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Great Memorial Plaza Mod For Sale


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That's the house... it is terrible. Rumor has it that the owners are related to the "gypsy house" further down Memorial (by Benignus, across from Shell and the Turkish restaurant). You can spot it by its blackout windows and its matching white lions.

By the way, my rant was not directed towards rps. I know there are some out there that "get it".

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Oh god! The worst that Nouveau Riche has to offer. UGH! Matt and I joke that the people that built that house must be lottery winners. :lol:

Parrothead, if you look at that Grey monstrosity, as you drive by slowly on memorial, look really hard, the whole house is tilted to the right. It is especially apparent in the right side rounded tower. it looks like it is about to fall off. :lol:

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Parrothead, if you look at that Grey monstrosity, as you drive by slowly on memorial, look really hard, the whole house is tilted to the right. It is especially apparent in the right side rounded tower. it looks like it is about to fall off. :lol:

Up until 2004, That "Gypsy House" on Memorial, by the Shell was owned by a guy who I think was in the porn business. He also owns a piece of property on the Katy Freeway, just west of BW-8. He had proposed to open a topless bar there but can't get a permit. The property is now a trashed-out auto repair place. I notice that it is up for sale. The current owner of the "Gypsy House" is mideastern type.

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Up until 2004, That "Gypsy House" on Memorial, by the Shell was owned by a guy who I think was in the porn business. He also owns a piece of property on the Katy Freeway, just west of BW-8. He had proposed to open a topless bar there but can't get a permit. The property is now a trashed-out auto repair place. I notice that it is up for sale. The current owner of the "Gypsy House" is mideastern type.

I am speaking of another house that is down memorial by the Methodist Church on the outside of beltway 8. It looks like The Munsters live there. :D

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I am speaking of another house that is down memorial by the Methodist Church on the outside of beltway 8. It looks like The Munsters live there. :D

Yeah, I know. The Gray Beast. Someone mentioned earlier that they thought that they might be related to the folks in the Gypsy House.

Given the folks that I see in the Gray Beast, the fact that they must have 3 or 4 brand new Chrysler 300s, boats and trailers all parked in the paved yard makes me wonder what they do for money. Porn seems like a good bet.

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Is the gypsy house the one that looks like stucco and is all walled up? Like, way out of place?

If your talking about that spanish style house at Memorial and Boheme, I heard it was actually designed by one of the mod architect's. I just dont recall which one.

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The house has had an addition, plus the skylight has leaked for some time. A low pitch roof is very difficult to drain properly.

Here's a general question; were Mods built for the ages?

In other words, do some of the distinctive design elements (such as butterfly or flat roofs, slab foundations, unusual window configurations, termite susceptible construction, etc.) require more diligent maintenance than more conventional designs? Once damaged, are they difficult to repair?

Can current technology (such as the new roofing membrane systems, wood preservatives and coatings, energy efficient windows) be adapted to preserve these houses, while still maintaining their charactor?

Please don't take this as a slam against Mods - heck, even Frank Lloyd Wright's houses were notorious for leaky roofs - but I'm wondering if they can ever be practical for any but the most ardent admirers of this style. BTW, I greatly admire the efforts of those who are working to preserve these houses.

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Are you referring to that Grey monster on Memorial next to the mod? The one with the white lions and blah blah blah? If you are, that house actually drove me from even considering the mod next door :(

I swear you guys could be talking about the grey monster next to me in Glenbrook Valley. If you've driven down Broadway, you've seen it. They must have the same "more money than taste" builder.'

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dbigtex56 - I think the style lends itself to needing more help along the way than some other constructions, at least in the case of these affordable mods meant for the masses. I also believe in updating materials as you move along and technology provides. I suppose that makes me less of a hardline than most here. For instance, I think 90% of Mod kitchens need major help. Help that alot of your more era-correct people would like to flay me for. :)

Oh btw, I see that har is listing it as 'Option Pending'.

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I am speaking of another house that is down memorial by the Methodist Church on the outside of beltway 8. It looks like The Munsters live there. :D

I live near Memorial and Wilcrest and drive by that place all the time. It does look like a new and improved Munster family house.

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  • 2 weeks later...
There is a beautiful mod on Kimberley Drive that I have admired for a while now. It is located at 13022 Kimberley Dr. in Memorial Plaza and looks to be a Floyd original though I will have to check for sure. I drive past this house every day and have always admired it.

What DISTURBS the he*l out of me is the HAR listing says, "Investors and Builders, if you're looking for a great deal, this is it!" :blink: The reason that frightens me so is because David Weekley and other builders have bought three homes and have torn them down in the past year just in Memorial Plaza...which is small to begin with. I think it would be a travesty if this house were torn down. I wish I could buy it, because I would in a heartbeat. The neighborhood is great--it's right near Rummel Creek Elementary, and it's a large sized house that is absolutely beautiful. Why it is priced so low I have NO idea (unless it has foundation or pipe issues)...I checked their taxes and they look all paid up to date...anyway, it's a great house! Someone save it from the McMansion Wrecking Ball... I think if the word can spread among the masses that care that this house is priced so well (I think it is around $89 per square foot) it might go to someone that actually wants to live there. It's in pristine condition from what I can see.

Mod House Listing 13022 Kimberley Drive

The house is back on the market for $235,000 come to save it!

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I know that this topic is a bit old now, but I just found out about this forum. I just wanted to let y'all know that the house on 13022 Kimberley Ln. IS A TEARDOWN. I understand that it may be an orginal Floyd, but you haven't lived there for 15 years. I have been there through many problems. This home is not fixable!!! If one wanted to remodel and live in it, it would cost more than 75K, like someone had mentioned earlier, not to mention, that problems would still occur. The reason that it is selling so low has nothing to do with the agent. It is not her decision whether she wants it torn down or not. y'all are being too harsh. She is an excellent realtor and has helped us with other listings and purchases as well. She is just doing her job!! If y'all are so concerned about the home, then you should put an offer on it and save it.

Um...okay, I'll bite...I have a couple of questions:

I'm assuming you are the owner? How do you know it would cost more than $75k? How is it not "fixable" if you're quoting costs to fix it? I guess I'm baffled at your response because no one here is being "harsh" with Janice (in fact many of us appreciate the fact that she didn't hop on here and start barking at us)--we just understand it is a great house and probably COULD very well be saved if you had the right buyer. To me, it just sounds like you wanna sell to the highest bidder and you don't really give a rat's behind about the house or the history of it and the street on which it sits. I can understand that--it's your prerogative as an owner, and really, why should you care if a McMansion is built in its place? You'll be long gone!

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Reminds me of the Mitchell House - the owner demolished it to put up a McMansion. His reasoning? Well... it was just beyond fixing. It would've taken too much money. Come to find out from his neighbor that the owner had never spent a dime on maintenance in 14 years and he left it gradually fall apart.

So, your question is valid - how did it get to that point?

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maybe i'll just take that as the answer to my question too...owner neglect

It's not like he's beating his dog.

Owners of older houses - especially those in prime areas - are put in a quandry. Without maintanance, of course the place will fall apart. But why pour money into a house when there's a good chance it will be demolished anyway? I have a friend who bought her charming little house near River Oaks Plaza about 12 years ago. During that time, the valuations of similar houses have gone from $80k to just under $300k, with taxes to match. What few similar houses remain, that is...most of the street has been taken over by hulking townhomes.

So what should my friend do? She'd like to stay there, but the taxes are killing her. She can spend several thousand dollars to patch the place up - but it's doubtful that there will be any return on her investment. Who cares if a tear-down has a new roof?

I'd like to see every architecturally significant house maintained and preserved. It kills me that people prefer some giant Barbie's Dream House over a smaller house of superior design. But such are the economic realities of Houston.

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