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We were in the 2nd row of the mezzanine. That was our first time sitting there and I really liked the view.

I'm leaning toward that section myself. After all my test-sitting at Fan Fest, I decided I really liked the view from there. More game - no giant scoreboard. I actually kind of stumbled onto it at the last game of 2008. Me and a buddy went to the Amigos restaurant (FiveSeven now) to raise a glass to the season. We sat out on their porch area and I loved the baseball-centric view.

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Our payroll is higher than most teams so don't blame it on Drayton.

Wasted money, clearly. When Drayton dumped Hunsicker, he proved how little he knows about Major League Baseball. Now, we can just watched Drayton's follie play out...or starting watching soccer.

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The games dont start until 7pm. That's a pretty late dinner, for me at least. Can't people just pick something up before the game?

Plus, you could always dress up like a pregnant woman and hide taco bell under your shirt...

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The Astros claim it's so they can hold down their ticket prices but I don't see anything cheap about their ticket prices. Sure they have $7 seats. If you don't mind sitting up in the corner nosebleed section. If I have to use binoculars to see a game than I'd rather stay at home. I saw a game there last month and after parking, service charges, over priced beer and soda for 5 of us, I almost had to refinance my house to afford the "experience". And they were far from being the best seats.

Edited by LunaticFringe
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Plus, you could always dress up like a pregnant woman and hide taco bell under your shirt...

Taco Bell or Taco Bell food?

The food there is so not worth the price. Made me angry to read that the Astros and Red Sox stadiums are the only ones that don't allow food, but still, the Red Sox allow drinks. Why us? Our team stinks and we can't even bring our own food. Screw it.

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I know their prices are insane, but for me part of the ballgame experience is getting the chili-dog and nacho's. Bringing my own just wouldnt be the same.

I agree. It would be like taking your own popcorn to the movies. Some folks do it, but I think it's the definition of cheapskate.

That said, I think Aramark is the Mafia. Seriously.

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The Astros claim it's so they can hold down their ticket prices but I don't see anything cheap about their ticket prices. Sure they have $7 seats. If you don't mind sitting up in the corner nosebleed section. If I have to use binoculars to see a game than I'd rather stay at home. I saw a game there last month and after parking, service charges, over priced beer and soda for 5 of us, I almost had to refinance my house to afford the "experience". And they were far from being the best seats.

I go to about 20 games a year (and going to San Fran for a game during July 4th to see the astros play),and it never struck me as "expensive". I generally go to "Lucky's" or some other bar to drink or eat, get to the game (eventually) drink more beer and not even think about it. Occasionally I would have a weak moment (i'm a diet) and would go nuts over dogs and nachos. Never have I whined about the cost. Having been to a variety of parks around the country, Houston IS cheap.

Yeah, not winning the world series "has been kind of a tradition in Houston," too, Dray.

That's because Drayton doesn't make ENOUGH money to be able to pay the salaries for some of the better players around the league like Boston, New York, and Chicago.

I know their prices are insane, but for me part of the ballgame experience is getting the chili-dog and nacho's. Bringing my own just wouldnt be the same.


I've already declared that my diet goes on hiatus when I go to a game,and I don't just support the 'stros when they have a winning season.

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That said, I think Aramark is the Mafia. Seriously.

Worse than the mafia. There's a great old postpunk album by (coincidentally) The Godfathers, called Birth.School.Work.Death.

We used to joke that it summed up the Aramark business model. Add "prison" "airports" and "arena concessions" and you can't escape Aramark, ever.


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I hate Aramark. Mafia is a good word for them because they have a racket going and they don't want to risk losing that racket for anything.

"I'll take an overpriced $7.50 Bud Light please."

"Can I see some ID?"

"How old do I look?"

"Ummm, 35?"

"How old do I have to be to buy beer?"


"So... Why in the world do you want to see ID? I'm fat and balding and I'm wearing a nice watch and a suit and you think I'm under 21?"

"No, but they'll fire me if I don't ask."

Those that don't ask always get a tip from me for using their brains, although I don't doubt one second that they would get fired if they got caught because Aramark wants to keep the monopoly. I saw them card a white haired man with a cane once and it made me mad as hell.

And not only that, they ask twice usually - once with the person who hands it to you and again with the person who takes your money.

BTW - this isn't a discourse on underaged drinking. People under 21 should not be served alcohol at baseball games. I'm only commenting on Aramark's lousy service and monopoly at the ballpark that they're trying to protect from TABC. I get it.

(I do think the legal age should be 18, but that's not germane to this story)

Edited by cottonmather0
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