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Brokeback Mountain


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Oh, what do I know? I think Adventures in Baby Sitting is a great movie.

But I do wonder...

If gay America is looking for acceptance, is "Bi-Cowbuds" really the best vehicle for that?

I don't really believe they were Bi I do think they acted Bi because they had to. because that is how they understood that life should be. They believed they should marry and have kids. After all that is what there father did and maybe that is what they wanted.

The fact is that in this story line they fell in love with each other and for them to be together was a compromise from what other would think of there life choice.

I am gay. I don't think I have to live with a partner but I do. If I wanted to I could be asexual the rest of my life, and if I feel in love with a woman I could marry her, lover and have kid. The fact is I would not commit adultery to satisfy and any unfulfilled need.

I am In a committed relationship I consider myself conservative, liberal, and all that jazz at the same time. Yes I am a flip flopper. I make decisions based on the best information available.

Heck, I forget my point, but this is a great move no matter what naysayers may say. It is not about the politics. It is not about homophobia. It is about good acting, good story lines, and great directing.

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I have not seen this movie, nor will I ever. Just not my cup of tea.

I have heard a great deal of praise about the movie, but no one has said exactly what makes it so great. I know it won a Golden Globe, but I have my suspicions about that. Given the nature of many of the GG winners this year, I can

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Not to take knock anyone's opinions in this discussion, but ....

This movie CANNOT be judged without being seen. It simply defies any category or label you might attempt to put on it, because there has never been anything like it made before. Forget everything you've heard, or what you may think about (fill in the blank). Even if you've read every review, you will still be surprised or even astounded by your feelings at the end.

Yes, it has a few scenes that that can make conservative viewers uncomfortable - for a minute or two. But the movie's message is beyond reproach - that above else, life should be about LOVE. And if you see it more than once, the nuances and layers that you missed the first time will surprise you again.

It's the most potent, entrancing love story ever put on film, IMHO. But that's just me.

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Not to take knock anyone's opinions in this discussion, but ....

This movie CANNOT be judged without being seen. It simply defies any category or label you might attempt to put on it, because there has never been anything like it made before. Forget everything you've heard, or what you may think about (fill in the blank). Even if you've read every review, you will still be surprised or even astounded by your feelings at the end.

Yes, it has a few scenes that that can make conservative viewers uncomfortable - for a minute or two. But the movie's message is beyond reproach - that above else, life should be about LOVE. And if you see it more than once, the nuances and layers that you missed the first time will surprise you again.

It's the most potent, entrancing love story ever put on film, IMHO. But that's just me.

You are truly correct when you say "This movie CANNOT be judged without being seen." I failed to lead my earlier argument with this very rational point. Anyhow, like the old saying goes you can not judge a book by its cover.

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I have not seen this movie, nor will I ever. Just not my cup of tea.

I have heard a great deal of praise about the movie, but no one has said exactly what makes it so great. I know it won a Golden Globe, but I have my suspicions about that. Given the nature of many of the GG winners this year, I can

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Oh, what do I know? I think Adventures in Baby Sitting is a great movie.

But I do wonder...

If gay America is looking for acceptance, is "Bi-Cowbuds" really the best vehicle for that?

I can't speak for "gay America" but this gay American is looking is looking for equal treament and equal rights. Personally I don't give a crap if you or anyone else "accept" me.

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You are truly correct when you say "This movie CANNOT be judged without being seen." I failed to lead my earlier argument with this very rational point. Anyhow, like the old saying goes you can not judge a book by its cover.

i agree. this movie is truly about lifelong friendship, not lust. these guys related on a physical level which increased the intensity of their friendship. as i said earlier in the thread, i left the theatre longing for old friends (even the one's i was not intimate with ;)).

and.....i accept you west20th! :)

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Read in the Chron that Brokeback finally finished in the top five movies last weekend.

Oprah has the entire cast on her show today, and is devoting half an hour to the movie.

With the Oscar buzz, I have a feeling that this movie's going to have a looong theatrical run.

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it's still playing in the woodlands at market street. i didn't expect it to last more than one week. in fact, i was surprised we had it out here. the mind set of many in the woodlands proper is much different than the surrounding cities (conroe, oak ridge, shenandoah, spring).

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So, when Hollywood chose "Silence of The Lambs" were they trying to say "Serial Killers are people too, they are just misunderstood." ? Take that Bush 41 ! I don't think so.

Hollywood is what it is, it is no secret that it is Liberal, I am ok with that. Just keep making the fun stuff Hollywood, The Matrix, Star Wars types, a few good tear jerkers, and I'll be able to make it through The Brokeback type of stuff. ^_^

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“My point was that given the fact that not only did Brokeback Mountain win, but other “alternative” movies also won, do you think it was Hollywood’s way of slapping the Conservative administration in the face?

Now, I think that is a legitimate, pensive, non-confrontational question. If some of you want to make an issue of something that resides only within your own bigoted minds -

Well, you can fill in the rest.

"Brokeback" starred white people. A lot of other white people won, too. Do you think this is Hollywood's way of slapping minorities in the face? Discuss!

(...but please, see the movie first.)

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"Brokeback" starred white people. A lot of other white people won, too. Do you think this is Hollywood's way of slapping minorities in the face?


nmainguy, I know I am going to sound perjudicial here, but I don't really care.

It has been my experience that Liberals tend to attack the other side no matter what they say, while at the same time offer nothing of a construstive nature to the discussion. Thanks for upholding my beliefs.

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nmainguy, I know I am going to sound perjudicial here, but I don't really care.

It has been my experience that Liberals tend to attack the other side no matter what they say, while at the same time offer nothing of a construstive nature to the discussion. Thanks for upholding my beliefs.

Well now, be fair. I didn't attack you. I just pointed out your inconsitancies.

That's OK. I find psudo-conservatives avoid it when confronted with their contridictions. Ref: Limbaugh, Gingrich, Bennett, Swagert, Baker [Jim], DeLay, Frist, Bush, Cheney, Livingston,etc...

Anyway, go see the movie or open another thread in Way Off Topic to rant.


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You know how I know a thread is getting heated? The spelling errors multiply exponentially!

Moving on to the post of the day, from eelimon:

It is Romeo and Juliet if Shakespeare had written it and titled it Romeo and Julio.
This is solid gold in the making.

As for awards, I have to say I too am supsect of the not only the Golden Globes, but most awards shows. I think they're rigged and biased. And yes, I thought this about award shows before I had even heard of this movie.

Lets wait and see what the Peoples' Choice Awards turn up.

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I have not seen the movie, but intend to soon. My question is, if I see it and don't like it because I think it's boring, does that make me a bigot?

I'm not that crazy about love stories, gay or straight, so that's why I haven't rushed out to see it. I don't really like cowboy movies, either. Needless to say, I haven't put this movie at the top of my list.

I fear that I'm obliged to like it, or else turn in my liberal card. If it were about a cowboy cheating with another woman -- with the exact same dialogue and situations, I bet no one would care.

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I have not seen the movie, but intend to soon. My question is, if I see it and don't like it because I think it's boring, does that make me a bigot?

I'm not that crazy about love stories, gay or straight, so that's why I haven't rushed out to see it. I don't really like cowboy movies, either. Needless to say, I haven't put this movie at the top of my list.

I fear that I'm obliged to like it, or else turn in my liberal card. If it were about a cowboy cheating with another woman -- with the exact same dialogue and situations, I bet no one would care.

OPRAH would care ! She would say the truth doesn't matter, they were in love !

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I'm not that crazy about love stories, gay or straight, so that's why I haven't rushed out to see it. I don't really like cowboy movies, either. Needless to say, I haven't put this movie at the top of my list.
why see the movie simply because of the hype? it's slow, it's not complex. not that i don't want people to support the movie, but why go see it because it's become such an issue? (if you don't like anything the movie is about.) are you a film critic?
I fear that I'm obliged to like it, or else turn in my liberal card. If it were about a cowboy cheating with another woman -- with the exact same dialogue and situations, I bet no one would care.

true that.

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When you think about it, I suppose two cowboys in love with each other is much less controversial than many oaters of yesteryear. In so many movies and TV shows, the hero often seemed more enamored with his trusty steed than the heroine.

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why see the movie simply because of the hype? it's slow, it's not complex. not that i don't want people to support the movie, but why go see it because it's become such an issue? (if you don't like anything the movie is about.) are you a film critic?

Well, I like movies and would enjoy discussing this one with my friends who've seen it. So, that's why I'd like to see it. Not really for the hype...well, sorta.

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I don't want to be a "plot spoiler". However, for those who do not intend to EVER see the movie, here is "Brokeback Mountain" told in about a minute.

Two cowboys are at a bar, getting drunk, one leans over to the other and says,"Hey buddy,let me ask you a question."

"Ok", says the other, "Fire away."

First cowboy asks, " If you and a friend went camping together, and got really drunk and wasted, you pass out and wake up in the morning, and you have a really sore and tender @$$hole, and your mouth looks like a glazed donut, then you look over at your friend, and he has a big 'ol smile on his face as he is staring at you, would you tell anybody ?"

Second cowboy yells, "HELL NO ! I wouldn't tell a soul ! Are you crazy ?"

First cowboy then says, "GREAT, want to go camping ?"

...........and they carry on for 20 years. The End.


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