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The Era Of The Mega Mansion Is Upon Us

Guest danax

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So if you had a choice of say a great school district or a house that would appreciate better over 20 years but not in a good school district, you'd rather give your child a bad education so you can make more money (maybe) in 20 years? This is just an example of things you have to weigh when buying a house. I say get a house that suits your need TODAY not 20 years from today.

Who can forcast what will happen in 20 years anyway? If I did, I'd be a land barron of the inner loop!

Edited by texas911
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So if you had a choice of say a great school district or a house that would appreciate better over 20 years but not in a good school district, you'd rather give your child a bad education so you can make more money (maybe) in 20 years? This is just an example of things you have to weigh when buying a house. I say get a house that suits your need TODAY not 20 years from today.

Well, Houston ISD is a mixed bag as far as schools go, so the real criteria is the specific zoned school. Bellaire and Lamar High Schools are considered to be the two best to be zoned to in the inner loop area, so a house located there will do fine.

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I agree with 911.

I am not a fan of buying in hopes to make a profit. I made a nice profit after five years in Midtown, but that was not my goal.

My neighbors on the otherhand, treated their townhomes like a 401K.

Not a good strategy. Buy a house you like and can enjoy with your family.

There are plenty of other investment opportunities out there.

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True. While I didn't mind my condo jumping in value, as I used the equity to buy my current house, now that I am here, I don't root for the increase in value (taxes) at all.

A house is far more valuable as shelter than investment. If you want to shelter money there, pay down the mortgage. Most people I know are doing the opposite, taking out equity loans on a valuable house to buy consumer junk. Remember, that house is the only thing they can't touch in a bankruptcy. Why burden it with debt? :blink:

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This is an excellent discussion by what I would say, are some of the most Houston-Intelligent people on this board. Good work.

I think the position the Houston market is in right now is worthy of a novel.

I've only been here for 2.5 years and this is my first big-city experience and I think the Houston suburbs are truly amazing. Master-planned communities popping up left and right, 45 minute commutes not a problem, my house is bigger than your house... It goes on. I just bought a new house with my fiancee, in the burbs, and we're very happy with it. I had no idea the average house is 2400 so I just found out that our 2150 sf pad is below average. Which makes sense, I guess. But it's just the two of us and the dog so we don't need 6 bedrooms like some of the other houses. Like the longer article at the start of the post, we decided to put more money towards things that were more important to us, such as appliance upgrades and a larger cul-de-sac lot. Our dog is, shall we say, highly energetic, and he needs the space.

The battle between higher taxes / higher value is an important consideration. It really depends on where you are in life and how long you intend on staying where you are. We only plan on being there 5-7 years and not starting a family until after that. We would love to see our home value go up considerably for when we sell. But who knows? Nothing ever goes perfectly to plan.

Edited by BWSchultz
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