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what shows/stations do you listen to on XM?

The XM has over 150 stations. The music stations have no commercials. I mostly listen to the 1950s, 1960s, Hank's Place (Classic Country), the Bluegrass Station, Sunny (beautiful music), and there are three Classical Music stations that I sometimes listen to. It has a lot of cable news stations (FOX, CNN, MSNBC, The Weather Channel, CNBC, etc.).

It has an Old Time Radio channel which plays those old radio shows (Jack Benny, Lone Ranger, etc.). It has Discovery, some Latin stations. You can see for yourself at "xmradio.com".

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i got sick of the back and forth on the show and stopped watching it last season.

This happened to me with 24.

BTW, I started this thread hoping that someone who follows the show closer than I do would chime in with any secrets I might have missed.

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This happened to me with 24.

BTW, I started this thread hoping that someone who follows the show closer than I do would chime in with any secrets I might have missed.

you ought to talk with my sister ... she loves that show... and 24.

btw, i stopped watching 24 too ... it just got too .. tedious. and fabulously unbelievable. however, the first 2-3 seasons were great!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
it was a repeat.

tonight is new.

Thank you! I thought I missed it.

I seems like now-a-days, they have a rerun everyother epsiode. Is it just me, or is that how it is?

Are you sure it was a rerun? I thought it was going to be the epsiode where sun ask for a pregnace test?

Edited by citykid09
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I've never seen Lost but I've heard it compared to Gilligan's Island.

Do the characters all have fabulous wardrobes like the thousands the Howells and Ginger must have packed for a 3 hour tour or are they more along the lines of the Skipper and Gilligan [who must have smelled pretty gamey never changing clothes and all].

Help me.

I'm.....Lost. :lol::P:wacko:;)


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I've never seen Lost but I've heard it compared to Gilligan's Island.

Do the characters all have fabulous wardrobes like the thousands the Howells and Ginger must have packed for a 3 hour tour or are they more along the lines of the Skipper and Gilligan [who must have smelled pretty gamey never changing clothes and all].

Help me.

I'm.....Lost. :lol::P:wacko:;)


It's a really good show. One of the highest rated on TV. The people on the show wear raggged out clothes, but for ratings, you know sex sells and sometimes they make those woredrobes really sexy although they are messed up at the sametime. Its kind of hard to explain. You should watch the epsodie thats coming on tonight just to check it out.

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Finally a new episode tonight!

I love "Lost"! It's the only current TV show I watch regularly.

I seems like now-a-days, they have a rerun everyother epsiode. Is it just me, or is that how it is?
That's because they only have a certain amount of episodes to air per season. Usually around 25. If they aired them every week starting in September until they run out, we'd have months of nothing but continuous reruns.
Are you sure it was a rerun? I thought it was going to be the epsiode where sun ask for a pregnace test?

That happens on tonight's episode. What you saw was probably the promo for tonight two weeks ago.

I hope Walt comes back before the season ends. I'd also like to see that blasted polar bear again and more of the black smoke mystery.

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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Finally a new episode tonight!

I love "Lost"! It's the only current TV show I watch regularly.

That's because they only have a certain amount of episodes to air per season. Usually around 25. If they aired them every week starting in September until they run out, we'd have months of nothing but continuous reruns.

That happens on tonight's episode. What you saw was probably the promo for tonight two weeks ago.

I hope Walt comes back before the season ends. I'd also like to see that blasted polar bear again and more of the black smoke mystery.

Curious about Hurley's story. And for the record, Sawyer's my favorite character. His one-liners and nicknames are just wrong :lol:

If Sun may be pregnant, why would she want to keep it a secret? Korean tradition, or something else, perhaps?

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You're probably not going to see another polar bear. As for the nano-smoke machine, you will probably see that again.

Sun was hiding it from Jin because she was afraid to tell him the truth about 1. it was he who was sterile, and not her, and 2. that the child is possible not his.

I hope Hurley chokes on one of his hidden Apollo bars deep the jungle where no one can find him. If I have to hear him say "dude" one more time. Sadly, the same goes for Charlie & Michael. They're both whiners and dependants. Ultimately their a liability. Of course the writers won't get rid of these three though, as they somehow drive the plot with their uselessness.

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You're probably not going to see another polar bear. As for the nano-smoke machine, you will probably see that again.

Sun was hiding it from Jin because she was afraid to tell him the truth about 1. it was he who was sterile, and not her, and 2. that the child is possible not his.

I hope Hurley chokes on one of his hidden Apollo bars deep the jungle where no one can find him. If I have to hear him say "dude" one more time. Sadly, the same goes for Charlie & Michael. They're both whiners and dependants. Ultimately their a liability. Of course the writers won't get rid of these three though, as they somehow drive the plot with their uselessness.

If you looked closely at the black smoke when Mr. Eko stared at it, you could see some of his life images, like him as a boy, and the virgin mary. What that means, I don't know, but it's reading something.

I think Hurley and the numbers carry a big secret to the show. Maybe that dude he met in Australia was a former hatch dude?

To everyone here, who's your fav character?

(A lot of us Americans here in Korea watch Lost via downloads. It's the only drama show most of us watch. Surprisingly, they don't show Lost on Korean tv, but they show all the other shows like Desperate Housewives, Everybody Loves Ramond, and even reruns of Grace Under Fire. Go figure. Yunjin Kim, the Korean actress that plays Sun, is normally on Korean tv as an actress in Korean music videos and films. I guess between filming shoots in Hawaii, she'd film the videos for KMTV.)

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Charlie & Michael. They're both whiners and dependants. Ultimately their a liability. Of course the writers won't get rid of these three though, as they somehow drive the plot with their uselessness.

Michael might be a whiner right now, and i too find him annoying, but what do you expect with his soon taken? i think he has been useful, and will be in the future. remember he helped got Jack out of the collapsed cave and supervised construction of a pretty nice raft using his structural engineering skills.

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Sun's a hottie. I'd have to say my favorite charactor would be Sayid. Soon or later he's gonna go 100% Rambo on everyone.

You're right about Michael bringing his raft building skills to the table, but that's about it. As for Henry Gale, I'd slapped the cereal right out of his mouth and thrown him back in his hole after the comment he made last night.

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A Lost topic! Fabulous!

Did anyone else get into it by watching the first season on the DVD's? I did, and didn't sleep for a week because I coulnd't help watching just one more!!

Now though, I don't know if it is because we have to wait 3 weeks for a new episode or not...but it just isn't as intriguing. They don't have as much "mystery island" stuff anymore. It all seems to be "local" goings on. There just aren't the same kind of cliffhangers! I'm worried that they realized that their mystery would finish itself out in only a couple of seasons...and they want to ride the popularity for as long as possible, so we get more fluff now.

I really love this show...and I hope it doesn't loose its orginal focus!

as for characters...I don't really have a favorite. The blond chick was going from annoying to interesting before they killed her. I used to love Locke when the whole paralysis crazy enthusiastic thing was playing out, but I don't really like him much anymore. I think the crazy old lady is great! I bet she has a bigger role in this then they let on...

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Oh yeah! LOST!

I wish Lost could go straight through the season like 24 does but I can 99% guarantee that it will never happen. LOST viewership is down considerably this season compared to last, from about 20 million to 12 million viewers each week. On the contrary, 24 is actually UP in the ratings this year, from about 12 million to 14 million. I think 24 actually increased from 10 to 12 million the previous year when it went to the non-stop format. LOST will never do it because it's the most expensive show on television (I think). I have read articles that is not generating the huge cash for ABC that one would think. For starters, it's filmed in Hawaii. Second, it has a huge ensemble cast. And third, it is a fairly elaborate show. I wouldn't say LOST is in danger of being cancelled but I think ABC is going to be looking at ways to cut costs, and that may include moving the set locations to the mainland and "faking" the jungle, so to speak.

That said, I love the show. If I had to trim my TV habits to next to nothing, LOST would be there right to the end. Last night's episode wasn't very strong but next week looks tremendous. There should be six episodes left in the season, next week and the week after should both be new. Then they'll take a break and do the remaining four to finish the season. It's a sprint to the finish now. What part will Rousseau play? Will Desmond be back (who was on 24 this week, too) Are there more hatches? We know of three already and presume the Others are assuredly in another one. I think I remember them saying there were six hatches on the video. So that could mean 3 undiscovered at this point.

I can't wait for next week! The episode is titled "Lockdown" and is Locke-centric.

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Sun's a hottie. I'd have to say my favorite charactor would be Sayid. Soon or later he's gonna go 100% Rambo on everyone.

You're right about Michael bringing his raft building skills to the table, but that's about it. As for Henry Gale, I'd slapped the cereal right out of his mouth and thrown him back in his hole after the comment he made last night.

I think Sun's a hottie too, but I really don't think her husband's da baby daddy. AND I think the others will be after her next, 'cause she's pregnant. AND I think Henry Gale's crazy, but telling the truth. If I'm wrong, it's just predictable. A battle between Sayid and the Others would happen on the spot, and that French chick's gonna save him 'cause she hasn't had a man in 16 years, and she's French. I think that's a lie, too. I think she used to be one of the others and defected. She knew the hatch too well.

I agree that Sayid kicks ass. But like I said, the show wouldn't be as entertaining if Sawyer weren't there to just tick people off for no reason. Cracks me up. My fav.

I think there are 6 total hatches on the island, and they've only found three. Only my prediction.

Whatever happened to that Aussie dude that lived in the hatch that Jack knew before? He didn't just swim off the island. He'll come back.

Lastly, what do the "Others" want with the kids?

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Sawyers a douche. I'll cry tears of joy the episode Sawyer comes down with dysentary. That'll make my year.

As for the show losing ratings, its a non-stop battle between the producers & the network. The producers see the show only taking about 5 seasons to complete a la Soprano's. The problem is that the network will want to bleed the show dry a la X-Files.

So far we know the Others brainwash the kids into becoming Others. Why exactly, we're not sure, except that Goodwin said that they are the "good ones" and are safe with the others. We do know that there is some free will by the actions of Rousseau's daughter Alex.

Supposedly, by the end of this season, we will know why the plane crashed. Per the preview for next week, we'll finally see some questions answered.

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i think sawyer's necessary comic relief. kinda like Hurley (yeah he'll be important because of the numbers but for now he's comic relief) except actually funny.

the 'others' take the kids cause they're not corrupt, to build the perfect society or whatever.

i think the guy who taught her English is the father, but like my gf says, flashbacks never lie, so only time will tell. I think it would be better if Michael were the father, then all hell would break loose!

i'm also waiting for them to get back to Hurley and Libby. it was interesting how she reacted when he thought he knew her from somewhere, the story about Hurley stepping on her foot. Why would he go to the back of the plane where she was to go to the bathroom? I'm guessing she knows him through the mental hospital he was in, since she's a shrink.

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The producers have also said that everything on the show has a real-world explanation. I'm not sure how to take that since the black smoke seems pretty sci-fi'ish.

Maybe someone fails to push the button next week and that why the hatch goes into lockdown mode. I hope so. I hate the button. Let's accelerate the plot and not push it.

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A non-stop season like 24 would be great, but first ABC needs a hit reality show like American Idol to fill the rest of the schedule. Lost is a much better show, but 24 is more engaging because there are no reruns between episodes.

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