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John H. Reagan High School/Heights High School At 413 E. 13th St.


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Patrick Feller has added a photo to the pool:

John H. Reagan High School, 413 E 13th St, Houston, TX aDSC0111bw

My mother attended John H. Reagan High School.

It opened its doors in 1926, during the Jim Crow era and at a time when several Houston schools were named after figures prominent in the Confederacy.

Below is an excerpt from a letter that then U. S. Representative John H. Reagan wrote October 19th, 1860, answering some questions, including whether the election of Abraham Lincoln should be sufficient cause for secession. Jefferson Davis later appointed Reagan Postmaster General of the CSA.

“The Constitution of the United States was made by white men, the citizens and representatives of twelve slaveholding and one non-slaveholding State; and it was made for white men. It denied the right of citizenship to the negro race whether bond or free, and recognized them as property when they are held in bondage. The people of the Southern States now own near five millions of these negroes, and they are worth to them near three millions of dollars. They constitute an important element in society as well as the wealth of the Republic, and are the chief producers of more than two-thirds of the foreign exports of the Union. They are and ever have been, under all circumstances, and probably ever will be, incapable of free self-government. They are now more intelligent, better fed, better clothed, and more contented and happy than any other equal number of that race in any other part of the world, whether bond or free. The success of the republican doctrines would liberate among us this large number of negroes, would strike down our agriculture and commerce, involve us inevitably in a war of races, which would result in the murder of many of the white race of all ages and of both sexes, and in the burning and destruction of a large amount of property, and in the ultimate extermination of the negro race among us. The success of those doctrines would also subvert the Federal Constitution, change the character of the Federal Government, and destroy our rights in respect to slavery.”

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  • The title was changed to John H. Reagan High School/Heights High School At 413 E. 13th St.

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