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Polishing Houston's Grimy Image


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Midtower, I only respond like that when people like you poor-mouth their own city. Let the world think what they may.

For you, I see two options:

1. Fix what you don't like.

2. Hit the road.

I stil don't undestand why people would choose to live in a place they don't like.

Maybe you can explain it for us.

Not sure I understand the point of that line.

He said he really was joking and truly likes Houston. We have to stop taking these things so seriously.

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You know, it is interesting that, upon reading the article closely, you find almost nothing bad said in the article. The writer merely states that some Houstonians wish our image was better. He then adds some points that are either incorrect, or not bad in the first place.

For example, police on horseback are used to give the officer a better view than on foot or in a vehicle. All big cities, including New York and Chicago, use them.

100 accidents involving light rail does not mention that it is now a fraction of what it once was. Contrary to what was printed, the signage and education worked.

Enron. Like corporate corruption is unique to Houston. Or it means every Houstonian was involved.

Diana. What does this even mean?

Not much else is said. The main point, that some (too many) Houstonians have an inferiority complex...is absolutely TRUE. What I find most interesting in this entire thread is Midtowner lambasting those of us who do not have a complex over Houston. Frankly, I don't know which is worse...the people who read an article by a Chicago writer trying to impress Chicagoans and moan "Nobody likes us", or people like Midtowner, who believes everything an out-of-towner writes, and sees every glass as half-empty.

Images, like stereotypes, evolve over decades, not days. They are formed by perceptions over time, not ad campaigns. People still imagine the mob on every corner in Chicago, 75 years after Capone went to prison. We have mosquitos and cockroaches, but Chicago's rats are legendary. It may be hot here 3 months of the year, but have you been to Chicago in January? By the way, more people die from the heat in Chicago every summer than Houston...lots more.

The point is, it's pretty good here. Quit worrying what others think. Fix what needs to be fixed and don't worry about the rest. And midtowner, if you're going to complain about Houston's problems, at least complain about a PROBLEM. Houston is widely praised by city planners for not getting hemmed in by suburban towns like Detroit, Chicago and even Dallas. It still has its tax base intact, and a vibrant downtown. That is a plus, not a minus. And what would you rather be known for, being the murder capital, like Chicago, or fast-dealing corporate crooks, like Lay and Skilling?

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Maybe I'm wrong in thinking that Houstonians don't care how the outside world views there city, I've just always taken it that way.

To me the stereotype of Houston and for that matter Texas is just that, a stereotype. As we all know stereotypes are often wrong, they certainly are where Houston and Dallas are concerned. I don't mean to come across as just let the way we are lie as we certainly have room for improvement just like every other city.

I really get tired of these same conversations about how bad Houston sucks. News Flash... IT DOESN'T!!! We have everything here you could possibly want yet all some people do is delicate flower and moan about what we don't have. Holy crap, get a grip on reality!

I'm sorry were not New York or Chicago. Were a thriving big city that has so much to offer. Yes there is room for improvement on several fronts but these things take time and money. Oh and make no mistake, it would be just as easy to bash these cities as it is to bash Houston, the difference is that they have the media on there side. Personally I like the fact that my city doesn't smell like urine and month old trash.

Imo, those of you that do all of this bitching need to grant the rest of us the lack of your precense on this board, or at least on this subject matter. Try to grow up a little and offer constructive ways that we might improve instead of simply bashing the city.

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Here's an interesting experiment for you all. Try to find the true motivation for this rather intense anti-Houston mindset because some of the negative remarks placed on this city when viewed in contrast to the negatives found in other cities seem pretty trivial.

The article's title is "Polishing Houston's Grimy Image".

It suggests that Chicago and other cities like it aren't grimy. If you believe that, then I'm sure you're not really paying attention or you simply don't know. In a nation filled with run down, struggling and dirty cities, Houston is far from what you'd call your prototype for "grimy". Not even close.

So where did this perception of grimy come from? Does anyone know?

Is it billboards running down feeder roads hugging our freeways? Is that really grimy? Especially when you look at cities like Chicago, New York and even Boston, where entire neighborhoods are swamped by aging structures that are completely abandoned or destroyed by graffiti and neglect. The billboards are unsightly, sure, but the decayed neighborhoods, however, speak to something worse. Why is the focus so much on billboards and not completely destroyed neighborhoods? Should Chronicle writers flip the script and comment, rather arrogantly, on how revolting and suffocating these age old urban paradises have become for the average person not living in some trendy highrise near the city's core? Do they laugh as they type on their computers about the deplorable housing situation in the Bronx, in Brooklyn's core neighborhoods, in parts of Staten Island? Do they take pot shots at Philadelphia for having a severe litter and sewage problem? Do they point a mocking finger at snooty San Franciscans, who think it speaks well of them to spend nearly a million dollars for what would be considered a shack in Texas, just because they get to say they can see the Golden Gate bridge every day? Or how about Washington DC for having a school system that has deteriorated so much that it faces the very real possibility of half of it's HS seniors dropping out within the next decade? Or should they say, yes, we have neighborhoods that still rely on ditches for drainage and our billboards are overbearing. We suck. You win, oh great one. You win. Show us how to be civilized?


Again, where did this perception of grimy and eternal suckitude regarding Houston come from? And, as Velvet J often asks, how do we fix that image? Or do we even bother?

My gut is that so many people from the nation's media strongholds have a strong desire to be seen as elite, from what they wear to what they say, and if there's some uncertainty about it, they certainly aren't above condemning and ridiculing others along the way. It's juvenilistic but it's very human. It's how many people prove their self worth... by debasing and lambasting others.

That, my friends, is insecurity, and just because someone pretends to be culturally and socially elite, it doesn't mean that they aren't going through some severe psychosis.

I think all of us living in the cultural hinterlands would better survive these types of outbursts if we'd have some pespective. Seriously.

If Fifth Ward is the worst of our neighborhoods (and actually Settegast is the real culprit in Fifth Ward), then, frankly, I'm relieved to be in Houston relative to many other places. I've seen the USA, and it ain't even close. There are severly screwed up cities in this country. Severely.

OTOH, I look forward to working with people, hearing their objective and constructive viewpoints, on how we can improve Houston so that it's the best for its residents. That should always be the focus, not the words of someone who is unaware, prone to lying and is probably just kidding around to begin with.

As I jokingly said to a rather nice guy visiting from Chicago during the Series (he'd said with a smile, "Heck of a cowtown ya got here!"), "We may have a cow town, but at least our cows didn't burn up the city by knocking over a lantern."

So in other words, suck it up. You're not as bad as you think.

Edited by The Great Hizzy!
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Nice ball bustin' Hizzy. Like I said, which is worse, the elitist journalist (usually sports or travel writers) who trashes a city he's never visited, or the local who is constantly whining that the grass is greener in all of the cities he's never lived in?

I'm a bit weary of both of 'em. <_<

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Yeah, looking back, I went on a tangent that's really not about beisbol! But thanks for the shout out.

No I didn't mean it like that. I mean't your words could be put to better use somehwhere else because we all are aware of what you are saying on this forum. It's some other people who do not like to recognize some of the faults in their own cities that we can clearly see, but they don't like to reccognize them. It's like point the finger at someone else so the attention is off of you.

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Midtowner, I just want you to know you have a supporter here. I understand what you are saying. It's clear others don't because they began to use the scapegoat of " if you don't like it leave". I'm surprised no one has pulled out the ol' reliable, "but Houston is so diverse".

It is so interesting and a bit sad that so many here cannot seem to recognize that those of us here that criticize the city actually love it or like it. Maybe there is something in the water here, because it's like you stated, our citizens don't seem to even recognize there is much room for improvement. It's like we are slow or something.

Some say those of us that criticize the city are insecure but IMO people or places that can't seem to take even the slightest bit of criticism is insecure.

I'm with you Midtowner (and that does not mean I love Houston any less, to my detractors).

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Funny how neigther of you say whats "wrong" in your opinion.

Oh, Midtowner did say it smells funny.

Wow. That's brilliant.

But true...At least I can call a spade a spade.

You would not believe me if I said what was wrong anyway....Does it smell like sewage to you?

Edited by MiDTOWNeR
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Midtowner, I just want you to know you have a supporter here. I understand what you are saying. It's clear others don't because they began to use the scapegoat of " if you don't like it leave". I'm surprised no one has pulled out the ol' reliable, "but Houston is so diverse".

It is so interesting and a bit sad that so many here cannot seem to recognize that those of us here that criticize the city actually love it or like it. Maybe there is something in the water here, because it's like you stated, our citizens don't seem to even recognize there is much room for improvement. It's like we are slow or something.

Some say those of us that criticize the city are insecure but IMO people or places that can't seem to take even the slightest bit of criticism is insecure.

I'm with you Midtowner (and that does not mean I love Houston any less, to my detractors).

Quote Velvetj: " It is so interesting and a bit sad that so many here cannot seem to recognize that those of us here that critisize the city actually love it or like it. Maybe there is something in the water here, because it's like you stated, our citizens don't seem to even recognize there is much room for improvement. It's like we are slow or something"

What exactly does this mean? Are you saying that were all a bunch of idiots? What I don't understand is that you do nothing but critisize Houston and then say that we don't understand what many of you "less ignorant" do. You then say that you and these others (the less ignorant) love or like Houston in the same breath. This makes no sense. How can you say you love it here when nothing but negatives come out of your mouth?

I'm curious if you travel much? I'm also curious (as coog and Red have asked) what our problems are and what you would do to solve them. And lastly I'm curious what you find so positive about Houston that makes you stay here, or in your words Love it or like it here?

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Quote Velvetj: " It is so interesting and a bit sad that so many here cannot seem to recognize that those of us here that critisize the city actually love it or like it. Maybe there is something in the water here, because it's like you stated, our citizens don't seem to even recognize there is much room for improvement. It's like we are slow or something"

What exactly does this mean? Are you saying that were all a bunch of idiots? What I don't understand is that you do nothing but critisize Houston and then say that we don't understand what many of you "less ignorant" do. You then say that you and these others (the less ignorant) love or like Houston in the same breath. This makes no sense. How can you say you love it here when nothing but negatives come out of your mouth?

I'm curious if you travel much? I'm also curious (as coog and Red have asked) what our problems are and what you would do to solve them. And lastly I'm curious what you find so positive about Houston that makes you stay here, or in your words Love it or like it here?

Are you kidding me with this?

Do a search to find out the answers to your questions.

But I will respond to one of them. Have you ever asked yourself how parents could punish their kids and still love them?

Gary if you notice, most of the critics here have never stated they felt Houston was a horrible place or that we didn't like the place. Most here express wanting better for the city, asking why certain things are the way they are, attempt to address issues that we feel retard the city, and suggest ideas to make the city better. If you or anyone else think I registered at this site soley to criticize a city that I hate, you are mistaken and I think it's pretty obvious to the moderators here that is not my intent, otherwise I would have been banned a long time ago.

If there is a thread that I feel necessary to list my issues and what we can do to address them, I will do so. But until that time, you will have to piece things together from my previous posts.

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