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What Kind Of Area Is Montrose?

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Twisting my words into something they're not. I said I didn't want to live in an area that they were the MAJORITY. I know most places will have a few of them. I like diversity, I said I didn't want to live next door to one.

I don't plan on changing my move, so live with it.

And you may want to live with the fact that you are moving to the 4th largest city in the US, and along with that designation comes an awful lot of diversity. If you're planning on living anywhere inside the loop, you may as well get used to the fact that there is a large gay population here. You might even *gasp* live next to one. :blink: I'm curious; when looking at a property you're interested in, will you be knocking on your neighbor's doors and asking whether they're gay? I guess you're all for diversity, as long as you don't have to live next door to it.

The Centerville market is pretty hot right now. The commute's a little long, but you won't have to put up all the menacing "diversity".

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i was seriously asking...

is this only if you know your neighbors (or people nearby) are gay, or can you sense it?

kind of goes along with orikal...

I'm curious; when looking at a property you're interested in, will you be knocking on your neighbor's doors and asking whether they're gay?
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If I was to buy a house near a gay person, I wouldn't want to live by someone that walks around in chaps, and has pink flamingo's in their yard. I guess I haven't been introduced to any gay people before, so I wouldn't know how to act.

I'm a Republican, Catholic-Christian and I'm against gay marriage. I think marriage is between a man and a woman, but it's their life....I guess.

I don't want to come across as a person that hates diversity because that isn't the truth, I feel it makes the world different. I just don't want to be near a neighborhood that gays are the majority, if they live next door and don't try to "hit on me", then I could live with it.

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If I was to buy a house near a gay person, I wouldn't want to live by someone that walks around in chaps, and has pink flamingo's in their yard. I guess I haven't been introduced to any gay people before, so I wouldn't know how to act.

I'm a Republican, Catholic-Christian and I'm against gay marriage. I think marriage is between a man and a woman, but it's their life....I guess.

I don't want to come across as a person that hates diversity because that isn't the truth, I feel it makes the world different. I just don't want to be near a neighborhood that gays are the majority, if they live next door and don't try to "hit on me", then I could live with it.

It's doubtful any gay is going to parade around the neigborhood in their a*&less chaps. Most gays wouldn't parade around anywhere in chaps. And pink flamingos in the front yard? Paaaaalease. I think you have your stereotypes mixed up. And I doubt anyone is going to hit on you.

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If I was to buy a house near a gay person, I wouldn't want to live by someone that walks around in chaps, and has pink flamingo's in their yard.

yeah, like that happens...what really happens is the (probably straight) topless beerbelly guy mowing his lawn at high noon :lol:

it's their life....I guess.

you guess? that's nice...UGH

*case closed*

Edited by sevfiv
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May I recommend a realtor in the Woodlands? You'll fit in just fine up there. Pink Flamingos are deed restricted out there (seriously!), and you can still drive into town occasionally to sample Houston's diversity.

BTW, there are some great bars on Pacific Street that you might enjoy. Plenty of chicks.

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Deleted qto250us's distasteful remark, and another in which it was quoted.

I agree; this thread is disappointing. It started with NothingButMeAndMyCadillac asking a question about Montrose. May I weigh in?

NBMAMC, I've lived in the Montrose for nearly 25 years. It's a diverse neighborhood, which means that people of various income, educational, and social levels live in close proximity. There are straight, white Christian Republicans who live in Montrose. You'll also find gay people, college students, drug addicts, artists, black, white, Asian, and Hispanic people. There are humble old bungalows and huge new townhomes. Some of the finest restaurants in Houston are in the Montrose area, mixed in with tattoo and piercing parlors.

I understand your concern about living in a neighborhood which is mischaractorized as being predominantly gay. It's not. However, it's one of the few places in Houston where gay people are openly accepted (mostly). Montrose isn't one year-long Gay Pride Parade, however. The streets are not jammed with transvestites. And I doubt if anyone's going to grab your butt in Kroger.

Houston's a wonderful city because it contains a great diversity of people and opinions. There's a lot to enjoy here, and much from which we continue to learn. I hope you find your stay in Houston as enjoyable as I've found mine.

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Caddy, I doubt that too many gays will hit on you (unless you're oh so cute!) Just kidding. I am straight and I used to live in downtown San Francisco and never, except maybe once, got hit on, and then it was very subtle. I think gay men sense straight men better than straight men sense gay men.

As for having gay neighbors; move to my neighborhood, please! Nice yards, no junk cars on blocks, considerate, tendencies towards civic involvement and interested in upgrading their surroundings. etc. etc. Not that my neighborhood is so bad but the potential is currently unrealized and needs some creative blood. These are stereotypes that, as most, don't apply to every single person but indications are that gays moving into a urban neighborhood tend to be harbingers of valuation increases.

Caddy, perhaps Iowa has not allowed you to expand your experiences to where you fully appreciate my comments. I hope you join us here so that you can add to the ever-evolving kaleidoscope which is Houston.

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If I was to buy a house near a gay person, I wouldn't want to live by someone that walks around in chaps, and has pink flamingo's in their yard. I guess I haven't been introduced to any gay people before, so I wouldn't know how to act.

I'm a Republican, Catholic-Christian and I'm against gay marriage. I think marriage is between a man and a woman, but it's their life....I guess.

I don't want to come across as a person that hates diversity because that isn't the truth, I feel it makes the world different. I just don't want to be near a neighborhood that gays are the majority, if they live next door and don't try to "hit on me", then I could live with it.

So what would be so odd or new about not knowing how to act if you were introduced to a gay person? Clearly you don't know how to act now.

Edited by rps324
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If I was to buy a house near a gay person, I wouldn't want to live by someone that walks around in chaps, and has pink flamingo's in their yard. I guess I haven't been introduced to any gay people before, so I wouldn't know how to act.

I'm a Republican, Catholic-Christian and I'm against gay marriage. I think marriage is between a man and a woman, but it's their life....I guess.

I don't want to come across as a person that hates diversity because that isn't the truth, I feel it makes the world different. I just don't want to be near a neighborhood that gays are the majority, if they live next door and don't try to "hit on me", then I could live with it.

Where are you moving here from? I hope for your sake its just gays that make you feel uncomfortable. In almost every neighborhood here in Houston you'll find something besides "WASP's". In fact, in almost EVERY neighborhood, the "WASP" is the minority.

Either way, good luck..

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And so the plot thickens... :P

Seriously, Caddy, when's the last time you saw a bunch of straight guys defending gays so vigorously? Doesn't it make you wonder why? I'm here to tell you, it's because most of them are as normal as you or me (or, should I say as crazy as you or me).

What you will find when you move to our wonderful burg is that it is a wonderfully diverse group of people that, by and large, gets along pretty well. If you do your research, you will find Houston has one of the largest gay populations in the country. You will also find it has one of the largest hispanic and asian populations. You'll find it is one of the top cities in the country for black entrepreneurs.

We also have the largest fundamentalist church and the 41st president of the United States, as well as a newly indicted Speaker of the House. We just got our own arch-bishop, and are building a new cathedral.

Houston never had riots during the 60s. Our leaders saw the wisdom of quietly integrating the lunch counters. We welcome all types here. And frankly, those that don't get along, find themselves on the fringes. The point is, you are welcome to like or dislike whomever you like. It's a big city, and you'll find plenty of people who agree with you. But, prejudging gays...or blacks, hispanics or asians...is your loss, not theirs. And, you'll also find that all of the best bars and restaurants are either owned, staffed or frequented by gays, so unless you plan on spending all of your free time at church, you may as well get used to them.

Besides, they don't bite...unless you ask. ;)

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Deleted qto250us's distasteful remark, and another in which it was quoted.

I agree; this thread is disappointing. It started with NothingButMeAndMyCadillac asking a question about Montrose. May I weigh in?

NBMAMC, I've lived in the Montrose for nearly 25 years. It's a diverse neighborhood, which means that people of various income, educational, and social levels live in close proximity. There are straight, white Christian Republicans who live in Montrose. You'll also find gay people, college students, drug addicts, artists, black, white, Asian, and Hispanic people. There are humble old bungalows and huge new townhomes. Some of the finest restaurants in Houston are in the Montrose area, mixed in with tattoo and piercing parlors.

I understand your concern about living in a neighborhood which is mischaractorized as being predominantly gay. It's not. However, it's one of the few places in Houston where gay people are openly accepted (mostly). Montrose isn't one year-long Gay Pride Parade, however. The streets are not jammed with transvestites. And I doubt if anyone's going to grab your butt in Kroger.

Houston's a wonderful city because it contains a great diversity of people and opinions. There's a lot to enjoy here, and much from which we continue to learn. I hope you find your stay in Houston as enjoyable as I've found mine.

Thanks, this is more of the response I wanted. This is the feedback I asked for, so I thank you. But I do have a bone to pick, who said I was white?

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Houston never had riots during the 60s.

Yea, but there was no love lost there either, honky. Talk to some TSU kids from the 60s and get it from the horses' mouth. No counter riots, but lots and lots of tension.

And don't forget the race riots at Camp Logan during WWI.

Houston is good, but it ain't perfect like you think.

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It just makes me feel "out of place" if I'm SURROUNDED by them. I was always against Gay Rights, Marriage is between a man and a woman.

Yeah...those "Gay Rights" suck. I'm gay and I never liked that term. I was thinking more along the lines that as long as gays were denied the same rights as straight people, then it was just "Special Rights for Straights".

So I guess as long as straight folks continue to enjoy special rights, I as a gay man will just have to continue to being a pain in the ass to those that think otherwise.

But back to your question:

"I've been researching more, and I've found Montrose to be in my price range. What kind of place is it like, and how "alternative" is it? you know what I mean!"

No, I don't know what you mean because my ability to read minds left me long ago-but I have a pretty good guess "what you mean"

Montrose is diverse. You won't be able to walk out your door without having the possibility of running into a gay, black Democrat with an adopted Cambodian child on their way to the Unitarian Church.

It sounds like there is no place in Houston you would be comfortable. I don't think you's be comfortable in the Woodlands either. You may run into my best friend and his Negro wife. You may run into my lesbian cousin, her Jewish lover and their 3 kids. Worst of all, you might accidently brush up against one of them and then...well, we all knows what happens next: BAM!!! You are gay.


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Yeah...those "Gay Rights" suck. I'm gay and I never liked that term. I was thinking more along the lines that as long as gays were denied the same rights as straight people, then it was just "Special Rights for Straights".

So I guess as long as straight folks continue to enjoy special rights, I as a gay man will just have to continue to being a pain in the ass to those that think otherwise.

But back to your question:

"I've been researching more, and I've found Montrose to be in my price range. What kind of place is it like, and how "alternative" is it? you know what I mean!"

No, I don't know what you mean because my ability to read minds left me long ago-but I have a pretty good guess "what you mean"

Montrose is diverse. You won't be able to walk out your door without having the possibility of running into a gay, black Democrat with an adopted Cambodian child on their way to the Unitarian Church.

It sounds like there is no place in Houston you would be comfortable. I don't think you's be comfortable in the Woodlands either. You may run into my best friend and his Negro wife. You may run into my lesbian cousin, her Jewish lover and their 3 kids. Worst of all, you might accidently brush up against one of them and then...well, we all knows what happens next: BAM!!! You are gay.


Someone has an attitude problem. I asked a simple question and yet you turn it into a raict thread. I already posted that I like diversity and said I didn't want to live in a place where Gays were a majority. You need to rethink on your above post, your trying to make me into a bigot, and that sir I AM NOT! And you also think I am white, how did you make that conclusion? Am I not talking like a black person, should I start swearing? Maybe I should insert BLACK, Republican, Catholic Christian. Stop posting hate.

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Someone has an attitude problem. I asked a simple question and yet you turn it into a raict thread. I already posted that I like diversity and said I didn't want to live in a place where Gays were a majority. You need to rethink on your above post, your trying to make me into a bigot, and that sir I AM NOT! And you also think I am white, how did you make that conclusion? Am I not talking like a black person, should I start swearing? Maybe I should insert BLACK, Republican, Catholic Christian. Stop posting hate.

Yo, scooter! Take a chill pill. I never said anything about your skin color-although if I was going to, I would never say you were "white"-I've never actually seen a "white" skinned person-that would be kinda creepy. Myself-I'm sort of a light tan kinda guy ;)

If you get right down to it, I don't care if you are purple-unless that denotes some kind of rare transmittable disease. :lol:

Maybe you thought you were replying to another post? I never mentioned skin color.

I've not turned this into a "raict thread" [i'm assuming you meant "racist"?] I never suggested you were a bigot. I merely alluded to your own words: "I was always against Gay Rights".

I am not posting hate.

I have problems but not any that have to do with my attitude.

Most black people I know don't swear. [i guess I'll just attribute that to being one of your own stereotypes]


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Yo, scooter! Take a chill pill. I never said anything about your skin color-although if I was going to, I would never say you were "white"-I've never actually seen a "white" skinned person-that would be kinda creepy. Myself-I'm sort of a light tan kinda guy ;)

If you get right down to it, I don't care if you are purple-unless that denotes some kind of rare transmittable disease. :lol:

Maybe you thought you were replying to another post? I never mentioned skin color.

I've not turned this into a "raict thread" [i'm assuming you meant "racist"?] I never suggested you were a bigot. I merely alluded to your own words: "I was always against Gay Rights".

I am not posting hate.

I have problems but not any that have to do with my attitude.

Most black people I know don't swear. [i guess I'll just attribute that to being one of your own stereotypes]


I'm referring to what you saidIt sounds like there is no place in Houston you would be comfortable. I don't think you's be comfortable in the Woodlands either. You may run into my best friend and his Negro wife. You may run into my lesbian cousin, her Jewish lover and their 3 kids.

You are saying that I wouldn't be comfortable around anybody else except people that are the same as I.

Yes, you did mention skin color:running into a gay, black Democrat with an adopted Cambodian child on their way to the Unitarian Church.

Basically you are categorizing me as a caucaian.

I don't believe gay's should be able to marry due to they're the same gender.

Lastly, I do not "stereotype" people by their race, I'm simply referring to the fact that people (you for example) would want an african-american to come on this board and not talk rationally. Don't try and catergorize me, it makes you look like an ass sir.

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Y'all, no offense, but it looks like we've strayed away from the topic at hand.

While some of the issues being discussed here are interesting, the proper place to discuss them is in "Way Off Topic". A general reminder: please keep conversations on an intellectual (not personal) level.

I'm closing this thread. If anyone wants it reopened, please contact me.

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