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"war On Christmas"


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If I'm not going to let some overzealous P.C. person tell me to say "Happy Holidays"

Is there really an overzealous person out there threatening your right to say "Merry Christmas". If some people prefer "Happy Holidays" who cares? Use the greeting you wish and quit worrying about who you may offend. Just don't be offended if someone chooses a greeting other than "Merry Christmas". That is their right also.

Merry Christmas everyone. ^_^

Edited by west20th
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Aside from the fact that it is dangerous to assume why the "asian" lady made an offended face, when you can't hear the sound, I must ask who is more offended? It sounds like you are extremely offended that non-Christians refuse or prefer not to use your term for the months of November and December. Is that what you want here...that non-Christians use a religious phrase that means nothing to them? That seems a tad selfish.

It may surprise a lot of people to find that "Happy Holidays" was coined decades ago to cover the trifecta of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years...the holiday season. The addition of the other celebrations in a fit of PC is a very recent phenomenon.

I wonder, if "Happy Holidays" is only meant to include Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, are you still offended?

I'm still going with "The Festivus for the Restofvus !" I am particular to "The feats of Strength." :D So, "HAPPY FESTIVUS !" everyone.

Edited by TJones
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The war on Christmas is real.

The anit-Christmas crowd justify by either saying Christmas has lost its meaning, or are too worried about offending peopls sensibilities.

They need to get a life.


Why is it real? Because some people choose not to use "Merry Christmas" as a greeting? They can use any greeting they wish. Who cares? As long as no one stops you from saying "Merry Christmas". What is it that really offends you? Someone not saying "Merry Christmas"?

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Well, editor, when was the last time you threw a party for Epiphany or Pentacost, which, by Christian standards, are more important holidays than Christmas. All I'm saying is the Christmas we know and love is a made-up holiday, and you all are trying to tie the secular celebration to the religous celebration. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to celebrate the birth of Jesus with the exchange of presents.

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict warned on Sunday against rampant materialism which he said was polluting the spirit of Christmas.

"In today's consumer society, this time of the year unfortunately suffers from a sort of commercial 'pollution' that threatens to alter its real spirit," the Pope told a large crowd gathered in St. Peter's Square to hear his weekly Angelus blessing.

He said Christmas should be marked with sober celebrations and urged Christians to display a nativity crib in their houses as "a simple but effective way of showing their faith and conveying it to their children."

Last year, under Pope John Paul, the Vatican launched a high-profile campaign to urge Roman Catholic Italy not to compromise the spirit of Christmas through excess or dilute its message out of fear of offending a growing Muslim population.

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Happy Holidays if fine.

But people who say "Happy Holidays" becuase they are afraid of offending someone need to be dealt with.

Get a rope.

I agree. You can't go through life walking on eggshells worrying about who you are going to offend next. And anyone who would be offended by the greeting "Merry Christmas", well they just need to get over it. It is a greeting like "have a nice day" not a demand to convert to Christianity.

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One of the buildings in downtown has a "holiday display" in the lobby that highlights all the worlds religions.

I still am trying to figure out what in the world that has to due "holidays" or "Christmas".

The icing on the cake is the Jewish and Islam displays are right next to each other.

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Well Kimberly, I am offended that you maybe offended by thinking that I was offended by your offense.

I was first offended because I thought maybe you took offense to pineda mistaking you for me, therefore you corrected pineda. You and pineda are two of the most insensitive people I've ever encountered. :closedeyes:

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I was first offended because I thought maybe you took offense to pineda mistaking you for me, therefore you corrected pineda. You and pineda are two of the most insensitive people I've ever encountered. :closedeyes:

OK I don't care who started this. If you three can't play nice it's off to the corner for a time out!

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Call it "Holiday", "Christmas", "New Years", "Hannukah", whatever you want. Just don't bring down my Christmas like some did for my work Thanksgiving lunch.

Just because 3% of the office doesn't believe in Thanksgiving... that doesn't give one the right to ruin it for everyone else in the office.

Edited by ToolMan
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The war on Christmas is real.

I love a good war as much as the next guy but I've got enough on my plate at the moment.

First it's time to finish up the War Against Evil Flag Burners because of the rash of flag burning that is on-going.

Next up is the War Against Gays For The Potential Destruction Of Straight Marrige coupled with the War Against Gays For Demanding Equal Rights. The gays are poised to attack at any moment! >:)

But seriously, Midtown-"The war on Christmas is real."???? I thought you were smarter than that.

That's just another radical right-wing scare tactic to keep 'em scared so they don't see we're screwing them with their pants on.

So Merry Christmas, Joyfull Holidays, Happy New Year-whatever floats your boat. :D


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Here is a good article concerning "The War on Christmas".

Good story, west. It's one of the more silly scare tactics used by the Fox News ilk. I thought it was funny while O'Rielly and that Gibson guy were hyperventilating over the destruction of Christmas, the Fox News website was offering Happy Holiday ornaments. Apparently it only took them a couple of hours to change that to "Merry Christmas".

It seems to me one of the more sacreligious things you could do is put A Fox News ornament on a Christmas tree.

Anyway, Keep em' distracted, keep em' scared.


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We were invited to a holiday potluck, and had to bring a dish. The hostess told me to be very sensitive on what I brought because her neighborhood was so multicultural and had a lot of vegitarians. I'm known for my Vension Chili at Christmas time, thus the warning I guess.

I told her I would donate the salad to the Politically Correct table. The lettuce had been humanely harvested using a new farming method developed by the boys at Berkley. All the heads were sprayed with a gentle and fine mist, so not to harm their leaves, with rohypnol before harvesting. I understand those suckers scream like banshees when you pick em'.

I wonder why she never called me back this year? <shrug>

Edited by KatieDidIt
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Well, editor, when was the last time you threw a party for Epiphany or Pentacost, which, by Christian standards, are more important holidays than Christmas.

I think you have a problem lumping all Chritsians into one group there. If I was Pentacostal, then maybe Pentacost would be more important than Christmas. I'm not sure in what division of Christianity the Epiphany is considered more important. But the slice of God that I belong to considers Christmas the #1 most important day of the year, followed by Easter.

One of the buildings in downtown has a "holiday display" in the lobby that highlights all the worlds religions.

I still am trying to figure out what in the world that has to due "holidays" or "Christmas".

The icing on the cake is the Jewish and Islam displays are right next to each other.

And why is there an Islamic display at all? Ramadan is long over. I think it wrapped before Halloween. So the inclusion of an Islamic display just shows the intent of the people who put the affair together. They weren't interested in celebrating the "holidays," they were afraid of offending anyone by leaving anyone out.

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Editor, maybe too much info, but what Christian denomination do you belong to where Christmas is the most holy day? Full disclosure - I'm Episcopal.

In the Gospels, all 4 tell the story of Easter, Epiphany and Pentacost (not a pentacostal-only holiday;) ). Yet, only Matthew and Luke tell the tale of Jesus' birth. If it's so important, why did John and Mark both leave the story out of their Gospels?

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