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The Abandoned Astrodome And Its Future


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As long as the dome is saved for a future generation who might be smart enough to do something cool with it, I'm all for the new plan. It saves Houston's most iconic structure. 194 million sounds like a bargain to bring the Astrodome back to life. So what if a few whiny freaks grumble on the internet. The internet is just where all the disgruntled, unhappy people that no one listens to in real life go to die.


I say, ignore the nay-sayers and the people with all the big, grandiose ideas with no funding or hope of getting their ideas to come to fruition and bring the dome back to life with the only plan on the table.


Is this plan good enough? No. But nothing ever will be. There is always going to be someone on the internet griping about anything "they" do to it so let the disgruntled "disgrunt".


The Astrodome is a monument because of what it represents to Houston. It's only real purpose in my opinion is that it remains standing.  Just like the Statue of Liberty or the Alamo. What point do they serve either except that those structures represent something that is important to 'some' people - but not everyone. Well, that's all the Astrodome really needs to do too. It's stands for something for those of us who are proud of Houston and the mark that the Astrodome left on the world. It changed the entire sports world as we know it. And it should be valued for the fame, acclaim, and prestige that it has given Houston.  If you don't get it - your opinion isn't worth a stinking pile of doggie poo and you need to stay out of the argument or go back wherever the hell you came from.


The fact that someone actually found an actual practical use for it on occasion is just icing on the cake. 

Edited by Hugh Stone
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  • 1 month later...

Lol, the county is asking for a half cent tax increase to save the Dome. This was a setup all along. First of all the popular choice which was the park was basically shoved aside for the in house bid. Now by asking for a tax increase which they know will infuriate houstonians they have the excuse to tear it down and make into a parking lot which is what they wanted all along.

Edited by Slick Vik
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This just in...


Court Votes Unanimously to Allow Voters Opportunity To Decide on Future of the "Eighth Wonder of the World"

Harris County Commissioners Court voted unanimously this morning to give Harris County voters the opportunity to decide the fate of the Harris County Domed Stadium, the world-famous Astrodome owned by county taxpayers.

The court's decision means voters will decide on Nov. 5 whether to allow the county to issue up to $217 million in bonds to finance the redesign and redevelopment of the former stadium, which has remained empty and largely unused since 2009. The exact amount of bonds to be issued and the amount of the required property tax increase to pay off those bonds has not yet been determined, but would be part of the ballot language presented to voters.

"One of the most frequent questions I have heard in my six and a half years as county judge has been 'What are we going to do with the Astrodome'," Emmett said. "Now the voters will finally get to decide."

After a lengthy multi-year process in which the county unsuccessfully sought private proposals with funding for the Astrodome, the Harris County Sports and Convention Corporation unveiled a proposal in June called "The New Dome Experience." The plan calls for converting the Astrodome to a modern multipurpose venue with open space that could play host to a multitude of sports, exhibitions and community events, including activities of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

If approved by voters in November, the repurposing of the Astrodome would take approximately 30 months, allowing it to play a key role in the hosting of Super Bowl LI in February 2017.

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I want to see more on the revenue side.  What is the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, OTC, other conventions, etc. expected to contribute in revenue.  Otherwise all I see is one expensive renovation with higher property taxes.

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^  Agreed, we need to and almost certainly will see some estimates of expected revenues that should pay for some of the bond payments.   FWIW, if the entire $217 Million is borrowed and if the entire amount is funded by property taxes, it would cause the taxes on a $200,000 home to go up by about $8.00 per year.

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Even though most of us want to save the Astrodome, don't y'all think that if its turned into a convention center that it'll take away attention from the downtown convention center? If that happens wouldn't it take attention and people from downtown and essentially slow down progress? Just a thought

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Even though most of us want to save the Astrodome, don't y'all think that if its turned into a convention center that it'll take away attention from the downtown convention center? If that happens wouldn't it take attention and people from downtown and essentially slow down progress? Just a thought


the venues are two totally different spaces. one something like 1,000,000 ft of continuous floor space if im not mistaken, and the other (Astrodome) space is about 400,000 sq ft of column free floor space with insanely high ceilings. the events they can hold are different sized events with different requirements. the Astrodome will be able to bring that hugh O&G industry event at Reliant park indoors with the open space inside the dome.

both are right on light rail lines too, so the Astrodome is just a short/direct trip away from being in downtown. with events like the superbowl the city will be able to utilize both spaces simultaneously and have them connected through the light rail system.

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I'm not one to say take it down... But I would hate to just see it as a skeleton frame with a park. I was really hoping for that company to turn it into an amusement park or a studio. If nothing like that can be done, I think it's time to say our goodbyes. It would feel like a slap in the face to leave the frame, but I'm sure that 2m/year could be put to better use.

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Reliant Center already competes, to a certain extent, with GRB.  I don't think the proposed renovation of the Dome will actually change.  Events that would be using the Dome would not have the GRB on their radar.


I like the plan.  Like Naviguessor, I am very happy to pay $8 a year to keep the Dome.

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I am more or less just excited the dome's fate is now in the hands of the citizens of Houston. Once and for all we will all know how much this icon truly means to this city. Regardless if the vote is yay or nay, we only have ourselves to blame for the choice that was made.


I'll probably pop some popcorn and watch that vote trickle in with utter anticipation  ^_^ 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just love how now there's all this 'political clout' and fundraising $$$ and a PAC behind an ad campaign designed to shame residents into voting for their boondoggle. If that's the case there's so much financial support, why does the county need to raise taxes and float another bond? I'm a highly sentimental lifelong Houstonian (born the same day the first game was played in the dome!) and was opposed to  the dome's destruction for a long time. But at this point I'm so sick of the old boy politics and lies to get what they wanted all along, I'll be first in line to vote no.  No vision, and a flat out refusal to entertain other, viable ideas.  F*****Harris County on this. I would gladly accept a tax hike of far more than $8/year for meaningful infrastructure improvements, but not for a structure that makes for a slick brochure but otherwise sits empty more often than not.

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I'm curious how this will compete with the GRB. Aren't the depicted events such as OTC and FanZone currently held in the GRB? And, for the SuperBowl, it seems the focus might shift from downtown and Discovery Green to the Astrodome if major events such as FanZone are relocated to the Astrodome. Hope I'm wrong, but just seems odd that we'd be expanding the GRB, adding hotels and retail around it, then shift some of its biggest events to another location. 

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I'm curious how this will compete with the GRB. Aren't the depicted events such as OTC and FanZone currently held in the GRB? And, for the SuperBowl, it seems the focus might shift from downtown and Discovery Green to the Astrodome if major events such as FanZone are relocated to the Astrodome. Hope I'm wrong, but just seems odd that we'd be expanding the GRB, adding hotels and retail around it, then shift some of its biggest events to another location. 


It certainly is competing with the GRB, at taxpayer expense.  The difference is that the Astrodome is run by the county, which doesn't give a hoot about competing with the city at taxpayer expense. 


The Dome is much larger than shown in the renderings.  It is probably pictured out of scale intentionally.

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I'm curious how this will compete with the GRB. Aren't the depicted events such as OTC and FanZone currently held in the GRB? And, for the SuperBowl, it seems the focus might shift from downtown and Discovery Green to the Astrodome if major events such as FanZone are relocated to the Astrodome. Hope I'm wrong, but just seems odd that we'd be expanding the GRB, adding hotels and retail around it, then shift some of its biggest events to another location.

The OTC is already held at Reliant. Understand your point about FanZone, but there's a certain amount of logic in holding it next door to the actual game.

The expansion of GRB is much more about competing with other cities to establish Houston as a premier convention city than it is about competing with Reliant. They should be complementary from that standpoint.

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