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More Volunteer Opportunities


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Dr. Kenneth Mattox with the Harris County Hospital District noted that there has been a tremendous outpouring of medical volunteerism for the victims. All aides given credentials to help in these efforts have been screened for the appropriate professional licenses. The Center for Disease Control arrived today and is currently meeting with various officials to start processing victims. There are 270 children that have been admitted into the on-site hospital in Reliant Arena. Also, two evacuees have been hired onto the staff for the medical area and they are continuously looking for medical staff among the evacuees.

To date, over 20,000 people have volunteered at the Reliant Park facilities. In the past 24 hours alone, more than 7500 volunteers have been processed; of these, more than 600 were volunteers from the medical field. Volunteers are still needed and should call Volunteer Houston at 713-965-0031.

If people want information about taking evacuees into their home, visit these two websites, www.shareyourhouse.org and www.craigslist.com.

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My nephew and his girlfriend came in from Austin to volunteer this weekend. They asked me where they should go. I told them that if they really wanted to help out, they should just go home. Go home now and come back in about a month when they are really needed.

They ended up at Brown Convention Center, and, sure enough, people were literally tripping over one another. There was a definite lack of organization there, but that is only natural. I am sure it won

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My wife and I went to Target yesterday to buy hygene products like toothpaste, hairbrushes, underwear, etc. Almost everything was gone from the store. When I dropped at 3000 Harrisburg vehicles were bringing in donation one after the other. I think H2B is on to something. There was definitely that dire need to do something and to feel as though you're contributing. The key test will be a month from now when CNN has stopped its round-the-clock coverage and the headlines have been taken over by a different story. There will still be evacuees staying here in local shelters and volunteers and donations will still be needed. Will everyone be so motivated then?

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The key test will be a month from now when CNN has stopped its round-the-clock coverage and the headlines have been taken over by a different story. There will still be evacuees staying here in local shelters and volunteers and donations will still be needed. Will everyone be so motivated then?

I agree regarding coverage in a month being diminished. It will be the month after when the city is finally drained of all the water. Then the serious search begins and the lid of hell will ripped off to reveal the bloated bodies of men, woman and children of all ages and races. I was going to say I don't mean to be so graphic but I guess I really do, come to think of it. No one will be allowed to forget.

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RedScare, I meant what I said; I just said it very badly. And I can certainly see why what I said was objectionable and even offensive to some. I should have thought out my words more carefully. My apologies. I have edited my post there.

My point was that some volunteer just because everyone else is doing it, or because, not for a

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H2B, I do agree with your more fully explained post. Yes, it would be nice if everyone rushed to the Astrodome and the Red Cross because their heart told them to. But, hey, if a little peer pressure makes some people give or volunteer, I got no problem with that.

Peer pressure gets such a bad rap anyway. :P

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I'm not sure where to post this so pass it around. This morning the donation drop-off point at 3000 Harrisburg was so full they have stopped taking donations-tempoarily, I think. We had the back of my pick-up full of clothes, bedding and dishes. We ended up taking them to St. Mark's Lutheran on Main 3 blocks north of the MFA. Their stuff goes to the dome and the GRB. Also they said they have been giving alot of paper products to the Coast Guard per their requests. [paper towels, kleenex, wet wipes, etc...]

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