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Cruise Ship Relocation Delayed


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DATE: 9/6/2005

Unified Command will delay today's planned relocation of an estimated 4000 Astrodome and Reliant Center residents ..

To: Houston Regional Media Outlets



Joint Information Center

Hurricane Katrina Houston Response

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

News Release

(HARRIS COUNTY) - Unified Command will delay today's planned relocation of an estimated 4000 Astrodome and Reliant Center residents to a pair of Galveston-based cruise ships.

Six days after Hurricane Katrina uprooted their lives in Louisiana, residents say they prefer to stay where they are right now.

"The 'dome is home for them," said Incident Commander Joe Leonard. "For residents, another immediate relocation is simply too much, too soon."

Some residents prefer to focus on finding loved family members. Others want more time to explore the new options that lay ahead in their lives. And all of them still struggle to comprehend the dramatic changes that have occurred in less than a week.

"We realize they need more time to recover emotionally before making this challenging housing transition," Leonard said. "We're listening and giving them more time to heal."

The Reliant Park Complex remains the largest evacuation shelter created in U.S. history.

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I don't blame them, I would not want to be stuck on a cruise ship, but I also would not want to be stuck in the astro dome.

Did you here they tried to send 110 people to Kentucky but really no one wanted to leave Houston. When the 2 buses left only 17 people with family in Kentucky left Houston.

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This morning they said on the news that the people destined for the cruise ships were those needing medical attention, but not serious ones. Since a quite a few in the Dome have found decent housing, the ones that were going to Galveston decided to hold out for a better offer.

I know these people have been through a lot recently, but they have to realize they can

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Mayor White has stated that we want these people to be able to return to the main stream and resume their lives with dignity. Bravo. In addition to feeding them, screening them medically and giving them a dry place to rest their heads, we need to allow them to make their own decisions about what happens next. They need to have some time to weigh the possibilities. They need some time to grieve for what has happened and the horrors they may yet learn of. Some will need more time than others; that's human nature. Some are already out looking for jobs, some are already angling for ways to get back to NO, some just want the world to stop spinning and the images of bodies floating by to stop.

An excellent blog on the Chronicle website written by a high school teacher, an evacuee from NO, said that the evacuees are operating with half a brain right now and the number one priority is finding the rest of their families and friends.

We do not need to be marching the evacuees around, sending them to places they don't want to go, just for the sake of efficiency.

I am absolutely in awe of how well we have handled this huge influx in a week's time and all our elected officials deserve praise. Like Indiana Jones, they're making it up as they go and I think they've committed very few missteps that weren't rectified quickly.

BTW there was an excellent article in the Chronicle today about all the rumors of crime waves, etc. I know someone else has already posted it on another thread but I'm including it here also because there's been far too much rumormongering and alarmism.


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A ship is nothing more than a glorified timporary shelter.
You mean you would pass up a private stateroom on a ship with at least one pool, dining facilities and other amenities for a cot on the floor surrounded by thousands of people?


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