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"war On Christmas"


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Alright, I have to vent. I'm so sick of this politically correct bull***t. I'm watchin the dominique sachse show the other day on a 42" plasma t.v. in a mcdonalds with the sound off. I can tell what they're talkin bout with the news subtitles. They show a guy with a caption underneath him that says "John Q. Citizen: says merry christmas!" and I think 2 myself "damn they must be runnin short on stories, they're already doin a John Q. Citizen says merry christmas scoop. Then I saw what the story was about. They moved to an asian woman making an offended face whose caption said "prefers "happy holidays". Thats it. That's the last straw. How f****n sensitive do you gotta be. "Don't tell me merry christmas, thatll ruin my life!" man how far is this s**t gonna go if no one puts an end to it? "Good morning!" "I prefer guten tag!" see you later "its "adios" jerk! You know what, I call some of my white friends white boy, they don't care. I call some my black friends n***a, they don't care. Call me a WETBACK, I DON'T CARE! Its all kinda trivial and funny to me but these other people, GOD, oh I'm sorry allahgodbuddahsatan, they really act like this stuff affects their lives. I'm sorry I just had to vent. Is it just me?

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If we're going to go with a generic "Happy Holidays" then we should make adjustments all around.

Holiday Candleabra instead of Menorah.

Holiday Fast instead of Ramadan

Holiday Cleansing instead of Eid

Mainland East Asian Calendar Change instead of Chinese New Year

The Chase Bank branch near me is decaorated in blue and white, I assume for Hannukah. I'm not offended. I don't think "celebrating diversity" means marginalizing one holiday to make the other ones seem more prominent or better.

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Aside from the fact that it is dangerous to assume why the "asian" lady made an offended face, when you can't hear the sound, I must ask who is more offended? It sounds like you are extremely offended that non-Christians refuse or prefer not to use your term for the months of November and December. Is that what you want here...that non-Christians use a religious phrase that means nothing to them? That seems a tad selfish.

It may surprise a lot of people to find that "Happy Holidays" was coined decades ago to cover the trifecta of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years...the holiday season. The addition of the other celebrations in a fit of PC is a very recent phenomenon.

I wonder, if "Happy Holidays" is only meant to include Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, are you still offended?

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'Morning to you, Red! :D

Reading this thread made my remember something funny that happened last week.

First, a tiny bit of background: I attended an elementary and junior high in the Houston area with many children of the Jewish faith. Consequently, I got to go to many bat mitzvahs and bar mitzvahs. I also got into the habit of saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" so that they would feel included.

Last week, after a choir performance at my daughter's school, I saw many parents of children I knew. Two couples that I saw and talked with and wished "Happy Holidays" to, looked offended and then corrected me by pointedly repeating back to me "MERRY CHRIST-MAS!", like I was a pagan or heathen. I just smiled and nodded and shook my head as I was walking away. It would seem that the PC backlash season has begun! >:)

and a word from the editor at the Woodlands Online website

Edited by pineda
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Well you know what made me mad? Two years ago in our HISD elementary school, the kids learned the Dradel song and about the Ramadon Tradition......................but they couldn't sing Silent Night. <_<

This PC stuff is nuts.

BTW, I pratice no religion except church avoidance and I still say....

MERRY CHRISTMAS and here comes SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by KatieDidIt
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'Morning to you, Red! :D

It would seem that the PC backlash season has begun! >:)

Back at ya, pineda!

Yes, the PC backlash is in full swing. Your story reminded me of an article I read last week about the surge in surliness during the Christmas shopping season. You know, the obligatory videos of shoppers pushing each other and stories of being cut off on the freeway and in the mall parking lot. The writer noted all of the usual excuses, like holiday stress, lack of time, etc. Then she pointed out that none of this behavior bears any resemblance to the true meaning of Christmas. I think of that a lot when I hear Falwell and Robertson talk of boycotting retail stores. Imagine, "religious" men demanding boycotts of retail stores in order to "save" Christmas. How about boycotting Christmas shopping altogether to return the holiday to its religious roots!

Yeah, you're right. Like THAT would ever happen. :(

Edited by RedScare
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I heard a story of a local school that changed the words of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" to "We Wish You a Swinging Holiday". :rolleyes: We used to have so much fun singing Christmas carols in grade school back in the '80s. I can't even imagine that happening now.

I'm sick of it, too. PC gone mad. I think we should call Valentine's Day "Holiday Day" as well because lonely people could be offended by others who might be celebrating. We should get rid of candy hearts and flowers and just the colors pink and red in general.

We have got to do something about St. Patrick's Day as well. Hey, I'm not Irish; I hate Irish people. I shouldn't be subjected to seeing green clover shaped cookies in the grocery stores. That hurts me.

Come to think of it, birthdays probably shouldn't be celebrated, at least in public, because some people might have been stolen at birth and not know their exact birthdate and seeing someone celebrating could be a hurtful reminder.

Please, people, I was only joking about the Irish comment...I'm seriously not Irish.

Merry Christmas!

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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Since you used the "Irish card", :D I'd like to comment on what you said.

I am of Irish descent, Northern Irish Catholic to be exact.

I have relatives in Belfast with whom I communicate regularly.

They think the way we celebrate St. Patrick's Day here in America is very strange.

In Ireland, St. Patrick's Day is a religious holiday, spent mainly in churches, not pubs.

And they don't eat green clover shaped cookies or drink green beer either.

They're not offended by our American over-the-top celebrations, they're a little jealous.

They say they'd like to come over here and drink green beer with us and dance in the streets.

Americans seem to be known for their over-the-top celebrations of anything and everything.

Could be why everybody wants to live here, it's a fun place!

When I've discussed all this PC business with them, they had an interesting take on it all.

They said, when foreigners are living in America, they demand all sorts of PC stuff, but look at the way they treat other ethnicities living in their own countries and you'd be astounded. Other countries apparently don't do the bend-over-backward-can't-we-all-just-get-along crap that we do here to appease them.

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Since you used the "Irish card", :D I'd like to comment on what you said.

I am of Irish descent, Northern Irish Catholic to be exact.

I have relatives in Belfast with whom I communicate regularly.

They think the way we celebrate St. Patrick's Day here in America is very strange.

In Ireland, St. Patrick's Day is a religious holiday, spent mainly in churches, not pubs.

And they don't eat green clover shaped cookies or drink green beer either.

They're not offended by our American over-the-top celebrations, they're a little jealous.

They say they'd like to come over here and drink green beer with us and dance in the streets.

Americans seem to be known for their over-the-top celebrations of anything and everything.

Could be why everybody wants to live here, it's a fun place!

When I've discussed all this PC business with them, they had an interesting take on it all.

They said, when foreigners are living in America, they demand all sorts of PC stuff, but look at the way they treat other ethnicities living in their own countries and you'd be astounded. Other countries apparently don't do the bend-over-backward-can't-we-all-just-get-along crap that we do here to appease them.

I din't say nuffin about no irish :wacko:

Speaking of PC, here is one of my favorite jokes this year:

Subject: Christmas Party

FROM: Pauline Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All Employees

DATE: 4th November

RE: Christmas Party

I'm happy to inform you that the company Christmas Party will take place

on December 23rd, starting at <ST1:TIME hour="12" minute="0">noon</ST1:TIME> in the private function room at the

Grill House. There will be a cash bar and plenty of drinks!

We'll have a small band playing traditional carols...please feel free to

sing along.

And don't be surprised if the Managing Director shows up dressed as Santa

Claus! A Christmas tree will be lit at <ST1:TIME hour="13" minute="0">1.00p.m.


Exchange of gifts among employees can be done at that time; however, no

gift should be over $10.00 to make the giving of gifts easy for everyone's


This gathering is only for employees! The Managing Director will make a

special announcement at the Party.

Merry Christmas to you and your Family.



FROM: Pauline Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All Employees

DATE: 5th November

RE: <st1:place w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE>Holiday</ST1:PLACE></st1:place> Party

In no way was yesterday's memo intended to exclude our Jewish employees.

We recognize that Chanukah is an important holiday, which often coincides

with Christmas, though unfortunately not this year. However, from now on

we're calling it our 'Holiday Party'.. The same policy applies to any

other employees who are not Christians. There will be no Christmas tree or

Christmas carols sung. We will have other types of music for your


Happy now?

Happy Holidays to you and your family,



FROM; Pauline Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All Employees

DATE: 6th November

RE: <st1:place w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE>Holiday</ST1:PLACE></st1:place> Party

Regarding the note I received from a member of Alcoholics Anonymous

requesting a non-drinking table...you didn't sign your name. I'm happy to

accommodate this request, but if I put a sign on a table that reads, "AA

Only", you wouldn't be anonymous anymore!!!! How am I supposed to handle

this? Somebody?

Forget about the gift exchange, no gift exchange allowed now since the

Union Officials feel that $10.00 is too much money and Management believe

$10.00 is a little cheap.




FROM: Pauline Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All Employees

DATE: 7th November

RE: <st1:place w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE>Holiday</ST1:PLACE></st1:place> Party

What a diverse group we are! I had no idea that December 20th begins the

Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which forbids eating and drinking during

daylight hours. There goes the party! Seriously, we can appreciate how a

luncheon at this time of year does not accommodate our Muslim employees'

beliefs, perhaps the Grill House can hold off on serving your meal until

the end of the party - or else package everything up for you to take home

in a little foil doggy bag. Will that work?

Meanwhile, I've arranged for members of Weight Watchers to sit farthest

from the dessert buffet and pregnant women will get the table closest to

the toilets, Gays are allowed to sit with each other, Lesbians do not have

to sit with gay men, each will have their own table.

Yes, there will be flower arrangements for the gay men's table, too.

To the person asking permission to cross dress - no cross dressing


We will have booster seats for short people. Low fat food will be

available for those on a diet. We cannot control the salt used in the

food. We suggest those people with high blood pressure taste the food

first. There will be fresh fruits as dessert for Diabetics, the restaurant

cannot supply "No Sugar" desserts. Sorry!

Did I miss anything?!?!?!?!?!



FROM: Pauline Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All F****** Employees

DATE: 8 November

RE: The ******** <st1:place w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE>Holiday</ST1:PLACE></st1:place> Party.

Vegetarian pricks I've had it with you people!!! We're going to keep this

party at the Grill House whether you like it or not, so you can sit

quietly at the table furthest from the "grill of death", as you so

quaintly put it. You'll get your f****** salad bar, including organic

tomatoes, but you know tomatoes have feeling, too. They scream when you

slice them. I've heard them scream. I'm hearing them scream right NOW!!

Hope you all have a rotten holiday * drink, drive, and die!

The delicate flower from HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


FROM: John Bishop - Acting Human Resources Director

DATE: 9th November

RE: Pauline Lewis and <st1:place w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE>Holiday</ST1:PLACE></st1:place> Party

I'm sure I speak for all of us in wishing Pauline Lewis a speedy recovery,

and I'll continue to forward your cards to her.

In the meantime, Management has decided to cancel our Holiday Party and

instead, give everyone the afternoon of the 23rd December off with full

pay. <O:P></O:P><o:p></o:p>

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Do a little history reading on Chistmas as a holiday. Bible historians will be the first to tell you in all likelyhood Jesus wasn't born on the 25th, or even December for that matter. The puritans in England and the Pilgrims in America outlawed the celebration. Christmas itself wasn't declared a national holiday til 1870.

And what ties spending tons of money on an overblown quest of consumerism to the birth of Jesus? Didn't Jesus boot the money changers out of the Temple? If you ask me, as a Christian, I think we should make it a clean separation and celebrate Jesus' birthday in a more fitting fashion on another date and rename the celebration on the 25th of December after Santa Claus. In the meantime, in my home, it's "Happy Holidays".

Edited by HeightsGuy
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They're not offended by our American over-the-top celebrations, they're a little jealous.

They say they'd like to come over here and drink green beer with us and dance in the streets.

Americans seem to be known for their over-the-top celebrations of anything and everything.

Could be why everybody wants to live here, it's a fun place!

When I've discussed all this PC business with them, they had an interesting take on it all.

They said, when foreigners are living in America, they demand all sorts of PC stuff, but look at the way they treat other ethnicities living in their own countries and you'd be astounded. Other countries apparently don't do the bend-over-backward-can't-we-all-just-get-along crap that we do here to appease them.

That reminds me, shouldn't we do away with acknowlegding the 4th of July for the foreigners living in the country, whether on business or living here legially or illegally, who do hate America? We need to consider their feelings and/or hatred. Be more sensitive and understanding. That's reasonable enough. Why hasn't this happened already? Come July, I will boycott any store that sells American flag printed tablecloths.

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That reminds me, shouldn't we do away with acknowlegding the 4th of July for the foreigners living in the country, whether on business or living here legially or illegally, who do hate America? We need to consider their feelings and/or hatred. Be more sensitive and understanding. That's reasonable enough. Why hasn't this happened already? Come July, I will boycott any store that sells American flag printed tablecloths.

You know, the Easter Bunny must be stopped too..........

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Boston set off a furor this week when it officially renamed a giant tree erected in a city park a "holiday tree" instead of a "Christmas tree."

What the hell is a "holiday tree"???


So do the Jews have to rename the Minora "The Holiday Candlestick?" I mean if we have to be totally PC about things..............

Edited by KatieDidIt
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Aside from the fact that it is dangerous to assume why the "asian" lady made an offended face, when you can't hear the sound, I must ask who is more offended? It sounds like you are extremely offended that non-Christians refuse or prefer not to use your term for the months of November and December. Is that what you want here...that non-Christians use a religious phrase that means nothing to them? That seems a tad selfish.

It may surprise a lot of people to find that "Happy Holidays" was coined decades ago to cover the trifecta of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years...the holiday season. The addition of the other celebrations in a fit of PC is a very recent phenomenon.

I wonder, if "Happy Holidays" is only meant to include Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, are you still offended?

See that's what I'm talkin about, people like you. Yall see how she put "asian" in quotation marks? As though asian was some kind of racially insensitive term? Asian is the p.c. term! I coulda said "chinese lady" but god forbid. Now enlighten me as to why I should feel I'm in "danger" by assuming what the "asian" lady was saying with the sound off. Is she gonna come hunt me down? Look when the story went on it was clear what it was about, I wasn't assuming anything. And the whole point isn't that these people just don't wanna hear merry christmas, they don't wanna see anyone tellin anyone else merry christmas in their vicinity or city or restaurant sign or t.v. broadcast or whatever.

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See that's what I'm talkin about, people like you. Yall see how she put "asian" in quotation marks? As though asian was some kind of racially insensitive term? Asian is the p.c. term! I coulda said "chinese lady" but god forbid. Now enlighten me as to why I should feel I'm in "danger" by assuming what the "asian" lady was saying with the sound off. Is she gonna come hunt me down? Look when the story went on it was clear what it was about, I wasn't assuming anything. And the whole point isn't that these people just don't wanna hear merry christmas, they don't wanna see anyone tellin anyone else merry christmas in their vicinity or city or restaurant sign or t.v. broadcast or whatever.

Ahh, the power of the quotation mark. :P

Rather than explain myself, and risk upsetting anyone, let me be the first to wish you a Happy Holiday.

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See that's what I'm talkin about, people like you. Yall see how she put "asian" in quotation marks?

Oh yeah! That RedScare ain't nuthin but a truble maker!! "She" always is puttin stuff in quotes and stuff!

EVERYONE here knows exactly what kinda person "She" is!!!! Am I right or what????

Seriously, 77017, take a chill pill and Merry Christmas and Peace On Earth, Goodwill Towards Men.

Oh wait...that would be sexist, wouldn't it? Goodwill Towards Everyone But Smirking Asians?

Spread the love around!!!

Feeling better now? I know I am! :D

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Aside from the fact that it is dangerous to assume why the "asian" lady made an offended face, when you can't hear the sound, I must ask who is more offended? It sounds like you are extremely offended that non-Christians refuse or prefer not to use your term for the months of November and December. Is that what you want here...that non-Christians use a religious phrase that means nothing to them? That seems a tad selfish.

It may surprise a lot of people to find that "Happy Holidays" was coined decades ago to cover the trifecta of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years...the holiday season. The addition of the other celebrations in a fit of PC is a very recent phenomenon.

I wonder, if "Happy Holidays" is only meant to include Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, are you still offended?

I don't think the problem is with non-Christians saying "Happy Holidays." I think the problem is that so many Christians are saying it mindlessly and not remembering that one of those holidays is the most important in their religion. By lumping them all together you dilute the importance of Christmas.

You are correct that "Happy Holidays" used to mean Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. But the language has evolved since you and I were young. Today the "Happy Holidays" trifecta is Christmas, Hannukah, and Ramadan. Which displays even more ignorance on the part of the PC crowd because Ramadan can happen at any time of year, even in the Summer.

Imagine, "religious" men demanding boycotts of retail stores in order to "save" Christmas.

You mean like when Jesus freaked out at the money changers in the temple?

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Hurtful to me because you seemed to not care whether or not I was offended that you called me Katie, but you hoped that Katie was not offended that you mistook my comments as hers.

Either way, you know I'm just jiving with you. B)

You are correct that "Happy Holidays" used to mean Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. But the language has evolved since you and I were young. Today the "Happy Holidays" trifecta is Christmas, Hannukah, and Ramadan. Which displays even more ignorance on the part of the PC crowd because Ramadan can happen at any time of year, even in the Summer.

Word all the way.

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Do a little history reading on Chistmas as a holiday. Bible historians will be the first to tell you in all likelyhood Jesus wasn't born on the 25th, or even December for that matter. The puritans in England and the Pilgrims in America outlawed the celebration. Christmas itself wasn't declared a national holiday til 1870.

I know it makes you feel all Mister Smartypants to point that out, but I think it's pretty common knowledge. it's not the calendar date that's important, it's the event. We celebrate Jesus' birth and it happens that December 25th was chosen. No one knows exactly when it happened, so what was your point?

And what ties spending tons of money on an overblown quest of consumerism to the birth of Jesus? Didn't Jesus boot the money changers out of the Temple? If you ask me, as a Christian, I think we should make it a clean separation and celebrate Jesus' birthday in a more fitting fashion on another date and rename the celebration on the 25th of December after Santa Claus. In the meantime, in my home, it's "Happy Holidays".

People give stuff to other people on special days. They do it for Valentine's day, for their birthday, for lots of days. Christmas giving has been a tradition for centuries, and as the centuries have progressed it has evolved. If some people want to mark the holiday season by getting overheated shopping for friends, let them. What's the crime? I don't see anything wrong with giving gifts for a holiday. People should be more generous the whole year 'round. If I'm not going to let some overzealous P.C. person tell me to say "Happy Holidays" I'm certainly not going to listen to anyone tell me I'm bad for getting the people I love presents.

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Boston set off a furor this week when it officially renamed a giant tree erected in a city park a "holiday tree" instead of a "Christmas tree."

What the hell is a "holiday tree"???


Holiday Tree is for amateurs. Real professionals at being politically correct have already advanced to the "Cultural Tree". Whatever that is. They're just blindly following one another into absurdity, never asking the crucial question, "Which cultural celebration did the tree tradition come from?" Oh, yeah! Christmas!

I got this in an e-mail last night.


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