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What To Call "them"


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Refugee - One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution.

An individual seeking refuge or asylum; especially : an individual who has left his or her native country and is unwilling or unable to return to it because of persecution or fear of persecution (as because of race, religion, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion)

Evacuee - A person evacuated from a dangerous area.

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>>God, what a nasty little person you are. :(

umm, that was not intended to be a mean spirited comment.

A independent coffee shop run by someone from New Orleans would be a terrific success story.

The bead comment is the answer to Redscares Mardi Gras blurb...

Please don't lose your sense of humor!

Well, in 1975 the Vietnamese came over in boats, so they were called Boat People. The evacuees from The Big Easy were transported in buses, so they can be called Bus People.

Q: What is welfare?

A: It's the government's early retirement plan for minorities.

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What a jester, Chester....

I don't think the Vietnamese that left appreciated being called "Boat People", just as the Louisiana residents that left would not appreciate being called "Bus People".

But, hey, next time you're working at the shelter, why don't you ask them?

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What a jester, Chester....

I don't think the Vietnamese that left appreciated being called "Boat People", just as the Louisiana residents that left would not appreciate being called "Bus People".

But, hey, next time you're working at the shelter, why don't you ask them?

The mother of my son is Vietnamese (but he doesn't look one bit Asian). She came from a well-to-do family. They escaped from Saigon in an airplane one month before the fall of that city. But when we were together, she duped my father into believing that she was one of those boat people.

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The mother of my son is Vietnamese (but he doesn't look one bit Asian). She came from a well-to-do family. They escaped from Saigon in an airplane one month before the fall of that city. But when we were together, she duped my father into believing that she was one of those boat people.

And the point of this story is....

Back to the topic of what to call "them", I still don't think they'd appreciate being called "Bus People" as you had suggested, but I'm sure you were just kidding.

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And the point of this story is....

Back to the topic of what to call "them", I still don't think they'd appreciate being called "Bus People" as you had suggested, but I'm sure you were just kidding.

Yes, I was kidding. But I'll readily admit that I've never been good at convincing people that I'm kidding about something. When will I ever learn to stop it?

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