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HAIF Magazine Ad


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I have about 10,000 Houston photos left after I moved. I lost 6,000 in the move. But I'm open to anything anyone wants to donate to the cause.

Post 'em here.

So that was YOUR box of photos I found on the side of the road ? (psssst!.........I promise NOT to tell anyone or post that one picture on here with the dwarf and you in leiderhosen, and the donkey in diapers in the background.....BTW, what is up with the guy in the leathermask on all fours. Weird wild stuff bro.) Don't worry..........your secret is safe with me. ;):D

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  • 4 weeks later...

It appears the well has run dry. Most of those people who promised to donate if I set up an advertising fund turned out to be all hat and no cattle.

I'd like to thank the handful that have actually put their money where their mouths are and coughed up for this effort.

I've decided not to let it go to waste. Since we're not going to meet our 002 goal, I'm going to look at what other advertising avenues we can explore with the money donated.

Again, thanks to everyone who donated.

Where are the rest of you guys?

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He just gives and gives and gives.

HAIF moderator Subdude who already gives so much of his time to keep things tidy here has donated $40 to the cause.

Thanks, Subdude!

That brings the donation total to $230. We're 19% of the way to our goal!

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the ad in 002 is a waste of money. don't do it. we need to find ways to leverage our exposure and trade ads with houston publications, websites, radio, tv, newspaper, anything. they have space available and dead airtimes just like you have space to run online ads for them. trade even up. its your best chance to increase exposure and traffic.

here is a list of who you should ask in order. remember all they can say is no.

1. cite 2. houston press 3. 002 mag 4. envy mag 5. houston chronicle 6. 90.9 ktsu 7. 90.1 kpft

have you looked into partnerships or sponsorships?

why don't you take some of that money and your bad asss photos and make some great t-shirts,posters, and bumper stickers. historic houston, one building at a time, haif.

you can get postcards 4 color 2 sided online for less the 200 bucks for 4000. do that and pass them out at events and mod open houses.

all for now,


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Yeah I have about 500 on my computer from that one sunday. I would love to post them, but the way my walgreens' sets it up, they come out extremely big.

down load GIMP it is a freeware photo editing program that is very similar to PhotoShop

it allows you to re-size digital photos

Edited by eelimon
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Not as cheap as you might think. $398 for 250.

wellllllll, if we paid $3 a pop for em, that be almost 100% profit - excluding postage. so for 250 stickers at $3, you'd get $750 (of course you'd have to sell 250 of em).

i know i'd buy a couple :)

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why not have a members only events. Were HAIF members pay a given total as a donation to enter. Say a luncheon with a speaker who is a member. Or a Mod tour of Houston with a tour guide who is a member. Or gatherings just for the sake of gathering and have HAIF merchandise there for sale

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I filled out the Texas Monthly inquiry form about two weeks ago, and have received no response from them, so I filled it out again today. Maybe they'll take us more seriously the second time around.

Cite Magazine seems promising. Here are their rates for 2006:

Full Page: $ 1,400.00

1/2 Page: $ 975.00

1/4 Page: $ 600.00

1/8 Page: $ 365.00

That means we're only $130 away from a 1/8 page ad. I think that might be just the thing.

why not have a members only events. Were HAIF members pay a given total as a donation to enter. Say a luncheon with a speaker who is a member. Or a Mod tour of Houston with a tour guide who is a member. Or gatherings just for the sake of gathering and have HAIF merchandise there for sale

What about HAIF merchandise on-line? Do you think people would buy it?

There are HAIF shirts already, but only the mods have them. I could make them available to everyone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I never heard from Texas Monthly, so I think we're Cite-bound.

For right now I'm hoarding money in fear of what the tax man may bring, as this is the first year for the Artefaqs Corporation in its new home. Once I get through that with my accountant, I'm probably just going to donate the rest of the money myself just so we can move this along.

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  • 1 month later...

Texas Monthly called me this morning and gave me the rates for their ads. The cheapest display ad is $465. That's for one inch of space, which I don't think is all that bad. If we wanted to go with one of those text ads in the back of the magazine, they run $11/word. Though Cite might be better targeted to our intended audience, I think Texas Monthly would give us wider exposure (300,000 subscribers, plus newsstand purchases), though at the tradeoff of having a smaller ad.

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i'd prefer cite readers on board. go for wider exposure later. imho. :)

I'd probably agree in that we are already drifting a bit more towards "off topic" discussions as it is, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but my preference is to maintain our focus on things other than typical mass-mentality subjects like politics and celebrity worship. On the other hand, we'd probably get more overall "action" with TX Monthly.

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I might have missed the answer to this question, but why not a local publication like 002 or Papercity?

002 is not exactly price competitive. When I inquired last, the cheapest ad they offered is three times the price of Texas monthly, but only reaches 1/8th the audience of Texas Monthly.

I'll check out Paper City. I always thought that was a paper for shopping and women's issues. Am I mistaken?

We have another donation!

Thanks to travelguy_73, we're now up to $255!

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Another donation!

Someone donated $5. Great job! Any ammount is welcome, even five bucks.

Sorry I can't thank the donor by name, but the e-mail address attached to it doesn't match any of our records, and I'd rather not put our a real name on the forum. But I just want to say "Thanks!"

The new total: $260!

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I'll check out Paper City. I always thought that was a paper for shopping and women's issues. Am I mistaken?

It's all about the audience you want to attract. I would classify it as more "sophisticated" than "women's mag," which to me means translates into up-and-coming restaurants, fashion, (supposedly) cool parties, and lots of seemingly high-end advertisers. I enjoy flipping through it each month, especially when they have the large real estate section (maybe that is the section you want to focus on?). Lots of people flip through to see if their picture made it in, or perhaps that is just me ;).

Not sure if it was already mentioned, but Houston House & Home (their marginal website) is another suggestion. The articles seem to be driven by the people who place the ads, so it blurs the line between magazine and giant press release. Still, lots of good stuff in there as well and the prices might be more reasonable.

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I never heard from Texas Monthly, so I think we're Cite-bound.

For right now I'm hoarding money in fear of what the tax man may bring, as this is the first year for the Artefaqs Corporation in its new home. Once I get through that with my accountant, I'm probably just going to donate the rest of the money myself just so we can move this along.

Ever Thought about (Houston) Modern Luxury? :)

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I'll check out Paper City. I always thought that was a paper for shopping and women's issues. Am I mistaken?

Paper City seems to be mainly about society women at charity soirees at their swankiendas, admiring each others' hats and dresses. The advertisers are those who would like to sell to that crowd. I really have a hard time believing that advertising there would yield us a lot of new members, unless we added a topic area like "Society News". ^_^

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