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Which Languages Do You Speak?


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I just got back from a trip out of the country, and while I was away, I briefly wondered what languages people here speak.

I'll start --

English - native.

French - enough to hold short conversations and live in another country.

German - tourist-level -- enough to navigate and shop on my own, but not hold real conversations.

Czech - enough to read signs and not get lost, but can't really speak much of it.

Japanese - Just starting to study this one.

Anyone else?

I also ask because I'm looking for someone to do some dirt-cheap translation for a possible future project.

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English (primary)

Spanish (read well) conversational and technical, anything other than that and I sound like a knuckle dragger ganster.

Japanese, but only some kanji and and I only speak a few words.

SOME Italian (written and hearing)

SOME German (written and Hearing)


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I know a guy who talks like Boomhower. Lives out by Champions. People from other parts of the country really don't appreciate King of the Hill the way Texans do. I always remember the episode when Peggy took Bobby to Whataburger to tell him about "Goldfish Heaven." I saw it the day before I moved to Houston. Then a couple of days later, I saw my first Whataburger. I thought it was something they made up for the cartoon.

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Spanish - small conversations

French - tourist, small conversation

Korean - tourist level

Latin - although a dead language, can read it and understand the Pope at times.

That makes you and my sister the only people I've ever met who are fluent in Latin.

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