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Andrea Yates Criminal Trial

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It must be nice to be so sure of yourself. I read Moonman's post on How Old Are You? He says he's 12. I'd say that giving him some on an emotional level. That post is vile and disguting. Only a person whose never experienced any form of depression can be so callous. I'm glad Andrea is not going to be free. What's the difference to us if she's in a mental instituition or locked in prison the rest of her life? There's a reason for "judge not lest ye be judged." Moonman better hope he lives a totally sin-free life or his peers will judge him by his own yardstick.

You can read, im impressed............. Now try comprehension, its even more impressive.

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A quick trip to the death chamber will knock the insanity right the hell out of her!!!!!!!!!

You have posted some of the more intellegent and thoughtful posts in the Richmond rail thread and then you post pornography like this.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde comes to mind.

Man, that is just sad...

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I'm apalled at the empathy* for her. Her life is not more imporant then that of the 5 children.

Jesus! where are your hearts? What is wrong with this world?

Careful, you may get a bad label for believing the wrongful taker of the lives of 5 innocent children should be put to death........

After all, the witch was "depressed"..........."the devil made her do it".........

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A quick trip to the death chamber will knock the insanity right the hell out of her!!!!!!!!!

You obviously have never dealt with a family member with mental illness. The whole Andrea Yates story is sheer tragedy....all 5 kids gone and a loving mother that has to live with the knowledge that she killed them.....NO WINNERS..... only the what ifs!!!!!

Your comment shows ignorance and lack of knowledge about mental illness....

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You obviously have never dealt with a family member with mental illness. The whole Andrea Yates story is sheer tragedy....all 5 kids gone and a loving mother that has to live with the knowledge that she killed them.....NO WINNERS..... only the what ifs!!!!!

Your comment shows ignorance and lack of knowledge about mental illness....

To call that woman a loving mother........There has to be some sort of early release program in place at various nut houses around the country.....People calling that woman a loving mother ,in my opinion, BELONG ON THE HEAVILY MEDICATED SIDE OF A NUT HOUSE.

This is what i think of your comment.

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You obviously have never dealt with a family member with mental illness. The whole Andrea Yates story is sheer tragedy....all 5 kids gone and a loving mother that has to live with the knowledge that she killed them.....NO WINNERS..... only the what ifs!!!!!

Your comment shows ignorance and lack of knowledge about mental illness....


Welcome to the forum and our little demented moonie-boy B)

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To call that woman a loving mother........There has to be some sort of early release program in place at various nut houses around the country.....People calling that woman a loving mother ,in my opinion, BELONG ON THE HEAVILY MEDICATED SIDE OF A NUT HOUSE.

This is what i think of your comment.

The thing is that few if any people truly understand mental illness.

While no one in my family (to my knowledge) has it, I've experienced it to at a job I had and have seen and heard things from my sister who is a social worker.

While I'm not entirely excusing Yates horrible crime, the signs were there that she was totally unstable. While I'm not familiar with ALL of the particulars, the fact that this relationship (I feel) was fairly abusive marriage. By abusive, I'm not saying he beat her, but rather due to the fact she had that many kids, it would have been difficult for her to seek some way to balance out her sanity by at least going out and visiting friends and family. Raising a single child requires alot of patience and demands alot from you mentally, but when you include 5 children all within 6 or 7 years of each other, it's a recipe for disaster.

If he simply took the advice given after his fourth child had been born and stopped having children and been more supportive, then this tragedy wouldn't have happend and we would have never heard of the Yates family.

It is my firm belief that he was a major contributor of these murders and he simply got off free and living the good life.

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My Heart goes out to this poor, tormented woman.

If there is any justice in this world, Russell Yates would be taken out and hung by his gonads.

i know some of his officemates...instead of going home afterwork he'd go to barnes and noble on bay area to look at magazines for a couple of hrs. doesn't sound like a good parent to me.

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While I certainly understand those who feel Andrea should pay for her crimes, it bothers me the degree of hatred expressed by some. I remember my own disgust for Darlie Routier and Susan Smith, both mothers who killed their babies. I wanted them both to pay the ultimate price for what they did, especially because of their actions after the fact. But I never reacted as strongly as some on here have.

But Andrea is not like either Routier or Smith. Just looking at her, I can tell she is not all there. Her case is different, and the jury saw it the same way. I just hope this is the end of it. Andrea is where she belongs, and she will get the help she needs and deserves.

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I do not care what illness she has, or that any of you have, that woman DROWNED all of her children; even chasing the last few because they saw what she did.

Everytime I think about it, it brings me to tears. Its even more sickening to read what some people say.

While Houston1stWordOnTheMoon may be pushing it a little extreme, I agree with him.

And before any of you discredit my opinion, I know a little thing or two about PPD.

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To call that woman a loving mother........There has to be some sort of early release program in place at various nut houses around the country.....People calling that woman a loving mother ,in my opinion, BELONG ON THE HEAVILY MEDICATED SIDE OF A NUT HOUSE.

This is what i think of your comment.

Her own HUSBAND has made the claim Moonman, so go ahead and throw him in with her.Have you even been following this trial ? I think he may have know Andrea a little better than anyone on this planet. He claims that she was a loving mother with a mental disorder. None of the kids deserved to die, that is not what the point is here. The woman killed her children because she was hearing voices, and she was off her meds, so she could have more children for Rusty. What SANE woman is gonna kill her 5 babies ?

Is there not ONE mother on this board that can vouch that a SANE mother of 5 is not going to do something like that. If she had killed just 1 child because Andrea thought that one child was "possessed" or needed to be "saved" then I can see a murder charge, shaken baby syndrome happens all the time, but it isn't by an insane mother, BUT FIVE ! She isn't a serial killer, she didn't have the kids just to kill them, she doesn't suffer from Munchausen's disease. She thought she had to save the kids from Satan ! I can't believe some of you are so closed minded. A tragedy occurred and 5 tiny lives were lost, and it all could have been avoided. Through medicine and through a different way of guidance, i.e. a different belief system. Anyone that has been following the trial knows the Yates are a little deep into religion.

And this is what the devil does.


Coog, I caught the lyric my friend. Booyah ! :closedeyes:

Edited by TJones
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I know PPD personally. I have first hand experience with Bi-Polar disorder and have dealt with psychotic episodes on 2 occasions. I know how the mind can twist and things come into your head that makes no sense to others but seem perfectly logical to you.

This is why I could not condemn Andrea to death. We will never know exactly what was going on inside her brain at the time and never will.

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This is why I could not condemn Andrea to death. We will never know exactly what was going on inside her brain at the time and never will.

I would like for people to stop attempting to dress this child murdering wench up in a gospel gown and holding the defense halo of "insanity" over her head. Because of what she did, she is nothing more than VERMON and she should be EXTERMINATED!!!!! Take her CHILD murdering ass to the death chamber!!!

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While I certainly understand those who feel Andrea should pay for her crimes, it bothers me the degree of hatred expressed by some. I remember my own disgust for Darlie Routier and Susan Smith, both mothers who killed their babies. I wanted them both to pay the ultimate price for what they did, especially because of their actions after the fact. But I never reacted as strongly as some on here have.

But Andrea is not like either Routier or Smith. Just looking at her, I can tell she is not all there. Her case is different, and the jury saw it the same way. I just hope this is the end of it. Andrea is where she belongs, and she will get the help she needs and deserves.

You certainly have the ability to whip out an amazing post on occasion.

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I would like for people to stop attempting to dress this child murdering wench up in a gospel gown and holding the defense halo of "insanity" over her head. Because of what she did, she is nothing more than VERMON and she should be EXTERMINATED!!!!! Take her CHILD murdering ass to the death chamber!!!

Moonie, no one is denying that what she did is terrible. But to speak of her in the way that you have been doing on this tread is disgusting. It makes me wonder if you have some issues that need to be dealt with.

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What a double standard we have...

Texas executes the mentally ill all the time. This is a fact.

Why is Andrea special?

Get a rope,

Actually, the executing of the mentally ill has been declared unconstitutional.

Those who are terrified that Houston will lose its title as barbaric, execution capital of the free world, may rest easy. This was only one case, and she is not loose on the streets. Harris County still executes more people than every civilized country. You can go back to your churches now and proclaim your love of your fellow man and celebrate your "culture of life".

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The problem with declaring the execution of the mentally ill is opening doors for those to falsify that they are mentally ill. While a few MIGHT have been sick in the mind, there will be an overwhelming amount of people that will claim it but will be of perfectly sound mind that murdered for the sake of a man's watch that run the risk of avoiding the needle.

If an insanity plea is made, it should be put in the context of what happend immediately before and after the murder.

considering that most murders are committed by people that victims actually know (friend, relative, lover, ex-lover, doorman, etc), the odds are very high that it was a crime of passion or an ongoing argument that escalated out of control.

so if an insanity becomes an issue, it should be brought in early and put into context before some moron decides 10 days before an execution is "Oh, I forgot! he's retarded!"

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I guess they forgot to tell that to 1/2 man 1/2 angel rail car killer.

Your inability to distinguish between the extraordinarily mentally ill (by even the state's witnesses) and a sociopath is impressive. But, if reducing everything you do not comprehend to simple unsupported analogies helps you make it through your day, good for you. Just don't expect others to to find them thoughtful or intelligent.

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Moonie, no one is denying that what she did is terrible. But to speak of her in the way that you have been doing on this tread is disgusting. It makes me wonder if you have some issues that need to be dealt with.

No dear heart. I am the same as i ever was. If you have been following my post, you will know that. I dont believe in "gray" areas and i dont believe in painting a rosey "picture of understanding" in order to make this woman appear less evil than she is. You go on living in the world of gray if that works for you. You go on looking at things "through her eyes". Its not my scene.....

She is what she is, and that is a cold blooded child murdering delicate flower. Simple as that! Child murderers should have an open invite, in the express lane, to the death chamber!!! My view on this is the same today as it was yesterday and as it will be tomorrow.

If you are disgusted with the way i am speaking about that CHILD MURDERER, visualize the dead bodies of those children. Visualize that woman waiting for her husband to leave so she can begin MURDERING those INNOCENT kids one by one.Visualize them fighting kicking and screaming to not be murdered at the hands of thier mother. Visualize those kids choking and gasping for breath as they struggle to get free from drowning. Visualize that witch chasing them down and drowning them one by one.........

Now let me know how disgusted you are........

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Oh yes, I am a monster. Ooooo.... Uncivil little me!

But so is Harris County, Chuck Rosenthal and the prosecutors!

Don't forget they all wanted her dead to begin with, but you know how all the legal stuff works.

I hardly think Moon and I are the only ones who agree.

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Now let me know how disgusted you are........

Not to answer for Martha, but your cold-bloodedness always disgusts me. You do seem to have some issues and many times your solutions involve death or physical violence...which is just kinda sad.

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But so is Harris County, Chuck Rosenthal and the prosecutors!

Don't forget they all wanted her dead to begin with, but you know how all the legal stuff works.

I hardly think Moon and I are the only ones who agree.

No disagreement here...on either point.

However, I learned long ago that debating the death penalty with blood-thirsty Harris County residents is a waste of time. So, I'll leave you guys to debate who wants to kill faster.

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