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Tom Delay Indicted


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I was joking earlier, but it looks like DeLay may have to do the perp walk after all:

DeLay likely to be booked this week

"Perkins believes that if God was charged with a felony, he would have to go through the booking process, too," said D'Ann Underwood, court coordinator for the judge.

Before Friday, DeLay, a Republican from Sugar Land, will likely spend about an hour being fingerprinted and photographed, she said. He'll also be required to state his attorneys for the record.

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The election laws were in effect after the incident Earle is using.

I'm not much of a lawyer, but wouldn't expos facto (i think that's right) come into play.

I would be willing to buy everyone on this forum a drink in downtown if anything come up against Delay.

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You really can't blame him for cheating!


And YOU stay tuned! More to come on Earle.


Ah yes. Blame everyone else but Delay. Let's just see how the trial plays out.

Yea, it's was nice having a President who lied under oath.

Those were the days.

Rock the Vote!

Yeah. Budget surpluses. Good economy. Those Clinton years sure did suck.

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The subject is DeLay. Not Clinton. Not Starr. Not Earle. Stay focused.

Book em, Dano!


What do you mean the subject is not Earle, don't you think Earle is the flip side to this coin ? If not, please explain, so i may better understand your "sick & twisted, left-winged, tree-huggin, liberal thinking!" <_<;) (psssst!, just kiddin, I don't think you're a treehugger.)

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Nobody blamed Clinton. Learn to read.

But if you can't see the parallel between Star and Earle, and Clinton and Delay, then you just don't get politics.

Star (Rep) was after Clinton (Dem) and Earle (Dem) is after Delay (Rep).

Other than their party affiliation I don't see any other similarities. Anyway, Clinton been out of office for 5 years. The big bad Democrat is gone now. Get over it.

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That was dumb luck.

My economy is totally rocking, don't know about yours!

Hope things get better for you.

Hmmm. You totally forgot to mention budget surpluses. How convenient. But we can't really be in debt up to our ears with a Republican House, Senate and President. They're fiscal conservatives damnit!

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What do you mean the subject is not Earle, don't you think Earle is the flip side to this coin ? If not, please explain, so i may better understand your "sick & twisted, left-winged, tree-huggin, liberal thinking!" <_<;) (psssst!, just kiddin, I don't think you're a treehugger.)

The subject is not Earle because DeLay was indicted by a Travis County Grand Jury. It is Earle's sworn duty to prosecute the case. That's what he was elected to do as DA. If people have a beef with that, elect someone else or lobby to have the law changed. Until then, we're stuck with what we have. That's why it's about DeLay.


A little bit about that mean ol' Democrat pickin' on Republicans-from the Houston Chronicle no less-not known to be a bastion of Liberal thought [for your reading pleasure]:

While Earle is an elected Democrat, as Media Matters for America has previously noted, a June 17 editorial in the Houston Chronicle commended his work: "During his long tenure, Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle has prosecuted many more Democratic officials than Republicans. The record does not support allegations that Earle is prone to partisan witch hunts." This assertion supports Earle's own claim about his record; a March 6 article in the El Paso Times reported: "Earle says local prosecution is fundamental and points out that 11 of the 15 politicians he has prosecuted over the years were Democrats."

And we're not talking minor Democrats, either. His biggest targets:

U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, 1994: Acquitted of official misconduct and records tampering after Earle dropped the case during the trial.

Former state Rep. Betty Denton, D-Waco, 1995: Sentenced to six months probation and fined $2,000 for listing false loans and contributions on campaign finance reports.

Former state Rep. Lane Denton, D-Waco, 1995: Sentenced to 60 days in work-release program and six years probation, fined $6,000 and ordered to pay more than $67,000 restitution after being convicted of theft and misapplication of fiduciary property for funneling money from the Department of Public Safety Officers Association to a Denton company.

House Speaker Gib Lewis, D-Fort Worth, 1992: In plea bargain, Earle dropped more serious charges when Lewis pleaded no contest to failing to disclose a business investment. Lewis was fined $2,000, and the judge said he took into consideration that Lewis was retiring from public office.

Attorney General Jim Mattox, Democrat, 1985: Acquitted on felony bribery charges. Won re-election.

State Rep. Mike Martin, R-Longview, 1982: Pleaded guilty to perjury after lying about having himself shot to gain publicity. Did not run for re-election.

State Treasurer Warren Harding, Democrat, 1982: Pleaded no contest to official misconduct and dropped re-election bid.

Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Yarbrough, Democrat, 1978: Sentenced to five years for lying to a grand jury and forgery. Gave up seat.

So his highest profile prosecutions include a Democratic state supreme court justice, a Democratic attorney general, a Democratic state treasurer, and a Democratic speaker of the Texas House.

Remember that as Earle is smeared as a partisan Democrat

Nobody blamed Clinton. Learn to read.

But if you can't see the parallel between Star and Earle, and Clinton and Delay, then you just don't get politics.

Star (Rep) was after Clinton (Dem) and Earle (Dem) is after Delay (Rep).

I totally get politics but no one elected Starr.


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That just proves to me the Travis County DA is not serious about REAL crime.

Now the Harris County DA is my kinda guy. Sending low lifes to Death Row.

Now THAT is my kind of DA.

I bet you're one of those "Pro-Life'ers" as well.

"You will have that baby! Raise it in poverty and destitution to a life of crime and THEN we'll kill em'!"

Now there's some of that good ol' 'Compassionate Conservatism'".


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I love the "Blame it on Clinton" crowd. Still lame after 5 years and counting. You guys need to get a new act. The Rama Room is about to cancel your contract.


nmainguy, I would have never thought you would stoop so low, who "blamed clinton" ?but since we are here now. Even if someone did, it's not like they could blame any of your "lame duck" candidates, who can't even beat a guy,who has been labeled a "retard" according to the Dem Leaders. Does that mean the majority of American people are "retards" also. :lol:

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nmainguy, I would have never thought you would stoop so low, who "blamed clinton" ?but since we are here now. Even if someone did, it's not like they could blame any of your "lame duck" candidates, who can't even beat a guy,who has been labeled a "retard" according to the Dem Leaders. Does that mean the majority of American people are "retards" also. :lol:

Not sure who you're talking about. Who called who a "retard" and when? I know it wasn't me. And maybe I should'nt call it the "Blame it on Clinton Club". Perhaps a more appropriate name would be, "Whenever We Get Our Asses in a Crack let's just Deflect and Change the Subject to Clinton Club".

But seriously, I never heard the "retard" comment. Enlighten us.


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nmainguy, I would have never thought you would stoop so low, who "blamed clinton" ?but since we are here now. Even if someone did, it's not like they could blame any of your "lame duck" candidates, who can't even beat a guy,who has been labeled a "retard" according to the Dem Leaders. Does that mean the majority of American people are "retards" also. :lol:

Don't recall who ever labeled Bush a "retard". Inept, incompetent a liar even but a "retard"? Anyway, the Dems, for some reason, put up an empty suit against Bush. He got lucky. A lot of people held their noses as they voted for Bush.

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