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Some KPRC Changes In Schedule


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I swear to you Sachse gets away with bloody murder in that place. Even a rookie like McNeil is superior in her professionalism and staying on topic when reading news stories.

Sara Allen is way too trusting and nice when it comes to things. I think she had a lot of power with the young mother demographic back when she was on the Am show. Wasserman was probably scared to yank her cause the studio would be surrounded by angry pregnant women the next day.

His replacement was able to do so because all of the teams were shuffled and reassembled.

If I was Sara I'd have the baby and get back to work as fast as possible just to stay in the minds of that young mom demo. Besides, she can flaunt her new child and if she ever does a broadcast with Sashse she can make a comment like "You know Dominique you have a child, well guess what I have 2 of em".

You gotta make it stupid for stupid people to understand when you are trying to be insulting.

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You gotta make it stupid for stupid people to understand when you are trying to be insulting.

But then you just look stupid to the rest of the crowd for doing so. Sara seems more professional that Dominique, so in time she'll get her due. Unfortunately, it might not be for KPRC. Besides - KPRC has been sucking for the last five years anyway.

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Ever watch Dan Lauk on CBS? Does he have epilepsy? He trembles when he talks. But he is a great reporter. His writing skills and narrartion is top notch. Ditto for Nancy Holland on KHOU. She is one of the best ever.

You're right -- Dan Lauck and Nancy Holland are two of the best reporters in Houston television. Also, there was another guy who was there a long time who was very solid, but I can't remember his name. Short hair. Tall. Soft-spoken.

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I'll never forget the "Oh no, you didn't just say that" look on Orelon Sidney's face when Dominique Sachse referred to her as "our resident monkey".

Oh my goodness. :blink:

I remember Channel 2 once running a clip of some Olympic runner struting around and dancing after winning a race who looked exactly like Orelon Sidney and they made a joke about it. It's funnier if you had seen it. One of the most hilarious moments ever on local news, in my opinion!

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Oh my goodness, Dominique Sasche is by far THE most overrated anchor in all of Houston news. I remember when she first arrived at KPRC in the early 90's and she did traffic in the mornings. Now she is practically the lead anchor for the station. Over the years I have not seen anything to warrant such a quick move. Personally, I think her appearance (which I also find terribly overrated) had a lot to do with it.

Favorite male- Jerome Gray and Dave Ward (tie)

Favorite female- Stephanie Guardian and possibly Linda Lorrell

Just a little tidbit on the Weather Front, Orelan Sydney, Gene Norman, Carl Parker, and Paul Goodlowe, who were all in Houston, are now in Atlanta.

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Oh my goodness, Dominique Sasche is by far THE most overrated anchor. Personally, I think her appearance (which I also find terribly overrated) had a lot to do with it.

Her, Melissa Wilson on Fox, Lisa Foranda on CBS, and Rosanne Rogers (at one time) all sport the same "anchor woman" hair-do.

Looks like a modified "Rachelle".

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can you say "crazy eyes?"


She looks like she might have "Elfin Magic." :D This particular shot is her "Evil Eye" stare, don;t look too long at it, you'll see her eyebrow start to wiggle up and down.

I did all this work and got Sara Allen to respond, and no comments!

HELLO!?!?!? :angry:

Looks like she dropped Gasia in the grease. Saying Gasia wanted out of town. HMMMMMMMMMMMM ! <_<

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Very true that Sachse is over rated.

I can't say her looks are what drive her career these days.

I mean just look at this photo. What looks real about her?


Gasia was way better looking and did not have such success at 2.


Honestly, compare those 2.

I have to go out for the afternoon so I won't be on the forum for a while. I give you yet another topic to discuss.

Jan Jeffcoat in Fox.

What is the big deal about her? They made such a fuss when she started there. Is she the wife of a former Oiler named Jeffcoat?

Here's a pic of her in the green if you don't know her by name.


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I wondered the same about Jan Jeffcoat. Fox pumped her top-secret arrival for months. I thought for sure we were going to at least ge a B-list celebrity.

As for "most attractive" female reporter, you're all kidding yourselves comparing Dominque to Gasia. Jessica Willey has them beat hands down - no comparison. :wub:

(..now there's one smiley I thought I would never use!)

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I wondered the same about Jan Jeffcoat. Fox pumped her top-secret arrival for months. I thought for sure we were going to at least ge a B-list celebrity.

As for "most attractive" female reporter, you're all kidding yourselves comparing Dominque to Gasia. Jessica Willey has them beat hands down - no comparison. :wub:

(..now there's one smiley I thought I would never use!)

You're right about Jessica Willey. I never thought Dominique was all that. If you ask me most of the news babes (female) are all at KTRK.

The big deal over Jan Jeffcoat was that there was someone who was joining the Fox 26 news team but because she was still under contract with another station so they couldn't show you her picture or use her name. Thats all. They wanted us to know it but just couldn't say who.

But she is another one on my list. :)

We should get a list of our personal favs going here.

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Wasserman destroyed local news sometime around 1999ish because he came up with the format everyone follows now where they cram as much as they can (with over 50% being BS stories) into 30 minutes.

Don't credit or blame Wusserman for those changes. Shortening the stories so you can do 'more' news (higher story count) and goosing up the delivery are standard ways of hyping the news ratings and have been employed for decades. Even the networks do it from time to time. I don't have privy to the ratings, but it seems to me they should have realized it hasn't worked.

People's lives are very busy these days and they have lots of sources for news. If someone wants just a 'headline' newscast at 6 or 10pm, that's fine with me. I do agree with your complaints about the quality of the news, though. I don't mind picking up the National Enquirer or Globe or whatever every now and then in the check out line at the grocery, but I'm not going to subscribe and I don't watch Channel 2.

13 has been known for it's appeal to working class Houstonians and its attention to Hispanics and Blacks since the 70s when they chased a lot of ambulances and fire trucks. The station has broadened its appeal over the years to reach a broad cross section of the population, helped by keeping the same anchor in place for so long. There is no other anchor in Texas who's been in the anchor's seat as long as Dave Ward and probably few in the whole country. The familiarity factor counts for a lot when people make a choice of what newscast to watch. I think Post Newsweek thought they could easily undercut 13s appeal to the less well-educated and capture younger viewers with all the hype and glitz, but it hasn't worked.

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Looks like she dropped Gasia in the grease. Saying Gasia wanted out of town. HMMMMMMMMMMMM ! <_<

I don't get that comment, what does it mean when you say that someone is in the grease?

The big deal over Jan Jeffcoat was that there was someone who was joining the Fox 26 news team but because she was still under contract with another station so they couldn't show you her picture or use her name. Thats all. They wanted us to know it but just couldn't say who.

And Taslan Alfonzo get bumped and she quit and left for Florida. Stupid Jan.

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Jessica Willey always looks like she has a cold casue her eyes look watery and her nose looks red. That said, I would say yeah she is attractive but probably not the most attractive on Houston TV.

Did you all see that stupid stunt KTRK had her pull when Rita got as close to Galveston? She went into the street wearing slickers with a hat and kept saying pretty much the same thing about wind and rain. Dave and his Gina Gaston kept going back to her every 5 minutes. At one point her hat flew off her head and they continued to stay with her for an extended time becasue wet hair on a attractive woman sort of sexed it up and they were not going to let that slip away. So obvious KTRK.

Speaking of Gaston, gawd....could they have found anyone worse?

She does a disgraceful delivery of news because she speaks to the camera with an angry attitude and inapproporiate tone of voice at times. I'm not saying it has to be sweet as sugar and makes you want to puke like Sara Allen but just be neutral at least.

Tom Abrabs and Jeff Elling.....2 others at KTRK that are really annoying. These 2 look like total brownnosers that would do anything to get ahead. I also hate Kevin Quinn.....the guy seems to be total scum.

Cynthia Cisneros, Tom Koch, and even Wayne Dolcefino are good in my book.

I like Wayne because he has integrity and has never appoligized for his doing the right thing investigations that were very unpopular at times. He did one in the late 90s that grounded some HISD busses for a week. Lots of kids had trouble getting to school and i'm sure he got tons of hate mail but the guy reported facts and no one could prove him wrong.

I also like that he tends to target organizations that are city or state funded and usually exempt from scrutiny. His reports on HISD, HPD, HFD, TX Parks and Wildlife, etc.....great stuff.

The investigative teams on the other networks are just wannabes. Emily Akin on 2 gave up on that angle I think. They used to have unemployed losers man the phone bank on 2 daily to take calls for her. CBS has 3 reporters that do this but they also lack the balls to go after powerful entities like the city govt. Elieen Faxes will chase some old guy that won't mow his lawn rather than cops that go to strip clubs to see a show while on the clock for being on patrol in your area.

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When I see Elizabeth Vargas on TV, I change the channel very quickly. She always sounds angry and biased, like she took lessons on how to be a whiny crybaby from John Stoessell. Putrid, both of them...

Absolutely agree. Vargas did an 'update' on the Matthew Shepard story on 20/20 which was nothing more than a series of insinuating questions ("But what if...we don't have the whole story? Could there be more to this than we realize?") and interviews with people who looked like they'd been scraped out of a crackpipe. She had nothing of substance to report, and spent quite a while not doing it. How appalling that she's now anchoring the evening news.

John Stossel is equally as bad. He did a story about myths regarding the common cold. "Your mother told you that chicken soup would help. Well, that's just a LIE." No, John. That's just well-intended misinformation. I seriously doubt if our mothers told us that out of sheer vindictiveness. Mr. Stossel's sole intent is to anger and frighten people - Bowling for Columbine, anyone?

On a local level, Kris Gutierrez is still not forgiven for his insensitive, pushy and obnoxious coverage of the arrival of Hurricane Katrina evacuees. He apparently felt that "getting the story" was more important than the needs of tired, hungry, thirsty and frightened people. The man has not a shred of dignity.

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I missed that Vargas story, so I can't really comment on that. As for John Stossel, I watch as many of his myth series as I can, just to see what he reports. I watched the cold myth, and I didn't feel threatened, scared, or frightened by his report. Infact I've never felt that way about his reports. I've always found myself liking his reports because it seems like he's the only one pointing out all the needless things we use as crutches to get by in our lives.

But hey, that's just me.

Oh, as for P.O.S. Katrina reporters, Art Rascon takes the prize for his live report from the I-10 evacuation zone on day 4 when the first buses were arriving. He went scavaging through the crowd dressed like Alex Trebek on safari, asking the evacuees "how they felt about their situation". Then he worked his way on to one of the few buses that were already packed in an attempt to ask the bus driver where the rest of the buses were, and why he wasn't letting more people on board to already fully loaded bus. Just as he wedged his way onto the bus, a National Guardsman yanks him off and tells him to buzz-off. What a grade "A" turd. (Art Rascon - NOT the National Guardsman..)

Jessica Willey always looks like she has a cold casue her eyes look watery and her nose looks red. That said, I would say yeah she is attractive but probably not the most attractive on Houston TV.

Did you all see that stupid stunt KTRK had her pull when Rita got as close to Galveston? She went into the street wearing slickers with a hat and kept saying pretty much the same thing about wind and rain. Dave and his Gina Gaston kept going back to her every 5 minutes. At one point her hat flew off her head and they continued to stay with her for an extended time becasue wet hair on a attractive woman sort of sexed it up and they were not going to let that slip away. So obvious KTRK.

Yes, it was quite obvious, but I must guiltly admit - it worked.. :)

Another favorite around the office is Cynthia Hunt. I don't know why though, her accent alone is enough to excersise demons. Her's is almost as bad as the chick off of CSI Miami.

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OMG I almost forgot about Jessica Willey. She's another one that every time I see her little doe-eyed self I think, "Damn, she missed her calling as a porn star." Can you see it? Can you just IMAGINE it? Next time you see her, imagine her in a corset and a thong with thigh highs and doing something really dirty....I swear she's all over that!!!!!!!

Edited by Parrothead
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Absolutely agree. Vargas did an 'update' on the Matthew Shepard story on 20/20 which was nothing more than a series of insinuating questions ("But what if...we don't have the whole story? Could there be more to this than we realize?") and interviews with people who looked like they'd been scraped out of a crackpipe. She had nothing of substance to report, and spent quite a while not doing it. How appalling that she's now anchoring the evening news.

John Stossel is equally as bad. He did a story about myths regarding the common cold. "Your mother told you that chicken soup would help. Well, that's just a LIE." No, John. That's just well-intended misinformation. I seriously doubt if our mothers told us that out of sheer vindictiveness. Mr. Stossel's sole intent is to anger and frighten people - Bowling for Columbine, anyone?

On a local level, Kris Gutierrez is still not forgiven for his insensitive, pushy and obnoxious coverage of the arrival of Hurricane Katrina evacuees. He apparently felt that "getting the story" was more important than the needs of tired, hungry, thirsty and frightened people. The man has not a shred of dignity.

Vargas' husband was shot in the head recently. That is enough to piss anyone off.

Speaking of Gaston, gawd....could they have found anyone worse?

Gina Gaston - she's a guy in drag, I swear.

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