland Heights and am seeing quite a few families staying with friends and families here. I also am noticing that a lot of residents in the Heights are already from Louisiana.

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I think the majority of those looking for a new place to live won't have the luxury of being picky. I think the Heights will be appealing to many. But many will take what they can get.

I think it might be a good time to be a home seller in Houston.

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I think most people with the economic means will go back.  Which will present a unique challenge to Houston - who to deal with possible thousands of new poor people - jobs, schools, and new housing.

Some might stay who are typical middle class but welfare recipients will go to the nearest office here, since there is none there, and get hooked up and into a rental right away. Drug dealers might want to go back as soon as things get going again to try to reposition themselves in the new city. Some will probably get hooked up here though and stay.

Or, some might find out where the illegals hang out and start doing construction day work.

Really though, there will be enormous amounts of construction going on in New Orleans for years and any able-bodied willing New Orleans resident should have no problem getting work.

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I'm housing a family of four and the dad of the group says his company threw in the towel. He has no job to go back to. He is looking to stay here in Houston.

Do you know them? If not, I commend you. Not something the average person would do.

I think the majority of those looking for a new place to live won't have the luxury of being picky.


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Do you know them?  If not, I commend you.  Not something the average person would do.

Hadn't met them until this past week. Very nice people. I wish I could have done more for them. Oh and I was wrong, the dad is a school teacher and the mom a physical therapist. Both displaced and looking for work here now. One of their children started school here last week and the other will start this week. Thats moving right along. We are all just hoping that their house survived. They didnt get to grab much.

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