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Tom Delay Indicted


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This ought to make for an interesting election season next year. I have to say that I never thought I'd see it...his associates, maybe, but not DeLay himself.


WooooHooooo! Unfortunately his redistricting scheme is a done deal. I guess there is no changing that now.

I'd love to see Chris Bell change his aspirations for Govenor (although I believe Perry is vulnerable now) and go after Delay's seat.

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Another one here who is surprised by this. He always seems to wiggle his way out of things.

Regarding the election, as a Christian myself, Tom Delay is probably going to make a huge public speech about the situation and cleverly drop in a few words about how he prays every night, and a ton of people are probably going to fall right into his hands once again, blindly thinking to themselves, "how could anyone that prays at night and believe in God do anything wrong"?

Although I would love to see a change, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he is re-elected yet once again.

Not meaning to sound cruel, however until he is in jail, I will consider him as somone who is "off the hook".

Edited by VelvetJ
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Another one here who is surprised by this. He always seems to wiggle his way out of things.

Regarding the election, as a Christian myself, Tom Delay is probably going to make a huge public speech about the situation and cleverly drop in a few words about how he prays every night, and a ton of people are probably going to fall right into his hands once again, blindly thinking to themselves, "how could anyone that prays at night and believe in God do anything wrong"?

Although I would love to see a change, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he is re-elected yet once again.

His margins of victory have been dropping in the last few elections. This may be the last straw that sends him back to killing roaches. Unfortunately, I just don't see a prison term in his future if found guilty.

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This ought to make for an interesting election season next year. I have to say that I never thought I'd see it...his associates, maybe, but not DeLay himself.


Nothing like the morailty police getting busted for breaking the law. What an A-Hole. Now if we get just get some charges to stick on Bush I would really be in heaven.

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This ought to make for an interesting election season next year. I have to say that I never thought I'd see it...his associates, maybe, but not DeLay himself.


I can't wait to turn on Rush Bimbough to see how he spins this. You know, GOP always right, no matter what. Aaaaah, if only there could be a "doctor shopping" charge against that gas bag.

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It will be interesting, since every non-Republican is Guilty, even before being indicted, but they will be all over the partisan aspect. Funny thing about Ronnie Earl is, even though they claim he is a partisan hack, he's really not...at least not in the way DeLay and his crowd is. Doesn't matter though, since perception is reality...and reality to the Fox crowd is Republicans Uber Alles.

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It's about time!

I hate to be pessimistic, but knowing Dela's big supporters, he'll still get reelected. The Republican Party probably has more than enough supporters in DeLay's district that the straight ticket voters alone will allow DeLay to keep his seat.

Hopefully this indictment will lead to a conviction, and the crook behind bars.

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This is all the stupid liberal media! Tom Delay is innocent. Its the liberals who are guilty of conspiring against delay because there's like this big liberal conspiracy. And see the liberals are all like liberally and stuff. They hate America and are support homosexuals and abortions. So you see Tom delay is innocent. Iraq is mohammad talk for Al-kaeda. Damn liberals! Unpatriotic.

This is all the stupid liberal media! Tom Delay is innocent. Its the liberals who are guilty of conspiring against delay because there's like this big liberal conspiracy. And see the liberals are all like liberally and stuff. They hate America and are support homosexuals and abortions. So you see Tom delay is innocent. War on terror! Iraq is mohammad talk for Al-kaeda. Damn liberals! Unpatriotic.

This is all the stupid liberal media! Tom Delay is innocent. Its the liberals who are guilty of conspiring against delay because there's like this big liberal conspiracy. And see the liberals are all like liberally and stuff. They hate America and are support homosexuals and abortions. So you see Tom delay is innocent. War on terror! Iraq is mohammad talk for Al-kaeda. Damn liberals! Unpatriotic.

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Darn. Rush is off today and his replacement uttered nary a peep about Delay. Guess the spin hasn't been spun yet. Of course Sean "Bush bootlicker" Hannity parroted Delay that this was a politically motivated witch hunt. "What the main stream media won't tell you is that he also indicted Kay Baily Hutichison and did not get a conviction". What Sean won't tell you is that of the 15 politically related indictments Earle has brought forward 11 were against Demorcrats.

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77017, leave the far-left and the national liberal media out of this, they had nothing to do with it. This is nothing more than pure, old-fashioned Texas politics.

Paybacks are a b*tch.


77017, leave the far-left and the national liberal media out of this, they had nothing to do with it. This is nothing more than pure, old-fashioned Texas politics.

Paybacks are a b*tch.


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Delay is kind of a tough guy to defend. He made his mark playing close to the edge ethically, and that is in direct conflict with the stated goals of the Republican Party. Even the rule that caused him to lose the Speaker position is a 90s era creation to draw attention to the ethically challenged Democrats of the time.

Most Republican voters I know accept and appreciate what he gets for them, but don't necessarily support him, at least not the way they support Bush.

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This ought to make for an interesting election season next year. I have to say that I never thought I'd see it...his associates, maybe, but not DeLay himself.


It is about Frackin Time he got indicted

When are the Delay supporters going to weigh in? This Tom Delay b&*^hslapping is a lot of fun but I guess an opposing view is needed.

MidtownCoog you reading any of this. Isn

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Another one here who is surprised by this. He always seems to wiggle his way out of things.

Regarding the election, as a Christian myself, Tom Delay is probably going to make a huge public speech about the situation and cleverly drop in a few words about how he prays every night, and a ton of people are probably going to fall right into his hands once again, blindly thinking to themselves, "how could anyone that prays at night and believe in God do anything wrong"?

Although I would love to see a change, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he is re-elected yet once again.

Not meaning to sound cruel, however until he is in jail, I will consider him as somone who is "off the hook".

You Know you are right I wish religious people like that would get their praying hand out of their A** and see the truth in what ever lie (a.k.a.

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Didn't the Travis County grand jury hand down the indictment against DeLay? Ronnie Earl is the DA who will procecute it. So I guess it was them damn, commie, liberal, pinko fags what did it!

Seriously, if the GOP had half a thought amoung themselves they would cut this guy loose and find a new candidate to get behind in DeLay's district. Who knows, I wouldn't put it past DeLay to have a file on everyone in the GOP that he could use to black-mail them. He probably keeps it under the rock he slithered out from under.


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Nope. See my very old posts: "Build Rail, no (Tom) Delay.

And Tom and I are both UH alumns, but still not love for the roach killer from me.

Well then I gues I had you all worng then Coog I will read that old tread.

I cant find that old topic chucks

Edited by eelimon
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There is one thing I haven't seen the papers talking about: Delay has been hit with a criminal conpiracy charge. This is way beyond some congressional political ethics charge, it's a state felony charge no different than other criminal felony charges. Regardless of his innocence or guilt, are we going to be seeing a perp walk in the coming days?

That's gonna make for a great campaign poster for whoever runs against him.......

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There is one thing I haven't seen the papers talking about: Delay has been hit with a criminal conpiracy charge. This is way beyond some congressional political ethics charge, it's a state felony charge no different than other criminal felony charges. Regardless of his innocence or guilt, are we going to be seeing a perp walk in the coming days?

That's gonna make for a great campaign poster for whoever runs against him.......

Are you speaking of the "biased liberal media". Well, of course they aren't gonna get to wild about it at this early into the investigation. If they start saying, "Delay to face up to 2 years", and "Delay is "bagman" in money laundering scheme !" Then Tom walks away scott-free, then how much egg is on the media's faces again. After Dan Rather's debacle, the media has been keeping their dog's in check. Can't go after the high ranking Republicans without some solid "proof" anymore. It took 6 grand jury tries to get an indictment on Delay, because the evidence IS so weak.

Edited by TJones
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What I think is so funny is everyone here seems to be saying things like, "It's about time!" and "Finally!" as if you all have some secret insider information that proves he's guilty of the charges. :rolleyes:

I'm not a huge DeLay fan, but sheesh.....the details of the charges are shoddy at best, and the whole thing is weak, weak, weak...and like DeLay, Earle certainly has a reputation all his own.

I think it was just to get DeLay out, even if it is temporary....which it will probably be.

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What is weak about it? The premise of the case is that $190,000 in corporate contributions came into the PAC. The PAC gave the national Republican Party $190,000. The national Republican party gave $190,000 to republicans in local races. That is not in dispute, what is in dispute is whether there were specific directions to the Republican Party by the PAC on where it goes. That's where the crime potentially is.

The evidence you and I have not seen yet is the paper trail. If there is no paper trail, then the case gets thrown out. If there is a paper trail, then Delay is sunk. You can call it a vendetta by the prosecuter all day, but if he has the goods he has a duty to uphold the law. Notwithstanding what can happen to Delay, if the prosecuter doesn't have the goods his knees will be politically chopped off. I personally think the prosecuter would be an absolute imbecile to go forward with this without the goods.

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What I think is so funny is a woman who was interviewed in a Sugar Land area coffee shop. When asked why she still supports Delay, she said it's because "He's a Christian and a family man". Well! That exonerates him. Bear in mind that that description also applies to the BTK killer...

Edited by dbigtex56
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Whether Earle has the "goods" or not, the damage has already been done. . . that's the whole objective of this excercise. Accuse someone of wrong-doing, get it all over the headlines, and IF the accusation prooves to be base-less, then there will be a tiny, tiny retraction buried deep in the back pages of NY Times.

Here's my feeble attempt at screen writing again:

Earle: Walks up to a slot machine, pulls the handle, wheels spin, BLANK - BLANK -BLANK.

He tries a second time, BLANK - BLANK -BLANK.

. . .a third: BLANK - BLANK -BLANK.


fifth try: BLANK - BLANK -BLANK.

on the sixth try: BAR-BAR-BAR JAKPOT!!!! Cha ching!

Earle has attempted SIX grand juries in this case. The first five said that there's not enough to indict Delay. Is it just me, or is it fundamentaly unfair to keep going to a grand jury until you get the answer you want.

By the way, Delay was not allowed to speak to any of the six grand juries to defend himself aginst the carges.

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