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We're Under Attack. Again.


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Some of you may have noticed that I've been a little irritable in my posts to the forum lately. That's because there's something bothering me.

The web site is under attack. For the last month or so some new Windows spambot virus has been pounding the web site and forum trying to crack the security. The attacks are coming from what I assume are zombie Windows machines out of China and India with a few in the 'States, including New Jersey.

To date it hasn't had an affect on the usefulness of the site, but it has cost me $160 in the last two weeks in bandwidth overuse charges. That's more than this site brings in in two months, so it's out of my pocket.

I'm not asking you to do anything since there's not much you can do. I just thought you should know the situation in case the site gives in and suddenly goes down.

Thanks for your understanding.

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That sucks, Wayne.

Did you get my email? Got an error message when I tried to access the second page of the "View Last Click" section. Seems to be stable again - for the time being.

Yeah, I got the message. I'm hoping it was a temporary glitch. The company that hosts the web site (Pair Networks in Pittsburgh) are tweaking the external firewalls to help filter out the worst of the attackers.

If anyone sees any problems e-mail me.

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Is HAIF a "random" target? or are has it be pre-selected to be continually attacked by the same machines until they crack it?

It appears that we were selected randomly. I've seen discussions from other web site owners that they, too, are being attacked by the same Windows bot.

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Any new word on this. I hope that the attacks have ceased.

Also just wondering did you change the flood control time to 10 seconds rather than 20 sec. Just curious.

EDIT: Just as an interesting point. After we went through some what of a slump around a month ago we have alot of users on now.

68 guests, 31 members 2 anonymous members ---today

and just 4 days ago we had our most ever 165.

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  • 6 months later...
The attacks have not ceased, but I'm fairly confident things will hold up for now. It won't collapse the web site right now, but it is costing money, so I still have to find a permanent solution.

sorry to revamp an old topic but i am

curious if you are still combating things

like this regularly.

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It's not so much the malicious attacks anymore as it is spammers trying to exploit weaknesses to spread their slime. But the people at Invision Power Services (the forum software authors) and Pair Networks (the host) have been very good about staying ahead of them.

I used to block all computers from China and India from reaching HAIF. But then I went to China and couldn't get on, so I dropped those blocks.

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