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I went to this last night. Didn't see any HAIF shirts, but that was probably because of the thousands of people there. The banks of the bayou were packed, the walkways were packed, everything was packed...and I didn't even arrive until 10 pm! I'm sure it was even more crowded at the earlier times when the fireworks were going off.

I was disappointed in the lack of trash cans, prompting people to toss their beer bottles on the ground. Hopefully, more trash receptacles arrive. Also, while lighting was generally good around Sabine and the Hobby Center, it dropped off quickly around Bayou Place. Hopefully, they add some lighting there...though the lighting appeared better on the Downtown side of the bayou.

All in all, it looked good. Lots of people checking out our new and improved bayou. :D

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Well I would think that someone commissioned some photos of the whole thing with the lights, fireworks, and moon-shaped lights on the Heritage tower.

All in all, a great event.

By the way--the food prices were PHENOMENAL!!!!! $4 for a Shrimp Po-Boy with spicy waffle fries???!!! I think this may have been one of the best parts, lol!!!

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My mom brought my niece and nephew out there. She said she LOVED it but was most impressed by the bayou walk itself. She couldn't believe the improvements and I have now convinced her to get on board with the Buffalo Bayou Partnership!

She was born and raised in Houston (Mount Vernon St) and said she had never seen the bayou look better.

I just wish the B.B.P. would kick off some major fundraising job to get the word out to the masses about what they are trying to accomplish. If they can achieve just HALF of what they propose, it would be the best thing to ever happen to Houston.

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I was impressed with Sabine Lofts. The new bayou walk really has a nice view of Sabine, and the building's lighting scheme is pretty cool. Would mind living there with the excellent view of the skyline!

The bayou walk itself was very nice. I heard some people complain they prefered the wilder unkept look. But I think it looks a heck of a lot better the way they re-did it.

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^^So maceo9903. It's good to see you like Houston but curious. What does Houston have that Atlanta doesn't. As far as i know Atlanta has trendier developments, better mass transit, and hills.

Houston has better shopping, dining, and arts/theatre scene. You have better museums too. All of those things are on a world class level and they are not on that level here in Atlanta. Atlanta is a lot of media (mostly hip hop) hype. Houston has more substance. We do have better mass transit though and we do have hills and Houston dosent. But you have the beach and we dont. For MY money, I'll take the beach! Hope that awnsered your question.

To all of those who will surely have something to say about me getting off topic, my apologies. I logged on to see if anyone had any pictures of this event. It sounds like it was a success. Hope to see some pictures soon!

Edited by maceo9903
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cool looks like the bayou park passed it's first test. I'm sure a lot of people were hesitant about pumping that much money into a park that could just be washed away.

...The park, designed to withstand periodic flooding, appears to have passed the test convincingly.

"Nine days later, the new park's broad, winding trails and lovingly tended vegetation were under water, submerged in a rapidly rising bayou swelled by Monday's torrential rainfall.

It was an important test of the long-planned, $15 million park.

.......We didn't lose a single plant," said Scott Barnes, the conservation director for the Buffalo Bayou Partnership, the nonprofit group overseeing the bayou improvements....

article here

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Here's my small contribution:


Here's the old building built in the 1930s where the Love Street Light Circus used to be.

(It's mentioned in the 70s Hippy forum)


My favorite pic of Buffalo Bayou so I'm posting the larger version:


Looking Southeast on the Fannin St. bridge


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this topic should be merfged with teh exissting Bufalo Bayou thread. I think that it would he good if they put cement at bottom of the bayou near downtown and THat way they could die the water blue and maKe it look more apealing. With tHe bayou having mud at the bottom like it is now, the wtaer will stay brown. THey could drain the wateer and lay the cement and fill back up and it would apear more cleanner. :)

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this topic should be merfged with teh exissting Bufalo Bayou thread. I think that it would he good if they put cement at bottom of the bayou near downtown and THat way they could die the water blue and maKe it look more apealing. With tHe bayou having mud at the bottom like it is now, the wtaer will stay brown. THey could drain the wateer and lay the cement and fill back up and it would apear more cleanner. :)

Can they dye the water? Often? Interesting, but I don't think that would work. However, the green water has been real nice. A huge rain and it is muddy again. :angry2:

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  • 8 months later...

same weekend as the other pics.. drove to York and Jensen.. had never seen that view of Buffalo Bayou and must say quite impressive. Had no idea the bayou was so wide. I'm learning so much from y'all.




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