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Midtown Homeless Situation


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To be honest I think there is a knee-jerk fear reaction against the homeless that is totally undeserved. I work at a clinic for the homeless downtown sometimes, and granted that many of them have problems with drug/alcohol addiction or mental illness, they are essentially a benign group of people. They are just in survival mode and trying to make it out on the streets, but most of them are very friendly and have very sad/interesting life stories.

I can understand a young woman being scared of a random person at nightime, but otherwise I think everyone is blowing the threat of the homeless way out of proportion. I also think there is a racial undercurrent that is not being acknowledged.

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I can understand a young woman being scared of a random person at nightime, but otherwise I think everyone is blowing the threat of the homeless way out of proportion. I also think there is a racial undercurrent that is not being acknowledged.

For the most part I agree. I say "good morning" to the homeless wanderer's when Im walking the dog in the morning. They aren't evil people. For the most part, they don't mean any harm. They need to know their boundaries though.

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da mayor who doesn't enforce the laws he passes

Well, passing laws and enforcing them are two different things.

For the most part I agree. I say "good morning" to the homeless wanderer's when Im walking the dog in the morning. They aren't evil people. For the most part, they don't mean any harm.

That sounds sensible. We're not going to be able to wish the problem away, as hard as people try, so I just give them a dollar and move on. And if they spend it on drink, well then they spend it on drink. I'm not Carrie Nation, here to rid the nation of demon alcohol.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I almost punched a homeless guy in the face for the first time ever.

I was at the CVS in Midtown, he asked me on my way in for money, I said no. He asked me on my way out, I said no.

I then heard him say "Im gonna break someones car" in an aggrevated, but soft voice.

I turned around and asked him to repeat what he just said. He wouldnt of course and just walked off.

If my gf hadnt been right there, I would have put his face into the wall, and I am not a violent person at all.

The homeless need to go away.

I agree with you. They do need to go away. They serve no purpose in our society.

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I agree with you. They do need to go away. They serve no purpose in our society.

I find this a frightening sentiment. What do you mean by "away"? Do you want them dead? In camps? Moved to Dallas? Or do you mean everyone should get a free home?

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As a matter of fact, the old Holiday Inn was taken over and run by the homeless for a while. They even had someone manning the switchboard. Finally the city figured it out and chased them out.

What do you mean they took over the place? Did they somehow connect this building to the power grid and actually started running the business? People stayed there?

I still want to know about the dots.

If your fiance doesn't feel safe when people get close to her, it sounds like she either needs to do something to feel more safe (like learn self defense, carry a gun, look scarier than anyone she meets) or avoid places where people might get close. Either way, it doesn't sound like homelessness is the real issue.

It really is the issue. People do not want to be pestered by beggars/bums/panhandlers - homeless or not.

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Did that overturn Dallas' anti-pan handling law? I thought it worked well at least keeping beggars off the corners..

It depends on the nuances of Dallas' law. There are "aggressive panhandling" ordinances that have been upheld in court. But general anti-panhandling ordinances tend to stand until the local ACLU or equivalent challenge them.

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Why doesn't someone take the tens of millions that the democrats and republicans are raising to fund their campaigns (great use of money, more commercials and PR experts and harassing phone calls and mail for us) and put their money where their mouth is. They could easily fund something to feed all the homeless for the amount wasted on political fundraising.

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I know this is a well-worn argument, but I cannot believe anyone WANTS to be homeless. Many people have addictions of some sort of another that lead to their homelessnes, others mental issues.

I certainly don't believe they should be abused (punched) or shipped off (cattle car comment).

Have we lost ALL compassion and civility?

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I know this is a well-worn argument, but I cannot believe anyone WANTS to be homeless. Many people have addictions of some sort of another that lead to their homelessnes, others mental issues.

I certainly don't believe they should be abused (punched) or shipped off (cattle car comment).

Have we lost ALL compassion and civility?

To be fair, you could make a million dollars a year, but if you repeatedly begged me for money outside the CVS and then threatened to break into my car while I shop, I would want to punch you too.

Its not like Im going after just the homeless...

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I certainly don't believe they should be abused (punched) or shipped off (cattle car comment).

Have we lost ALL compassion and civility?

While some of these comments were probably in jest.. there is only so much tolerance to go around.. and I've run out..

There have been bums/vagrants/hobos/human debris since the beginning of time.. No amount of compassion is going rid them of their lifestyle or habits.. or mental disease..

Compassion to me is defined as to help someone get out of a situation where they no longer need handouts..

Giving a hobo a buck for a drink or a cig does not get them out of their sitation, it prolongs it.

Shelters which provide good and/or sleep with no job training does not get them out of their situation, it prolongs it.

Then you have the change the attitudes of those who don't want help.. that is.. to be indepenent of hand-outs.. And this is the hardest part becuase you can't change someone who doesn't want to change.. (BELIEVE IN CHANGE!! WOO!! /sarc..)

So I will not give a buck to those who do not want to help themselves..If you don't want to help yourself, then you are not a productive member of society.. I don't want to see you.. Get in the railcar and go to Katy.

If they have a mental disorder.. then perhaps all this money being spent on shelters could be diverted into housing at a mental facility where they can get proper treatment..

IMHO hobos are as much an eyesore as grafitti, maybe more so.. If the city was serious, "Bonez" White would pass an ordinance to fine property owners who put up with the hobos on their property.. but since most of them live in city owned parks, I don't see this ever happening.

I am not Jesus.. I'm not the holy roller who has to be compassionate like him.. I'm a realist.. I want my city to be livable and be able to enjoy parks and outdoor recreation with my kids without the smell of urine permeating the air and some ____ stained human debris asking me for another handout.

No thanks.. I already paid my taxes..

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I know this is a well-worn argument, but I cannot believe anyone WANTS to be homeless. Many people have addictions of some sort of another that lead to their homelessnes, others mental issues.

I certainly don't believe they should be abused (punched) or shipped off (cattle car comment).

Have we lost ALL compassion and civility?

If they have addictions then they are weak. If they have mental issues they should be in treatment.

Perhaps they should not be abused or shipped off but what are we to do? What should the people who do not want to be bothered with them do besides move to the suburbs or further out?

I'm sure most of us have not lost all compassion or civility but to be blunt, other than to further our society's or personal advancement/agenda, why should we care other than to avoid being a victim of a crime?

I don't bother them so why do they bother me? Can't we all just live in peace?

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This is prolly opening another can of worms, but (minus the ones with mental issues or disablities) why have compassion for those that just do not want to work??? Take for instance the poor homeless less fortunate illegal aliens we have in the city. Not that I condone their behavior at all. But they don't tend to hang out in front of CVS Downtown begging for handouts. They try to work for what ever they can get. They will take any job offered to them. At least they are still willing to strive to survive. Like mentioned, the ones with disablities or mental illnesses should be taken care of. These homeless that just do not want to work and just ask for handouts get no respect from me.

My 2 cents.

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I know this is a well-worn argument, but I cannot believe anyone WANTS to be homeless. Many people have addictions of some sort of another that lead to their homelessnes, others mental issues.

There are a few, but they're few and far between. They're more akin to hobos than vagrants. I've seen documentaries on the homeless where occasionally there will be one or two of them who talk about the feeling of freedom they have in no longer being shackled to 9-5 civilization.

Again, this is rare and I think your assessment that many are addicts and mental is closer to the mark.

I started a project this week photographing the homeless guys sleeping in Starbucks. So far I have three. It's harder than I thought it would be because the baristas and cops are getting better at shooing them out. I wonder if that's related to the survey I filled out from my receipt where I complained about them sleeping in the comfy chairs. The regional manager of Starbucks here is very responsive to complaints. Every time I complain on Starbucks.com about the state of the bathrooms I get a bunch of free drink coupons in the mail.

When a beggar approaches me in Starbucks I always say the same thing, "You can't solicit on private property. Do you want me to call the manager or the police?" If I get an expletive in return, I count it as one point for me. When I get to 100 points I win!

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I am not Jesus.. I'm not the holy roller who has to be compassionate like him.. I'm a realist.

I think Jesus was a realist, too. If he gave alms or whatnot to every beggar in Biblical times, he wouldn't have had time to do anything else.

Interestingly, even though there are plenty of beggars in the Bible when I travel to these Middle Eastern countries I rarely see any beggars. Maybe one or two for every 50 I see in America.

And it's not because of the little old ladies that my local Cathedral has video cameras mounted throughout the complex, and security guards posted at the entrance.

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In my opinion giving a homeless person on the street a dollar or a meal is not compassion. You are perpetuating their situation. If you give them money you are part of the problem and you are partly responsible for them being out there.

I'm not sure I meant giving them anything. I talked about the abuse someone wished to do to them in response to them saying something about 'someone's' car (not even their's if I remember correctly).

This is prolly opening another can of worms, but (minus the ones with mental issues or disablities) why have compassion for those that just do not want to work??? Take for instance the poor homeless less fortunate illegal aliens we have in the city. Not that I condone their behavior at all. But they don't tend to hang out in front of CVS Downtown begging for handouts. They try to work for what ever they can get. They will take any job offered to them. At least they are still willing to strive to survive. Like mentioned, the ones with disablities or mental illnesses should be taken care of. These homeless that just do not want to work and just ask for handouts get no respect from me.

My 2 cents.

Personally I rarely give money. Now, if someone claims they are hungry and I am headed into a restaurant (fast food 'cause I ain't no fool) I will ask them what they want or let them know they can come in and order something and I'll pay for it.

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I'm not sure I meant giving them anything. I talked about the abuse someone wished to do to them in response to them saying something about 'someone's' car (not even their's if I remember correctly).

Yep there's no reason to treat them badly. I feel sorry for them and it's hard to not give them anything but when my life was going nowhere my parents cut me off financialy and I thank them for it everyday.

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The homeless and panhandlers tend to move on to more transitional areas when new development encroaches. So eventually, as midtown develops, this won't be issue.

Personally, it depends on who's asking for change; but generally, I have no compassion for strangers who only care about separating me from my meager, yet hard earned internship money.

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  • 3 months later...

Some of these guys are homeless and some are people who make little money and get the free food given at various places to stetch thie money. There is a vegeterian feed four nights a week downtown and a few of the ones there are students.

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