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Mexicans Taking Over Houston


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Umm corrupt? Take a wonderful visit to Lagos, and you'll think twice about what you just said... (Thats Nigeria).

My dad is from Lagos. I remeber visting it around 1990. It was horrible there. Very poor, we couldn't trust the cab driver because my uncle had said that many cab drivers would rob you while riding in their cab. Didn't happen to us with the help of God. My dad came to America for college and now is a succesful business man.

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Just an aside to this fascinating discussion:

Isn't this Hispanic Heritage Month? I think the Astros game this weekend was dedicated to outstanding Hispanics in the City of Houston.

It is Hispanic Heritage Month. BTW, I wish i had learned more Spanish while I was young because I am really going to need it in about 10 years. Also, CityKid, I know plenty of succesful Mexican poeple.

My friend since the 7th grade came to America with his family because of poor conditions their. His dad had a not well paying job, but it managed them. I remeber they couldn't even be able to have their water on, or keep their lights on. Know my friend, Edgar Amador, is a succesful Computer Engineerer, and lives in Lakes of Parkway.

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I am sorry, but after reading some of the posts on here I think we should make ignorance the official language of the USA.

AND, for midtowncoog/otischance... here are a few questions I have for you.

You stated that you employ a Mexican nanny. Is she a U.S. citizen? If she isn't then you need to shut your pie-hole about immigration. If she is, then do you pay her minimum wage? Do you declare her employment on your taxes? Have you thought about paying her a living wage so that maybe her family can have the same opportunities that you do?

Additionally, has it ever occured to you that her relatively cheap employment (compared to private day care facilities) offers you several advantages in life that you and your spouse might not otherwise have?

Going further, does your nanny have kids of her own? If she does, do you offer day care services to her kids so that she can work for you without having to rely on spending probably 50% of what she earns from you on day care alone?

I am constantly amazed at the number of white folks who denegrate other races and ethnicities or disparage a lack of a work ethic about said folks, but at the same time, many of these white folks have to hire these people because they are too good to clean their own ____ out of their toilets!

AND, if people are wondering, I am a total WASP and a direct descendent of Jane Long. I was just lucky enough to be raised to spot hypocrisy when I saw it.

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In case I haven't done so, welcome to the board.

Excellent post, very well written and I look forward to your posts in the future.

It will be interesting to see our discussions/debates if we find ourselves on opposite sides of an issue.


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I am sorry, but after reading some of the posts on here I think we should make ignorance the official language of the USA.

AND, for midtowncoog/otischance... here are a few questions I have for you.

You stated that you employ a Mexican nanny. Is she a U.S. citizen? If she isn't then you need to shut your pie-hole about immigration. If she is, then do you pay her minimum wage? Do you declare her employment on your taxes? Have you thought about paying her a living wage so that maybe her family can have the same opportunities that you do?

Additionally, has it ever occured to you that her relatively cheap employment (compared to private day care facilities) offers you several advantages in life that you and your spouse might not otherwise have?

Going further, does your nanny have kids of her own? If she does, do you offer day care services to her kids so that she can work for you without having to rely on spending probably 50% of what she earns from you on day care alone?

I am constantly amazed at the number of white folks who denegrate other races and ethnicities or disparage a lack of a work ethic about said folks, but at the same time, many of these white folks have to hire these people because they are too good to clean their own ____ out of their toilets!

AND, if people are wondering, I am a total WASP and a direct descendent of Jane Long. I was just lucky enough to be raised to spot hypocrisy when I saw it.

Great post. Welcome.

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Kinkaid et. al,

Please find a post where I disparage anyone. The problem with these posts on the internet is that everyone gets too emotional. I can only imagine how some of you would behave in person.

This thread is getting silly. I am talking about "immigration" in a thread titled "Mexicans Taking Over Houston".

Actually Mexicans will be taking over the state and can eventually have a lot of influence. See Miami. Is it wrong? No. Is it a fact worth discussing? Many social scientists seem to think so.

And the best way to find a nanny is through an agency. You don't have to worry about being another Linda Chavez.

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I have a question for those who are so bent on forcing immigrants to learn English.

When is a person who comes here to work 12-16 hour days supposed to find the time to learn a new language? Where and who are they going to learn it from? And the $25,000 question, who is going to pay?

I'll venture a guess that the same people arguing that people have no right to be here unless they speak English are the same people who will argue taxpayer money shouldn't be "wasted" teaching ESL.

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I really have no more intrest in this tread beacause of the way some of you have taken it. This thread was meant to get peoples attention on a real issue effecting Houston and all of America. This thread was inspired by an artilce that I saw on Yahoo.com. I posted the article but that was back when the origanal Houston Architecture Forum destroyed about a month ago. If I have hurt anyones feeling please forgive me, and move on!

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Yes I like a multi-ethnic city too, but one group and we all know what that one gropu is (Mexicans) are taking over! Pretty soon it won't be a multi-ethnic city i will be a Mexican city. And thats not good for the economy! Houston will soon be a largely uneducated city if the illeage Mexican trend continous.

When Asians and other immagrants form the other side of the world come here they no they need to be smart to make it. These people are well educated and help the community.

What a pompous thing for you to say. You therefore conclude that people of Mexican descent are predestined to failure. The only way that makes any sense is that you see a fundamental flaw in the race itself, or in they

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"...but one group and we all know what that one gropu is (Mexicans) are taking over"

"Pretty soon it won't be a multi-ethnic city i will be a Mexican city"

"largely uneducated city if the illeage Mexican trend continous"

And my favorite:

"When Asians and other immagrants form the other side of the world come here they no they need to be smart to make it."

Obviously citykid has less knowledge of proper English than most immigrants I know!

Edit: Oops didn't realize dbigtex56 had already posted something similar!

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"illeage Mexican trend continous."

"immagrants form the other side of the world"

"they no they need"

Appearently, the educational problems in Houston are not restricted to those of Mexican heritage.  :lol:



That first one sounds like some scientific latin name that might come out on a "Wyle E. Coyote" cartoon.

(I'm showing my age)

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I believe 2112 wrote down the exact same sentiments that me and many other Mexican Americans feel, but on a side note i don't want a chicken coop or laundry hanging in front of my yard either, i found that hilarious when i read it in citykids post. I know people still do this in places, but living in an urban environment i wouldn't be to fond on that aspect of my Mexican culture. ;)

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I really have no more intrest in this tread beacause of the way some of you have taken it. This thread was meant to get peoples attention on a real issue effecting Houston and all of America. This thread was inspired by an artilce that I saw on Yahoo.com. I posted the article but that was back when the origanal Houston Architecture Forum destroyed about a month ago. If I have hurt anyones feeling please forgive me, and move on!


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I believe 2112 wrote down the exact same sentiments that me and many other Mexican Americans feel, but on a side note i don't want a chicken coop or laundry hanging in front of my yard either, i found that hilarious when i read it in citykids post. I know people still do this in places, but living in an urban environment i wouldn't be to fond on that aspect of my Mexican culture. ;)


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I believe 2112 wrote down the exact same sentiments that me and many other Mexican Americans feel, but on a side note i don't want a chicken coop or laundry hanging in front of my yard either, i found that hilarious when i read it in citykids post. I know people still do this in places, but living in an urban environment i wouldn't be to fond on that aspect of my Mexican culture. ;)

Thanks, and welcome to the forum. Where are you from,

and, what are you wearing?

(just kidding)

I love women only, in case anyone is questioning that.

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Where was I being emotional? Also, why is responding emotionally to a racist post a bad thing? Or, are you just trying the old white guy patronizing routine by discounting the opposition (usually feminists) by claiming they are non-rational emotional beings?

Going further, I notice that you didn't answer any of the "emotional" questions directly?

Leads me to believe that you are indeed a total hypocrit unless that was your lame way of deflecting responsiblity to the "agency."

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