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What are other pro teams that have changed their names, Washington Bullets?

It'll feel like we're throwing out our entire history with the name change. Or maybe not. What's the point of doing it anyway, simply to start fresh??? I think food and uniform changes is enough. I don't see a need to change the name.

In answering this before, I forgot the obvious response: the Astros started out as the Colt .45s! In the major leagues, Tampa Bay recently shortened their name, and a number of teams renamed when they relocated. So there are precedents for franchise name changes. I kind of wish the Astros had gone through with it.

Also lost in the shuffle is that they are considering changes to Tal's Hill, which I assume means the elimination of it.

Never gave it much thought myself, although I do know people who absolutely despise it for being too much of an obvious obstacle, like on a miniature golf course.

MLB needs more teams!!

There are plenty of teams as it is. If anything, I have always thought it would be a good idea to institute a system of relegation and promotion. Demote the two or three worst teams to the minors every year, and promote the best performing minor league teams. It would keep’em all on their toes. Of course, the major league teams would scream bloody murder so it would never happen.

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In answering this before, I forgot the obvious response: the Astros started out as the Colt .45s! In the major leagues, Tampa Bay recently shortened their name, and a number of teams renamed when they relocated. So there are precedents for franchise name changes. I kind of wish the Astros had gone through with it.

What name would you have gone with?

I am in the camp (it may only have my tent) that I do not like the Houston Texans name because it is not really Houston specific. I wish they were the Oilers. Naming the NFL team the Texans just gives whoever is watching them play the generic Texas brand promotion.

I ask those who are reading this thread, what is the generic Texas brand that the Texans promote when they play?

Edited by Nick_G
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  • 2 months later...

I was listening to an Astros game this week and the team was wearing their original Colt 45 uniforms, in celebration of 50 years as a franchise. A caller was talking to the broadcaster who was intervieing Bob Aspermonte at that moment, and the caller mentioned that "he had been a fan since the Colts first game at Buff Stadium". I was shocked that neither the broadcaster nor Bob Aspermonte corrected him. Maybe they were just being repsectful or did the Colt's ever play a game at Buff (Busch) stadium? Can someone clarify this? I was under the impression that all Colt 45 home games were played at Colt Stadium on North Stadium Drive.

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No matter how bad the Astros sucked it today, at least our uniforms aren't as bad as those new Florida outfits.

You have to look really hard to see it's not a rainbow sombrero masquerading as an "M." Even worse than the chiclet-era San Antonio Spurs, which set a standard for bad ideas in major league branding.

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I just got back from Miami.

The new Miami Marlins uniforms and logos fit in quite nicely with the new Marlins Park and the entire city. Colorful, a bit gaudy, and completely unique.

My complaints about the series;

1) Energy dance team? Really? A coed cheer squad at a baseball game?

2) If we were going to have to lose on a walk-off on Friday night, then that damn ball should have gone over the wall so I could have seen the marlin/dolphin/flamingo art/water cannon display.

2a) I didn't attend Sundays game so I never got to see that damn thing go off

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Slash the ticket prices. More fans = more concessions sold even if the prices for those don't change.

Exactly, I was in a discussion with a friend of mine on the subject. I was saying Crane and Co. should find an organization each week and give away as many upper deck seats as they can. Say 2000 soldiers and their families that kind of thing. It makes the crowd look somewhat more full and if 1 person buys 1 concession out of the 2000 then that was money you otherwise wouldn't have had!

Again this is all in theory and I'm sure if people would find out that 1000s of tickets were given away they wouldn't be trying to pay for them, but it was a nice thought!

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Red, since when did you become a baseball fan???

I am always supportive of my Astros. But the Nationals, ugh. Now Cap'n Crunch, who spent some formative years in the DC area and misses the olden days of the Senators, is giving me endless shit about the Nats. I guess that means we're going to tomorrow night's game.

But hey, the Aeros squeaked into playoffs. Good thing there may be some action in Toyota Center this spring after all.

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Slash the ticket prices. More fans = more concessions sold even if the prices for those don't change.

Eh, hard to go much lower. Tickets could be had for as cheap as $5 last year. I like this better, keeping the ticket prices where they are (cheap) and letting people bring in their own food.

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  • 6 months later...

As you all probably know already, the Astros are getting a new logo. You've also probably seen all the "leaks" of the logo, uniforms and "new" team mascot this week. Honestly, it is now getting to the point of pure embarrassment.

First the logo was leaked and the MLB submitted an apology to the Astors.. Then another leak happened and they blamed it on Sandy. Now the mascot leak?

My comment in yesterday's leak Chron story that they would accidentally leak the apology leak before the next leak. By now, I'd rather that just fess up to the intentional leaks, because now they just look incompetent, whoever "they" are, whether MLB or the Astros.

In the grand scheme of things, who cares, right? This is a good time to discuss their logo, move to the AL etc anyway, if anyone cares during the Texans season.


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bring back Orbit!!!!!!!!!!!!

I certainly prefer the nod to the original logo, it was a good simple team logo, and I was always disappointed by the 'open star' logo they changed to.

If it's a choice of keeping the 'open star' or old school, I pick old school, if it's a choice of old school, or unknown, I pick old school, I'm a pessimist and do believe that they would have made something even worse.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

He is sounding like a certified prick. The team may be privately owned but the stadium that you play in isn't. Now I want to pull down those stupid banners he added in the left field view more.

I am fine with the strategy of getting younger, but Crane is handling it like a D-Bag.

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In the wsj article says people may complain about it, they have a right to complain about it, but they're going to stick with the plan.

I suggest reading the wsj article. It actually made me excited about their strategy and makes me believe they are doing it the right way. Yahoo I think simply took the most offensive quote they could and ran with it solely for clicks and website visits.

As fans these days we can be quite impatient. But I'd rather be patient now and have a winner down the line than rush into it just to be eternally average.

I think this strategy irks the casual fan because they don't see W's. For those who simply like the game and appreciates skill and talent, even on an opposing team, I think they'll be fine with this strategy.

But sure, crane probably should have said that differently, but he right. It sounds like he wants to win and is willing to spend money, he just wants to effectively and at the right time.

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Crane wasn't the one that ran the Astros into the ground. Hopefully he's on the right track to making them a respectful franchise again. I'm not mad at him for rebuilding but I am mad at this whole exclusive Comcast TV network that won't let me watch Rockets or Astro games. Talk about alienating fans.


I had Comcast once and I wouldn't have them again even if they paid me. Worse company in the world. 

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At the least he needs to have someone advise him that when dealing with people who have been beaten into not caring, and are wanting really hard to start caring, he can't treat this like a market trade by saying 'shut up, I'm driving' and not piss people off. He may eventually get the team to a successful position, but he will need fans to make it an overall success.


He should start by maybe explaining why someone is going to pay over the average price for a ticket to the game to watch not only the worst paid team in the league, but the worst performing team in the league (based on 2012 standings).

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