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Happy Labor Day!


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Until our own elected officials can figure out which laws to enforce, why should we worry about it?

And that's why I haven't run for office. Yet.

We, in Texas, have some economic decisions to make. Some of my best friends have their houses cleaned, and their yards maintained by people who are honest and do good work, affordably. They're also in the US illegally. No obvious crime is being committed. Free enterprise, and all that.

Everyone's happy, right?

But (and what a horrible word!) how does this differ from slavery? After all, people are working very hard and not afforded the same rights that we have. Nor should they be; after all, they're not American citizens. What an awkward question! Yet, the public is expected to cover education for the children, and health care in extreme cases.

Forgive this Susan B. Anthony/Frederick Douglass liberal. I think there's widespread hypocrisy being practiced, the results of which will continue to haunt us.

Here's a thought: if you knowingly hire an illegal alien, you're Un-American.


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Forgive this Susan B. Anthony/Frederick Douglass liberal. I think there's widespread hypocrisy being practiced, the results of which will continue to haunt us.

Here's a thought: if you knowingly hire an illegal alien, you're Un-American.


There's a lot of hypocrisy with this issue for sure. Bush and his gang try to keep us scared about possible terrorism while our border is left as is. Democrats who traditionally have been pro-union are now pro-illegal. Citizens who might agree with tougher border policy will hire illegals to save money.

There are two bills in Congress floating around out there, Sen. Hutchinson's that would allow state and local police to arrest illegals and, an older one that I'm not sure what happened to, where all states would be forced by Uncle Sam to either require people applying for driver's licenses to prove citizenship or the states would lose official recognition of their licenses as ID; ie, wouldn't be valid for boarding planes, etc. These together would definitely have an impact.

Like the failed "drug war", if there were no demand, we wouldn't have to have all of these new laws and expenses. I think it's each citizen's responsibility to go put the syringe of cheap labor down and support American jobs, even if it costs a little more.

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Here's a thought: if you knowingly hire an illegal alien, you're Un-American.

Like I said, I can make the same assumptions you can about the immigration status of day laborers, but unless I am required by law to ask for documentation before hiring a self-employed contractor, I have to make the assumption that said contractor is legally able to work in the US.

Look, your beef is not with me, the average Joe who hires someone for a few hours work. Your beef should be with employers who hire illegal aliens and don't pay federal payroll taxes for said employees. That, my friend, is illegal.

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..Take our jobs!

HA! :lol:

Please, tell me which of your jobs did they take from you? The only instance I can think of where illegal aliens are taking American jobs is in the construction field. But honestly, with labor unions who demand so much these day and give back so little in productivity - how can you not blame and employer for hiring someone that will do twice as much work at half the cost, who doesn't btich & moan and call in sick or take vacations, who does the same quality work, and who is energetic about getting the job done?

I've only heard this argument from lazy people who aren't willing to work as hard as an illegal alien's price for their own job. Be thankful for two reasons: 1. this isn't a communist society where hard work equals nothing, and 2. this is a capitalist nation when you're cashing in your 401k, IRA or gov. pension when you retire.

Taking our jobs.. give me a break!

You don't have to arrest the illegals to fix the problem. Just arrest those who hire them. When illegals are no longer being hired, either they will leave or go through proper channels to come into the country.

I agree with this 100%. Today's labor laws are designed so that you can't just keep contracting someone for the same job over and over again. The way the law is written, at one point, if the sub-contractor has met so many guidelines, you have to take them on as an employee.

With this principle in mind, that means that there are companies breaking multiple laws, beyond the simple hiring of an illegal alien.

However, there is no law that I know of that requires someone to check the documentation of someone providing them a service. Again I quote: "Buyer Beware".

I think we should all join hands and sing "Koumbaya" ! It was just a thought Jeebus, quit trying to grab my hand. <_<:P:lol:

:lol: No, no - you weren't looking - that was really Cadillac sneaking up on you!

HA! :lol:

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You don't have to arrest the illegals to fix the problem. Just arrest those who hire them. When illegals are no longer being hired, either they will leave or go through proper channels to come into the country.

Gee, I wonder why the president and Congress have not pushed this simple solution? :lol:

Since they don't listen to bleeding hearts like me, maybe some real Americans could suggest it to them. I would love to hear the response. :P

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^ So maybe by being white and so "privileged" maybe he's not worried about his own job so much but about the people that the illegals really take jobs from; the "minority" Americans.

The black woman who started her own maid service but has to compete with them. The young Mexican-American male who didn't go to college or dropped out of high school to go into the construction trades and can't find work or has to work for less. Or the older black man who had a lawn service but kept losing business to cheaper illegals.

Actually, your stereotype of the white man in power would mean that they should be happy that illegals are here, since white men own the businesses and the homes that exploit them.

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Oh, you guys are hilarious. First of all, tell me what law I am breaking by contracting services from a self-employed worker. As far as I know, they are self-employed. As far as I know, they are legal residents of the US. If they choose not to declare their earnings, it's not my fault OR my responsibility. Tell me, when was the last time you asked your friendly valet for proof they were going to declare the tip you gave them as earnings? When was the last time you asked the convenience-store owner to open their books for you to make sure they were paying their payroll taxes?

It's called contracting, not employment.

It is only a problem if you want to be Sec. of Homeland Security sometime in the future. Otherwise, who cares?

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It is only a problem if you want to be Sec. of Homeland Security sometime in the future. Otherwise, who cares?

So that's why Julie Meyer's phone rang and mine didn't when the job as Immigration Secretary opened up. At first I thought it was because I was underquailfied for the job seeing as I have absolutely no experience whatsoever with immigration.....;)

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Well, at least you capitalized "Liberal" .

I don't know, man. From your picture in the Where Do You Wish You Lived? thread, you're looking like a pretty healthy white guy to me-the kind that most likely would never loose his job to anyone except perhaps another white guy like yourself. So when you stop whining and realize it's men like yourself who have ALWAYS been in power in this country [43 consecutive white, christian presidents comes to mind], maybe you'll realize just how fortunate you are to not be in an illegal alien's shoes trudging in 100 degree+ weather to put food on his family's table and clothes on their backs. That appears to be the reason most of them are here.


Screw you, jerk! You don
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Please, tell me which of your jobs did they take from you? The only instance I can think of where illegal aliens are taking American jobs is in the construction field. But honestly, with labor unions who demand so much these day and give back so little in productivity - how can you not blame and employer for hiring someone that will do twice as much work at half the cost, who doesn't btich & moan and call in sick or take vacations, who does the same quality work, and who is energetic about getting the job done?
Speaking of aliens
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Heights2Bastrop, I have read enough of your posts to know you are a Conservative, and I respect that. Since this topic has touched a nerve with you, I want to know what you think about Bush nominating a 36 year old lawyer with no experience in law enforcement, immigration laws, and management (but who happens to be married to Chertoff's Chief of Staff) to head the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement department at Homeland Security?

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What makes you think I am a Conservative? Just because I don't care for bleeding heart Liberals? I don't care for right wingers, either.

If you are gay and you lay a hand on me, I'll knock your block off. But, if you are gay, I'll also stand beside you to demand your equal rights. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and I try my best to know the difference.

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If you are gay and you lay a hand on me, I'll knock your block off.

just so anyone knows...if anyone lays a hand on me, i'll knock your "block" off...just thought i'd share B)

so there.

(sorry, had to...too much tension around here :rolleyes: )

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If you are gay and you lay a hand on me, I'll knock your block off.

So you're only okay with straight people laying hands on you? Either way, I'm thinking the threats are a little uncalled for huh?

Edited by Jeebus
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If you are gay and you lay a hand on me, I'll knock your block off. But, if you are gay, I'll also stand beside you to demand your equal rights. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and I try my best to know the difference.

:( How in the hell did we get to this ?

Edited by TJones
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If you are gay and you lay a hand on me, I'll knock your block off. But, if you are gay, I'll also stand beside you to demand your equal rights. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and I try my best to know the difference.


God help Heights2Bastrop if he accidently gets bumped into at the grocery store by my 6'3, 215lb. Hipanic, Negro, gay, body builder/drag queen buddy from Cuba...he'll be eating teeth for dinner! :lol:


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If you are gay and you lay a hand on me, I'll knock your block off. But, if you are gay, I'll also stand beside you to demand your equal rights. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and I try my best to know the difference.

What in the world brought this on? Thanks but no thanks. Don't really want/need you standing beside me.

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Your post is uninformed and borderline predjudiced. If you're worried about someone with no insurance hitting you, then get the uninsured motorist insurance. Don't think for a second that illegal aliens are the only ones driving. At $100.00 a month or more, many poor U.S. citizens are driving without insurance.

It happened to me on Montrose. I was hit head-on by a woman who crossed the median in a stolen van. No license. No insurance. No I.D. whatsoever. There just happened to be a cop about five car lengths behind me who saw the whole thing. She admitted to him that she was an illegal from Mexico. He let her go because there were five children in the van.

That was the day I learned that it's worth the money to pay extra for good car insurance.

She called me at home a few weeks later and in very bad English that sounded like she was reading from a script, left a message on my machine threatening to claim that she had back pain and sue me if I didn't give her money.

I'm not saying my experience is typical, but it is my experience.

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She called me at home a few weeks later and in very bad English that sounded like she was reading from a script, left a message on my machine threatening to claim that she had back pain and sue me if I didn't give her money.

I could deal with the first part, I mean we live in Houston - its almost expected.. but to have them call me with threats of "my neck, my back, my cadillac"? I'd be pretty upset then.

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I could deal with the first part, I mean we live in Houston - its almost expected.. but to have them call me with threats of "my neck, my back, my cadillac"? I'd be pretty upset then.

i think he should have set up a sting operation and see how much she would have squealed at that point. :D

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