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ACLU Adverstisement


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Kinda OT but; the other night we called Domino's Pizza for delivery. We hadn't called them in about two years. We usually call Papa John's. Anyway, at the end of the call, the pizza order taker asked me how I would be paying for the pizza. I told him by check when it's delivered. He tells me that it either has to be cash or he can take my credit card information over the phone for me right now. I asked when this plan had been put into action and he said about six months ago. We opted for cash at the door, and decided to stick with calling Papa John's next time, (the pizza was not very good, 5-5-5 deal or not). Has anyone else experienced this?

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Funny AND scary.

(did you notice that one of the books he checked out from the library was Nancy Drew, Danger on Deception Island? :D )

If you're not 'paranoid' about such invasions of privacy, perhaps you should watch the movie Brazil again, or reread Orwell's 1984. And bear in mind the measures which were taken at the height of the Red Scare (no, not him) in the 50's. Imagine what fun McCarthy could have had with such a database...

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Exactly, If you aren't doing anything illegal, then you ain't got nothing to worry about do ya ? B)

Doesn't matter if I'm doing anything illegal. I don't want those crooks and thieves in Washington having unlimited access to info on me. It's none of their business. Do you trust these people?

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Paranoia Will Destroy Ya!

I don't trust the ACLU or the Government, but I don't let it corrode my heart with paranoia or hatred. I do think that the Fed. Gov. has long-term plans to get everybody on-board the database eventually. It's all going to be voluntary in the beginning as everyone gets comfortable with the increased convience of online purchasing and banking. Then, as always happens, a new "crisis" will prompt everyone to take the next step towards national IDs, then chip implants.

What's the big deal, right? The Government has shown that they have lied to us and deceived us over and over again and therefore, they should not be trusted, but rather feared and restrained.

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Kinda OT but; the other night we called Domino's Pizza for delivery. We hadn't called them in about two years. We usually call Papa John's. Anyway, at the end of the call, the pizza order taker asked me how I would be paying for the pizza. I told him by check when it's delivered. He tells me that it either has to be cash or he can take my credit card information over the phone for me right now. I asked when this plan had been put into action and he said about six months ago. We opted for cash at the door, and decided to stick with calling Papa John's next time, (the pizza was not very good, 5-5-5 deal or not). Has anyone else experienced this?

Same story here Pineda. Domino's is stricken from the call list. :)

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Doesn't matter if I'm doing anything illegal. I don't want those crooks and thieves in Washington having unlimited access to info on me. It's none of their business. Do you trust these people?

Newsflash Cheif, They already have your info, and yes, I do trust them, they aren't out to get me. Do you think they are coming after you and your $3000 in the bank ?

B)B)B)B) <-------CIA spooks.

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He's right - all your info is already out there, and they can access it. I know from [unpleasant] experience that privacy is a lot more limited than people realize.

As for Domino's pizza, I can't say I blame them for not wanting to take physical checks. It's not the most reliable form of payment. I barely ever use them anymore.

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Exactly, If you aren't doing anything illegal, then you ain't got nothing to worry about do ya ? B)

Hmmm. I wonder who decides if you are doing anything illegal? And, what if they make a mistake? Oh, the government never makes mistakes...at least, as long as it is a Republican run government, right?

And, besides, who in the government would use any classified information for the wrong reasons?

Yeah, you're right. They wouldn't use it against us. I feel much better now. :rolleyes:

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Newsflash Cheif, They already have your info, and yes, I do trust them, they aren't out to get me. Do you think they are coming after you and your $3000 in the bank ?

B)B)B)B) <-------CIA spooks.

Newsflash chief. They don't have all the info and they want more. You trust them? What flavor koolaid are you drinking?

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What info, do you think you have, that if they didn't want it, they couldn't get it ? :rolleyes:

That is the point. Legal or not they can get what they want. Now there are a few restrictions that prevent them (or at least slow them down) from getting certain info, medical records for example. There needs to be restrictions on these people. This is not the old USSR.

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Hmmm. I wonder who decides if you are doing anything illegal? And, what if they make a mistake? Oh, the government never makes mistakes...at least, as long as it is a Republican run government, right?

And, besides, who in the government would use any classified information for the wrong reasons?

Yeah, you're right. They wouldn't use it against us. I feel much better now. :rolleyes:

Now we both know better than that. :D I forgot they took all the CIA and FBI folks off the payroll during the Clinton years, DO you think your Bush led Government is actually out to get the American public ? Red, is there something you want to tell us, something you are hiding from your friends here on HAIF ? <_<:lol:

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DO you think your Bush led Government is actually out to get the American public ?

Personally I don't trust Bush. I'm afraid I have the cynical view that anyone that rises that far in politics has had to have done some pretty shady dealings by himself or by others on their behalf. And besides, even if you trust Bush how do you know you can trust the next president? There needs to be restrictions on government intrusion into our lives. Hmmmmm......isn't that a conservative ideal?

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Personally I don't trust Bush. I'm afraid I have the cynical view that anyone that rises that far in politics has had to have done some pretty shady dealings by himself or by others on their behalf. And besides, even if you trust Bush how do you know you can trust the next president? There needs to be restrictions on government intrusion into our lives. Hmmmmm......isn't that a conservative ideal?

So you don"t trust any government, correct ? Or is a Democratic Gov. say a Clinton Gov. ok with you ? B)

Tell that to Joe McCarthy's victims. :(


I do not agree with McCarthyism at all. I think it is a matter of, do you feel the Gov. be it Dem. or Rep. is gonna just come after you, personally, out of the blue ?

I can't wait to see" Good Luck and Good Night." I think it will be very insightful.

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So you don"t trust any government, correct ? Or is a Democratic Gov. say a Clinton Gov. ok with you ?

Nope. I don't trust government in general thus the need to restrict them. Wasn't that the intent of the Founders of this country? Actually I believe a divided government works best. A Dem president and GOP house or vice versa. They balance each other and gives them less of a chance to screw the average citizen.

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Now we both know better than that. :D I forgot they took all the CIA and FBI folks off the payroll during the Clinton years, DO you think your Bush led Government is actually out to get the American public ? Red, is there something you want to tell us, something you are hiding from your friends here on HAIF ? <_<:lol:

TJ, the point was not that the Bushies are out to get me...or you. The point is, that with so much information and so much more that the government wants, ANY government employee with access who wants to take down ANYONE for some slight, real or perceived, could do so. People think that only the people at the top matter, when in actuality, it is the middle and lower level agents that screw people like us.

There are more than 10,000 city, county, state and federal agents in Harris County. On any given day, you might piss off one of them. If that agent is not as upstanding as he ought to be, and further, he has access to everything about you, it is that much easier to screw you royally, without you knowing where it came from. And don't forget, with a county full of conservatives, if they manufacture a case against you, you'll never win, because conservatives always support law enforcement.

I've been on both sides of law enforcement for 18 years. Don't tell me that I know better. I do. ;)

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Nope. I don't trust government in general thus the need to restrict them. Wasn't that the intent of the Founders of this country? Actually I believe a divided government works best. A Dem president and GOP house or vice versa. They balance each other and gives them less of a chance to screw the average citizen.

As long as you are equal across the board on the whole President thing, you are ok with me, you are good people. I'm guessing you don't vote either ? This country was founded on the basis of men governing themselves, then realized they really needed some laws to clarify which is wrong and right around here. I think Red will agree with that. :)

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As long as you are equal across the board on the whole President thing, you are ok with me, you are good people. I'm guessing you don't vote either ? This country was founded on the basis of men governing themselves, then realized they really needed some laws to clarify which is wrong and right around here. I think Red will agree with that. :)

Yeah, I agree with that. I also agree with west20th, that if you have a Rep. in the White House you need a Dem Congress, and vice versa. None of them can be trusted. The ones that say they are for honesty and integrity, I trust them even less. Kinda like telling someone you're a Christian. If you had to tell me, you probably aren't doing a very good job of it. <_<

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So you don"t trust any government, correct ? Or is a Democratic Gov. say a Clinton Gov. ok with you ? B)

I do not agree with McCarthyism at all. I think it is a matter of, do you feel the Gov. be it Dem. or Rep. is gonna just come after you, personally, out of the blue ?

I can't wait to see" Good Luck and Good Night." I think it will be very insightful.

I believe the government at all levels ultimatley gets what they want.

"Good Luck and Good Night" was great. Very telling.


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There needs to be restrictions on government intrusion into our lives. Hmmmmm......isn't that a conservative ideal?

it's all about getting what you want and when you want it... <_<

i would be reluctant to say "ideals" come into play

besides, we all know bush is running this country like he did arbusto...i mean bush exploration...i mean spectrum 7... :rolleyes:

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Red, that's the answer I'm looking for, I think you just explained it for everyone else also. I already knew this and so did Coog, Identity theft is a much bigger issue rather than "does the CIA have my bank account number?" The scenario you speak of Red ,and as you said, the person would have to have clearance, I am sure that Deputy Fife is not going to have that kind of access, and the Average Joe, isn't going to come in contact with an individual who would have access, and said person who has access, would typically not be the type of person with that sort of agenda or vendetta against an Averge Joe. Save that drama for the movies. Yes, it could happen, and Yes, I could win the Lottery tomorrow. If the scenario did happen though, how else are you gonna prove yourself, if they don't have the info ?

BTW, I just read about the "if you had to tell me you're a Christian......" by Red. ROFLMAO !

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I'm guessing you don't vote either ?

Why would you guess that? I always vote. Usually holding my nose when I do but I still vote. I mean it wasn't easy to vote for Kerry. The lesser of two evils thing.

Only a fool would be worried about the Govt.

I am more worried about identity theft.

Yes. And the more info in the gov't databases the more info that can be stolen for ID theft. I don't have much faith in the gov't's IT people either.

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