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I like to get out on my bike each Sunday morning and this stretch of the bayou has quickly become my favorite. I haven't been too impressed by other large-scale landscape installations in Houston, but I think this one is exceedingly well done considering the challenges. I am hard-pressed to find anything I would like to see changed.

I have included a few pics here, and a link at the bottom to the rest. Enjoy!











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We went for an early evening ride today and I was amazed how clean it was after this morning's rains. I have lived here all my life [53+] and I have never seen it so beautiful. I encourage everyone to get on your bikes-or feet-and take in the beauty. :)


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Does it pain anyone else to see that the designers of the Hobby Center turned their back to the bayou? Now, with this nice water feature, there is nothing but an uninviting, imposing, featureless wall of brick to greet you as you step from the landing.


Maybe they can do a "renovation" ala the Houston Parks Shops ;)

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Yeah, I went riding down there yesterday as well. (Maybe we can set up some HAIF bike rides.) Overall it is very nice, with a lot of flowers and other landscaping. In person it is even more apparent that the freeway supports should be painted.

Does it pain anyone else to see that the designers of the Hobby Center turned their back to the bayou? Now, with this nice water feature, there is nothing but an uninviting, imposing, featureless wall of brick to greet you as you step from the landing.

It is unfortunate that they had to build that entire Hobby Center garage, especially adjacent to blocks of the underground civic center garage. You are right that among all the other design problems the Hobby has, they chose to turn its back on the bayou.

Another part that doesn't "work" is the rear section of Bayou Place (that was just converted to vacant offices). I still say they should just have torn that wing down.

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Does it pain anyone else to see that the designers of the Hobby Center turned their back to the bayou? Now, with this nice water feature, there is nothing but an uninviting, imposing, featureless wall of brick to greet you as you step from the landing.


Maybe they can do a "renovation" ala the Houston Parks Shops ;)

Yeah, I went riding down there yesterday as well. (Maybe we can set up some HAIF bike rides.) Overall it is very nice, with a lot of flowers and other landscaping. In person it is even more apparent that the freeway supports should be painted.

It is unfortunate that they had to build that entire Hobby Center garage, especially adjacent to blocks of the underground civic center garage. You are right that among all the other design problems the Hobby has, they chose to turn its back on the bayou.

Another part that doesn't "work" is the rear section of Bayou Place (that was just converted to vacant offices). I still say they should just have torn that wing down.

It sucks. Robert Stern, I thougth you were better than that... :angry:

Nice pics, by the way. I'm impressed how it looks.

Edited by Spencer Street
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Forgive me, where do you park or how can you get to the park?

I'm downtown, so I just bike over, but...

You can park along Sabine Street, or there is a lot behind Sabine Street lofts (on the Memorial Drive side). Sabine street sort of marks the end of the developed part of the bayou. Anything beyond that (down Allen Parkway) is more natural.

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"It sucks. Robert Stern, I thougth you were better than that..."

Actually, he is better than that. He designed the Hobby Center... but Houston's own Morris Architects designed the parking garage for the Hobby Center (which is such a blight on the bayou and also mars the skyline from I-45). We don't have to go far to address our disappointment. Shame on Morris... and shame on the Hobby Center directors who approved this travesty. The Buffalo Bayou Partnership tried desperately to demand a better garage design... but unfortunately it fell upon deaf ears. It really is too bad their isn't a design review committee in Houston (if only for downtown, to start with).

I always park under Tranquility Park while attending the Hobby Center... and would encourage everyone NOT to use the Hobby Center garage. I would love to see that eyesore unprofitable - and ultimately leveled... and the promenade along Buffalo Bayou expanded.

One can only hope.... :)

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The garage is horrible. It's also not needed. If there's one thing downtown Houston has plenty of it's parking!

It would have been nice to see theater goers strolling a few blocks from the thousands of parking spaces that already existed before and after the shows. It also might have encouraged folks to take in dinner and a show downtown, helping with the overall vitality of the area.

Instead, by building an attached garage, we've made it easy for folks to have dinner elsewhere and then just drive right in to the Hobby. I'm surprised local leaders didn't just build a drive-through theater so people didn't have to get out of their cars at all...

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Forgive me, where do you park or how can you get to the park?

Just don't start on the east side of the trail by UH Downtown....quite a bit of homeless live under the bridges now. When it was built initially, it was relatively unknown and therefore was nice....now some portions definitely have a urine smell.

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"It sucks. Robert Stern, I thougth you were better than that..."

Actually, he is better than that. He designed the Hobby Center... but Houston's own Morris Architects designed the parking garage for the Hobby Center (which is such a blight on the bayou and also mars the skyline from I-45). We don't have to go far to address our disappointment. Shame on Morris... and shame on the Hobby Center directors who approved this travesty. The Buffalo Bayou Partnership tried desperately to demand a better garage design... but unfortunately it fell upon deaf ears. It really is too bad their isn't a design review committee in Houston (if only for downtown, to start with).

I always park under Tranquility Park while attending the Hobby Center... and would encourage everyone NOT to use the Hobby Center garage. I would love to see that eyesore unprofitable - and ultimately leveled... and the promenade along Buffalo Bayou expanded.

One can only hope.... :)

I agree. Everyone boycott the Hobby Center garage. Not only is it ugly and badly-located. It's apparently very poorly designed, logistics-wise. The first time I attended a show at the Hobby Center I parked in the garage (only because we were running late). After the show it took something like 30-45 minutes to get out of the garage!! Never again! Tear it down and build a cafe back there overlooking the bayou...

BTW, BEAUTIFUL PICs Travelguy. Thanks for sharing.

Edited by Houston19514
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I love that photo showing the skyline. At one point the Main St viaduct over the bayou was supposed to be floodlit underneath as well, but it was delayed until the rail line over the bridge was completed. Don't know what became of the idea.

The idea for a cafe overlooking the bayou is a good one. I would have liked an open lawn where they could maybe have small outdoor concerts when the weather was nice. But noooo - it had to be another ugly parking garage. What a waste. :angry2:

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Great photos. While on the trail for the first time I couldn't believe I was in Houston. "toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore". I felt like I was in one of 'em fancy cities where they spend money on things other than 16 lane highways. I envy those who live and/or work downtown and now have a beautifil place to comute by bike. The homeless section was a little creepy. Thankgoodness the pedestrian bridge is there to avoid that section. But seems a shame no one is enforcing the "no camping" law....

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