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Brokeback Mountain


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I don't want to be a "plot spoiler". However, for those who do not intend to EVER see the movie, here is "Brokeback Mountain" told in about a minute.

Two cowboys are at a bar, getting drunk, one leans over to the other and says,"Hey buddy,let me ask you a question."

"Ok", says the other, "Fire away."

First cowboy asks, " If you and a friend went camping together, and got really drunk and wasted, you pass out and wake up in the morning, and you have a really sore and tender @$$hole, and your mouth looks like a glazed donut, then you look over at your friend, and he has a big 'ol smile on his face as he is staring at you, would you tell anybody ?"

Second cowboy yells, "HELL NO ! I wouldn't tell a soul ! Are you crazy ?"

First cowboy then says, "GREAT, want to go camping ?"

...........and they carry on for 20 years. The End.



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I have not seen the movie, but intend to soon. My question is, if I see it and don't like it because I think it's boring, does that make me a bigot?

I'm not that crazy about love stories, gay or straight, so that's why I haven't rushed out to see it. I don't really like cowboy movies, either. Needless to say, I haven't put this movie at the top of my list.

I fear that I'm obliged to like it, or else turn in my liberal card. If it were about a cowboy cheating with another woman -- with the exact same dialogue and situations, I bet no one would care.

No that does not make you a bigot.... Now, if you claim you hate the movie before you watch it may make you a bigot.

I don't want to be a "plot spoiler". However, for those who do not intend to EVER see the movie, here is "Brokeback Mountain" told in about a minute.

Two cowboys are at a bar, getting drunk, one leans over to the other and says,"Hey buddy,let me ask you a question."

"Ok", says the other, "Fire away."

First cowboy asks, " If you and a friend went camping together, and got really drunk and wasted, you pass out and wake up in the morning, and you have a really sore and tender @$$hole, and your mouth looks like a glazed donut, then you look over at your friend, and he has a big 'ol smile on his face as he is staring at you, would you tell anybody ?"

Second cowboy yells, "HELL NO ! I wouldn't tell a soul ! Are you crazy ?"

First cowboy then says, "GREAT, want to go camping ?"

...........and they carry on for 20 years. The End.


:lol::P So I take it you did go watch the movie TJones

Edited by eelimon
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There is talk about making Brokeback Mountain into a TV series as a summer replacement for Book of Daniel. But that may just be a rumor.

Heights, that TV show has already been done, and it did pretty well for a long time. You might remember the show, it was called "BONANZA" !

Edited by TJones
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The only "brokeback" I remember from Bonanza was Hoss's hoss!

Then again, maybe this would explain why Hop Sing was always in a bad mood.

Think about it, four grown men, all living under one roof, obviously "Paw" had sex with a woman at least 3 times, but none of them EVER leave the nest, wasn't that the way things were supposed to be back in the 1890's ?

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Think about it, four grown men, all living under one roof, obviously "Paw" had sex with a woman at least 3 times, but none of them EVER leave the nest, wasn't that the way things were supposed to be back in the 1890's ?

nmainguy gently smacks TJ and H2B upside the head and says: "Move on, brothers." :D


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I noticed that on cable this past Friday night three movies ran featuring actors from this movie:

• The Princess Diaries (with Anne Hathaway)

• The Patriot (with Heath Ledger)

• Donnie Darko (with Jake Gyllenhaal)

Quite a coincidence.

Interestingly, the charactor Jake Gyllenhaal plays in Donnie Darko also struggles with conventional morality.

Wonder if he's going to be this generation's Johnny Depp?

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Dal.. if Anne Hathaway is your type, then you should check her out in Havoc.

BINGO ! I read somewhere that Disney almost dropped her, because of that movie. Apparently, you can't do nude scenes and stay around Disney. But, Princess Diaries did sooooo well, they had to have a part 2.

The SAG is still mostly Hollywood actors right ? Yeah, I don't think there is too much Conservatism going on around there.

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Why must everything be so snide from you?

It's called "humor", pal. If you had a sense of it, maybe you would lighten up a bit?

I don't think a simple question such as "why must everything be political with you?" is snide. It is simply a question. Why don't you get a sense of humor and lighten up a bit pal?!

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I agree. Time to shut it down, before it really gets dirty.

Why do you always call for a thread to be shut down when you don't like the way it's going? How is it getting dirty? I'm just wondering why H2B is making conversation over a movie political. He makes a hit and run statement that the "liberal" media is slapping the "conservative" administration in the face w/o adding any rational. If that bothers you I am so sorry.

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I just saw it and it was good movie, in terms of acting and directing.

There is nothing wrong with disliking a movie without seeing it. But it is wrong and somewhat pathetic to spread hate about a movie just because you dislike gays.

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I will typically cry at the drop of a hat ( one of the things I wish I could change about myself), but I suprisingly did not cry at this one. However, I saw this movie on yesterday and have been haunted ever since. I couldn't sleep last night from thinking about this film. I haven't had a movie to touch me like this in a while. Very moving.

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I posted my thoughts before I actually read this thread and my mind has been made up about certain forumers here for a while now. But to actually read ignorance despite the fact that one knows it always manages to show it's ugly face on this board, no lessons the annoyance of it.

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