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Mexicans Taking Over Houston


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It's amazing that you two get offended by the simple questoin of "how well -- and, more importantly, how much -- are they assimilating"?

And that's a quote from Richard Gonzales.

Go figure.  Somebody call Johnny Mata!  Fast!

Oh, and the other offensive thing: it came from you.


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I'm not taking offense to any particular thing you're saying.

MY offense is how you argue your point and make a blanket statement with little to back it up.

To me, the actual argument is worse than that statement. If you make a statement, you have to believe it enough to make a good enough of an argument.

You can call me greaser for all I care, but show a REASON why you wanna call me a greaser.


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I am still laughing at you, midtowncoog.

Do you honestly think it is illegal to know whether or not the person you hired is a citizen or do you think the board is just foolish enough to think you are right?

Seems to me that every job I have ever applied for has asked if I was a legal citizen and it seems to me that my friends that are LEGAL immigrants are asked for their documentation (green cards) from possible future employers.

I am still left standing with the belief that you indeed employ an illegal immigrant to provide cheap child care for your family.

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Get a clue on how agencies work. You asked if she had kids, a family, etc. Those questions are illegal on an employment application.

And who said anything is wrong with illegals? In the last five years, we have built a townhome and a house, and if it were not for the illegals, we would not have had a house to live in.

And what about the taco stands? Who would man the taco stands?

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It's not like it's a choice, it's reality in Texas.

Wait until you build a home and see for yourself.  The painters, the taperos, the roofers, you name it.

They "might" be "legal", but I really doubt it.

i used to do design work for a production home builder and everyone one of the workers employed by us had to be (and were) legal to work in the US.

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Then why not like a street out of mexico?

OR perhaps cuba or South Beach?


Now that's an interesting idea. A lot of the Mexican neighborhoods in Houston aren't hardcore the way ... say.. a Chinatown would be in New York or SF, or Montreal. If there was a neighborhood that was completely unassimilated -- with the Mexican architecture, no signs in English, etc... -- it could be a tourist draw. It might bring in Mexicans from other Texas cities lonesome for a taste of home, and draw other ethnic groups who want the Mexican flavor without driving down to the border. Some neighborhoods are already halfway there. Maybe if the city set up a special district and created some incentives, Houston could have a Mexicotown or something that would bring in lots of tourist dollars.

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Quite true. Never quite thought about it in those terms.

I'm sure that's already happening in certain parts of town, depending on a variety of factors (Land cost, prominent busines men, incentives) perhaps one place or another will take a very strong foothold. Gulfton, Harrisburg, and Canal are already along those lines.

Bellaire and portions of Midtown have that asian flaire already. I'm not saying we should squeeze certain minority cultures into a certain section of town, but it would certainly be a place where people would be pointed to if they're from out of town and not familiar with the area.


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Illegals run the taco stands. 

Amazing that some people want to argue facts.

Legal Mexican immigrants are overrepresented in the food-services industry all over Houston. Who do you think prepares the food at Cafe Express, China Stix, Chipotle, etc...? But you'd rather mention taco stands because it's a little more stinging.

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I have a question for those who are so bent on forcing immigrants to learn English.

When is a person who comes here to work 12-16 hour days supposed to find the time to learn a new language? Where and who are they going to learn it from? And the $25,000 question, who is going to pay?

I'll venture a guess that the same people arguing that people have no right to be here unless they speak English are the same people who will argue taxpayer money shouldn't be "wasted" teaching ESL.

Actually, the Literacy Advance of Houston, Inc. is a nonprofit that provides free English classes for adults. Many of the applicants are Hispanic/Mexican women looking to help their children with homework, get better jobs, go grocery shopping, etc. They try their best to attend classes but sometimes family obligations make it difficult. But, you do what you can. Life in America is easier if you know English. That doesn't mean you have to give up your native language and traditions.

If you volunteer to help them learn English and actually get to know them, you'll find that they're people, just like you and me.

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I am very clear how the "agencies" work.

The fact remains that it is completely LEGAL to ask if the person who takes care of your child is a doucmented worker. Either you or the agency has an obligation to do so.

I have no problems with people hiring illegal immigrants to do work most naturalized Americans are unwilling to do. What I do have a problem with is someone like yourself; you're willing to belittle immigrants on a public forum but in private, you are all too ready to employ them cheaply if it benefits you.

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Going through an agency is not exactly cheap, but well worth it, and the cost is reasonalbe compared to day care.

Cheap would be finding someone off the street.

And where did I say she just swam across the Rio Grande? We asked her to speak in Spanish, and you assume she's illegal.

Talk about sterotypes.

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Believe me, I've worked with some "agencies" and most of the people I've dealt with will generally be satisfied if they 'lure' away the employee, or simply get a relative to help out a neighbor's kid or something.

I had a friend who worked with the INS and we walked into a resturant (he graduated just a few months earlier and it was the first time he wore the uniform "out" on the way too or from work. We went to a denny's and the place cleared out.

From what I understand, the poor owner of the place took weeks to find new help.


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Let's see if I've got this straight...

If someone works at a taco stand, it's a 'fact' that they're illegal.

If someone is watching your kids more cheaply than day care, they are assumed not to be illegal.

How very convenient.

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Mexicans! Mexicans! Mexicans! There everywhere. They don't speak english, but they sure can speak english when it's about money, but they're cool people. I have no problems with mexicans, nor any other races out there. I sure love them mexicans females they're beautiful, and love to make babies. That's why I have to get me one, cause they are family people.

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