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I actually took a closer look at the bridge today, it only LOOKS like sheet metal from a distance (and at various) angles. In reality it's just metal piping or whatever. It's okay, but I think they could have done a bit better, though.

As long as its durable, I don't think the appearance of this material is worth the concern. Let's keep building more of these bridges and such with that generous donation to the City.

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I asked some of the workers yesterday, and they said "it's supposed to be done on the 18th"

Given the 18th was yesterday, i take it they don't know. But it is getting close.

looking closer at those art sculptures, they are made up of letters from different alphabets across the world. I recognized at least 8 alphabets and there were plenty more. I like them because they look cool from a distance and when you get right up to them they're even more interesting.

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Surprised no one posted the Swamplot article about the statues:

But standing — or really, kneeling — guard by the bridge’s southern entrance today are 7 new sculptures by Barcelona artist Jaume Plensa that were given to the city by a small group of donors who aren’t going out of their way to advertise their identity. The name for the artwork: Tolerance.

Photos available at the link:


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When I left the office today I could see that the barricades were down on the Allen Parkway side and a couple of people on the bridge. A news van was there so I don't know if it was open, or they were doing a spot or what.

No leaf or debris build-up yet in the art that I could spot, but it shouldn't take long. I think we should turn them into giant change jars, and when they get full, use the money to trade in for more sculpture.

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Kinda surprised no one else is talking about the other bridge that it appears that they are building near Scott.

Edit: Sorry for the pics being kinda small. Accidentally deleted the good ones.




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Oh whoops!! Posted in the wrong thread. What a n00b lol

Edit: Can a moderator please delete this post and move my post about the new bridge to the Brays Bayou thread? Sorry for being a dumbass tongue.gif

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Well, rode the bridge today. I like it. Very beautiful design and there are already tons of people using it to get across Memorial and the bayou. The only flaws I see/felt so far was that the bridge is a little bumpy... would think it could be a little smoother in some areas but I'd imagine most people that walk or run wouldn't notice as I did on my bike. Also felt that the words "slow" and "stop" at the crossing point where both bridges connected was kinda unnecessary.. no one is going to stop. Not even the cop that was on her bike stopped where it said to stop. I didn't either... I slowed down when was kids crossed my path but that was about it.

Annnyway, here are some pics of the bridge that I took around 5pm:

From upper Memorial



Here's the "slow" mark on the concrete I was talking about. That's understandable to have "slow" there, but like I said, no one is going to follow "stop."


View from the upper bridge:


...and looking down towards the lower bridge:


Memorial... looking at upper bridge:


The entrance to the lower bridge from Memorial:


Coming from Allen Parkway:


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Well, rode the bridge today. I like it. Very beautiful design and there are already tons of people using it to get across Memorial and the bayou. The only flaws I see/felt so far was that the bridge is a little bumpy... would think it could be a little smoother in some areas but I'd imagine most people that walk or run wouldn't notice as I did on my bike. Also felt that the words "slow" and "stop" at the crossing point where both bridges connected was kinda unnecessary.. no one is going to stop. Not even the cop that was on her bike stopped where it said to stop. I didn't either... I slowed down when was kids crossed my path but that was about it.

Thanks for the story and pics. I set out to cross this bridge as well and did so today. I made the trip from roughly the Richmond @ Montrose intersection and went all the way to the bridge and went west down the trail to Westcott and back. I haven't ventured this far north and west on my bike yet and it was my first time riding along Buffalo Bayou. I must say I was floored by the potential, of course the trails were crap and there was a lot of overgrowth but the future looks bright with that very large donation.

As for the bridge, seems very functional and utilitarian, and there's nothing wrong with that in this case. I wish the bridge continued on over Allen Parkway as it was a bit intimidating and inconvenient to cross Allen Parkway on bike coming from south Montrose, at least for the first time. I took both sections of the bridge and did quite a bit of riding. The weather was perfect and there were tons of people out on their bikes throughout my trips and tons of people on the trail itself. Hopefully next time I can stop and take some pics.

Edited by kdog08
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Well, rode the bridge today. I like it. Very beautiful design and there are already tons of people using it to get across Memorial and the bayou. The only flaws I see/felt so far was that the bridge is a little bumpy... would think it could be a little smoother in some areas but I'd imagine most people that walk or run wouldn't notice as I did on my bike. Also felt that the words "slow" and "stop" at the crossing point where both bridges connected was kinda unnecessary.. no one is going to stop. Not even the cop that was on her bike stopped where it said to stop. I didn't either... I slowed down when was kids crossed my path but that was about it.

Were you on a road bike? I didn't think it was bumpy, not anymore then other regular sidewalks. I agree with the 'stop' words, pointless.

Overall I like the bridge, nice to have an option to cross without having to go all the way over to Waugh or Sabine. And I bet the 'dog park' will get more crowded since people can walk over now from the apartments on the north side.

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As for the bridge, seems very functional and utilitarian, and there's nothing wrong with that in this case. I wish the bridge continued on over Allen Parkway as it was a bit intimidating and inconvenient to cross Allen Parkway on bike coming from south Montrose, at least for the first time.

I agree. The feeder roads were designed for automobiles with little regard for pedestrians or cyclists. As an alert, law-abiding person who has suffered personal injury from careless drivers, your fears are not groundless.

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The bridge is cool. I like its low-key design. its lighting, and the new connection it makes for peds and bikers.

I am a bit concerned about the leg which extends to the south side of Memorial Drive. If one should not pay attention to the "SLOW" signs (just saying!:blush: ), one might find oneself in the middle of Memorial Drive where the speed limit is 50 mph. I would like to see a better guard at the foot of that leg.

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  • 2 weeks later...


some more pics and an interview with one of the designers

"JM: It remains to be seen how much of an icon it would be. I can't say. I hope so. There are also two more major bridge connections planned for pedestrians across the bayou, with the hope that those bridges will also be pretty exciting, intensive projects. I think there's the possibility to create a string of unique bridges and have them together be an icon."

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  • 6 months later...


Meeting tonight and Thursday at De Pelchin Children's Center - Buffalo Bayou Partnership is showing off their latest plans for Shepherd to Sabine stretch of Buffalo Bayou.

More info in the project can be found here - http://www.buffalobayou.org/shepherdsabine.html

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I went to the event yesterday and was blown away by the plans. I hope they upload the renderings soon, but, essentially, they are treating this as Houston's "Central Park." The amenities the newly-redone park will have combined with the expanded and dedicated wilderness areas will create a truly beautiful, usable park.

In short, there will be:

- at least 2 opportunities for restaurants/cafes

- a formal dog park with a small pond for the dogs

- another pond for kids and people who casually want to interact with the water

- new wetlands

- thousands of new native trees

- the removal of exotic-species plants

- a sizable budget for ongoing maintenance of the bayou and its surroundings

- 2 concert venues, dozens of art spaces

- dozens of canoe launch sites and rentals

- new trails including different types of trails through different parts of the park

- better connection to the surrounding communities

- 3 new pedestrian bridges, etc.

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I went to the event yesterday and was blown away by the plans. I hope they upload the renderings soon, but, essentially, they are treating this as Houston's "Central Park." The amenities the newly-redone park will have combined with the expanded and dedicated wilderness areas will create a truly beautiful, usable park.

This is great that people are excited, now hopefully those who who are enthused by this will help promote and raise funds for the stretch from UHD to the Lockwood bridge. It only took San Antonio a few dozen years to realize their viable waterway/waterfront actually stretched past the tourist zone of downtown, south to the missions. We can do better.

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Swamplot has details and pretty renderings.


Very ambitious plans include:

3 new pedestrian bridges (Shepherd, Jackson Hill, Police Memorial)

A small Lake near Dunlavy and Allen Pkwy

Detailed/Large map can be found here, courtesy of the Buffalo Bayou Partnership.

EDIT: Ambitious.. but seems a lot more doable than their previous plan which included getting rid of the cloverleaf and adding numerous small lakes and boat launches there. They already have half the money raised for this project. Scheduled completion: 2015.

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