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"war On Christmas"


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Oh my goodness! You all must check this out!


Kimberly, thank you soooooo much for that, i really needed to laugh today, and you made it happen. :lol:

I love those parties when you get a warning becuase they invited freaks.

"Hey, I am having a party, but don't be yourself, becuse I invited a bunch of sensitive morons, and they may be offened by you".

Now exactly WHO is the wierdo?

That would just be a GREEN LIGHT for me to totally make them feel like a turd in a punchbowl. >:)

Edited by TJones
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Alright, I have to vent. I'm so sick of this politically correct bull***t. I'm watchin the dominique sachse show the other day on a 42" plasma t.v. in a mcdonalds with the sound off. I can tell what they're talkin bout with the news subtitles. They show a guy with a caption underneath him that says "John Q. Citizen: says merry christmas!" and I think 2 myself "damn they must be runnin short on stories, they're already doin a John Q. Citizen says merry christmas scoop. Then I saw what the story was about. They moved to an asian woman making an offended face whose caption said "prefers "happy holidays". Thats it. That's the last straw. How f****n sensitive do you gotta be. "Don't tell me merry christmas, thatll ruin my life!" man how far is this s**t gonna go if no one puts an end to it? "Good morning!" "I prefer guten tag!" see you later "its "adios" jerk! You know what, I call some of my white friends white boy, they don't care. I call some my black friends n***a, they don't care. Call me a WETBACK, I DON'T CARE! Its all kinda trivial and funny to me but these other people, GOD, oh I'm sorry allahgodbuddahsatan, they really act like this stuff affects their lives. I'm sorry I just had to vent. Is it just me?

Who gives a ____?

oh..happy holidays!

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For those of you who like to take the literal translation road on the Bible:

Jeremiah 10:2-4: "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (KJV).

Edited by HeightsGuy
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Easter's the most important holiday in any Christian religion. Christmas is an ancient Roman holiday originally called Saturnalia.

Only partially correct. Christmas and Saturnalia are separate holidays. Christmas was moved to coincide with Saturnalia.

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For those of you who like to take the literal translation road on the Bible:

Jeremiah 10:2-4: "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (KJV).

Sounds strangely like a Christmas Tree. :ph34r::ph34r::lol::ph34r: :ph34r: <-----ninjas to protect me for agreeing and saying Christmas Tree !

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Thought I'd share with you folks an e-mail, I sent over the weekend, to Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post, regarding her article:


I have to admit that this is the first time I was steamed enough to actually write a response. Admitedly poorly worded (it was 3 am after all).


What 'War on Christmas'?

By Ruth Marcus

Saturday, December 10, 2005; Page A21

Banning Christmas in a nation founded on Christian principles would be like telling Jews in Israel that they can't wish each other "Happy Hanukkah". . . because it might offend the non-Jews living there. Should we dilute Buddhist festivals in Japan? Hindu holidays in India. Might as well tell the Muslims, in the Middle-East, that they can't observe Ramadan because it's non-inclusive of non-Muslims.

Houston, TX

P.S. My mother is Buddhist, father is Baptist, I went to a Catholic High School, and lived for a long time in Saudi Arabia. I celebrate and appreciate the world's diversity and am not threatened by other cultures and their holidays, as they shouldn't be threatened by mine. Happy Hanukkah, Eid, Tet, Visakah Puja, Diwali, or Merry Christmas.

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Only partially correct. Christmas and Saturnalia are separate holidays. Christmas was moved to coincide with Saturnalia.

They didn't coexist in the same religion, but they had the exact same celebrations. On Saturnalia, Romans would take the day off (in late December near the winter solstice), exchange gifts, and cut down evergreen trees and decorate them in honor of the god Saturn. It was a popular holiday, so unsuprisingly it was copied by the Christians, many of whom used to worship the Roman pantheon.

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They didn't coexist in the same religion, but they had the exact same celebrations. On Saturnalia, Romans would take the day off (in late December near the winter solstice), exchange gifts, and cut down evergreen trees and decorate them in honor of the god Saturn. It was a popular holiday, so unsuprisingly it was copied by the Christians, many of whom used to worship the Roman pantheon.

I'm too tired to look anything up, but here's what I can remember from too many years of theology classes...

I don't remember if Saturnalia was a Roman holiday, but it sounds about right. It was celebrated on the winter solstice, usually around December 21 on our calendar.

The cutting-down-the-tree thing was actually part of a pagan ritual that originated with Germanic tribes and was adopted in some parts of the Roman empire when it spread to that part of the world.

Some time after Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire Christmas was moved to the the same neighborhood as Saturnalia in an effort to stamp out that holiday and the religion from which it sprang. The effort appears to have been mostly successful. With a new December holiday in the Empire, the Germanic people kept up the tree cutting tradition and incorporated it into their religious celebration. I also remember another version of this where the Church assumed the tree tradition into its culture in order to marginalize the pagan tradition. This would be similar to the way England marginalized Wales by making sure the new king of England is always the "Prince of Wales" -- another method of taking part of a conquered culture and making it part of the conquering culture. Either way, this would explain the disparity between the Bible saying don't cut down trees and the current practice of cutting down trees. Most Christian churches acknowledge that the Bible was not future-proof.

Again, most of this is from memory, and my memory is very scattered and faded these days. Though, I did have fish for lunch and that's supposed to help.

Still, I don't understand what Saturnalia has to to with people saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." Pointing out that another religion once had a holiday at the same time as Christmas doesn't mean anything in this discussion. It doesn't legitimize "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas." So, why did you bring it up?

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It's just funny that its considered so sacred when it isn't a legitimate religious holiday at all. Fox News got their viewers in a huff over this, and now it has spread to this message board. I don't really care about it myself, but I could see how someone could be offended (that's not word here. It's probably too strong for this story) if someone assumes they give a fook by wishing them a "Merry Christmas" if they are not Christian. It comes off a bit arrogant.

Edited by westguy
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It's just funny that its considered so sacred when it isn't a legitimate religious holiday at all. Fox News got their viewers in a huff over this, and now it has spread to this message board. I don't really care about it myself, but I could see how someone could be offended (that's not word here. It's probably too strong for this story) if someone assumes they give a fook by wishing them a "Merry Christmas" if they are not Christian. It comes off a bit arrogant.


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It's just funny that its considered so sacred when it isn't a legitimate religious holiday at all. Fox News got their viewers in a huff over this, and now it has spread to this message board. I don't really care about it myself, but I could see how someone could be offended (that's not word here. It's probably too strong for this story) if someone assumes they give a fook by wishing them a "Merry Christmas" if they are not Christian. It comes off a bit arrogant.

Uh, how are you supposed to know if someone is Christian or Not? Do they have brands on them?If you want to say Merrry Christmas, SAY IT. Live your OWN life! And if someone is truly mentally damaged or wrecked for life for being told it , they can sue........cause you know that's coming next.

I am not religious, in fact you could call me an atheist. But we do the tree, the songs, go to the St. Francis FAmily service on Christmas Eve, have Merry Christmas on our Christmas cards (that was hard to find this year).........we enjoy the TRADITION.

People seriously need to get a grip and enjoy the diversity of this country and quit trying to shove everyone into some new kind of weird "bi-cultural,homogenious mold." All the miniorities SCREAM to get their individual holidays, why does the rest of America have to lose theirs? Kinda sounds like reverse racisim to me.

BTW WEST, I'm not arguing with you, I'm just continuing the topic. I re-read my post and it looked argumentitive. ANd I really am not looking forward to that homogeneous corner you want to put me in. ;)

Edited by KatieDidIt
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I'm generally with Katie on this one. I'm agnostic at a minimum, some days all out atheist. However, I wish people Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays...whatever hits me at the moment. But, the thing to remember here is.....IT IS MY CHOICE. If I or Asian ladies or Target wish to use Happy Holidays, that is our choice, not yours. No one is forbidding you to use Merry Christmas either, Fox News rants to the contrary.

The weird part of this thread is the outrage that people won't use YOUR preferred term, Christmas. Since when did we become a theocracy? The craziest part is that Christians ruined there own Christmas themselves, with the heathen commercialization of it. You can't blame THAT on the rest of us. So, what this amounts to is faux outrage. It's not that the religion was taken out of Christmas...that was done decades ago...it is a war waged by fundamentalists and their television mouthpieces on themselves!

It might come as a surprise to many to find that non-Christians by and large don't care. Notice the battle here. Fox pundits and preachers on one side and Target, JC Penney and some other retailers on the other, with WalMart flaunting it's Christianity. Get it? There are no non-Christians in the fight. You guys have been swept up in a media fight to swing shoppers from one retailer to another!

War on Christmas? :lol: Try, War on Target by WalMart.

And y'all are falling for it.

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Like CNN is any better.

Anyone ever see the Nancy Grace Show?

It's a travesty!

I don't think CNN is as biased as Fox but that is a matter of opinion. At least they stick to real news w/o all the fluff that Fox puts out there. Never seen Nancy Grace, isn't that on MSNBC?
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Red, insightful comments. Faux outrage by faux newsmen hits pretty close to home here. It's as if "Happy Holidays" is a made-up saying by liberals bent on taking Christ out of Christmas, when we all know "Happy Holidays" was penned by Irving Berlin before WWII and sung by the subversive Bing Crosby in the anti-Christmas movie "Holiday Inn", and covered by hundreds of anti-Christmas singers over the years such as Johhny Matthis, Andy Williams, Alabama and the Carpenters.

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