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Pedestrian Crossing At Ella Blvd.


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This is great news.  Ella is crazy and people in GOOF need to be able to cross safely to get to the White Oak bayou trail and TC Jester park.


But what the $^#$#% about 11th St. and Nicholson?  I know the city will go on and on about the Transportation Code and the fact that no one has actually been killed (yet).  But if the City can get this intersection done on an expedited basis, why not do whatever it takes to get past all the traffic engineers and transp code provisions and just get a freaking pedestrian light at 11th St. and Nicholson already?  And no.  That road diet thing doesn't fix that intersection.  Getting a 3 year old on training wheels across one busy lane of traffic is still dangerous.




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That is great! My guess is the city was already looking at replacing those signals anyways since they are the older style with wires and they'll replace it with the steel poles in addition to the new pedestrian signals.


 In response to 11th St and Nicholson, the proper signage (although minimal) is there to inform drivers to yield. Unfortunately, Houston drivers just do not know how a pedestrian crosswalk works or they don't care. Regardless, I think enforcement is needed at that crossing to inform and educate drivers (might be an unpopular opinion, but Houston drivers need to do better and that might result in the need for tickets need to be written). I would love to see a better crossing developed by the city there, and residents have made it very clear on the vision zero interactive map. 


Thanks for sharing the article!

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On 12/18/2020 at 1:01 PM, s3mh said:

This is great news.  Ella is crazy and people in GOOF need to be able to cross safely to get to the White Oak bayou trail and TC Jester park.


But what the $^#$#% about 11th St. and Nicholson?  I know the city will go on and on about the Transportation Code and the fact that no one has actually been killed (yet).  But if the City can get this intersection done on an expedited basis, why not do whatever it takes to get past all the traffic engineers and transp code provisions and just get a freaking pedestrian light at 11th St. and Nicholson already?  And no.  That road diet thing doesn't fix that intersection.  Getting a 3 year old on training wheels across one busy lane of traffic is still dangerous.




According to Nextdoor, you shouldn't be taking your kid across there, it's too dangerous and violates the concept that vehicle drivers be able to drive 45 or 50, since they are in a hurry, and far more important than you. Comments on the road diet are pretty much "what garbage", "welcome to traffic hell", "just wait until you are stuck behind a Metro bus for 10 minutes while a wheelchair patron gets on" and "kill your kids and pets, and quit trying to interfere with drivers in a hurry". There are days I despair for humanity.


Note: The previous paragraph contains sarcasm and broad interpretations of online posts on Nextdoor. No words were actually harmed in the making of the paragraph.

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