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What Is Mayor Nagin Thinking ?

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Nice little story about what Nagin was babbling about, while trying to honor MLK day. I think he totally missed his mark, and just came off looking like he was drunk. He was really showing how he wants some "diversity" in his city.

Edited by TJones
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Post tramatic stress syndrome maybe? I'm so sick of people blaming God for the hurricanes. Where do these fools get off pretending to know what God is thinking.

Money and power corrupts ! I do understand him wanting to give people some kind of "answer" as to "why did this happen to us". It wasn't even the power of the Hurricane that caused flooding it was a "MAN-MADE" obstacle that failed, not mother nature's fury that made it happen. I am more concerned about the "Chocolate City" statement, imagine Jeb Bush saying "We need Florida to be more of a Vanilla state." OMG, there would be riots at Disney World ! -_-

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To be consistent, if I call BS on Ed Young, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson for their idiotic and arrogant interperetations of Acts of God or Man, then Mayor Ray must take his medicine for his statements as well. Perhaps it was stress, perhaps trying to cover too much ground with one speech, but idiotic nonetheless.

Kudos to the Mayor for owning up to his stupidity quickly. And, I have to admit, nice recovery on the "Chocolate comes from Dark Chocolate and White milk" statement. No wonder he's a politician. :D

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I am really sick of the double standard portrayed in this country right now. MLK demanded and prayed for equal rights, not special rights. The statements Nagin made are biggoted at best. If that statement was made by a white man, the frenzy would have been relentless.

MLK's dream has for the most part come true, and in certain cases (affirmative action) has exceeded his wildest dreams. It's time we as Americans be consistent in what we proclaim. We are equal regardless of race, creed or religion and we must stop this, "we need to promote or provide for this race or that". Or, "we need more blacks, hispanics in a particular city, school or company". This is America where generations of underpriveledged people made there mark and there fortunes because they were willing to pay the price of hard work.

I know my ramblings are not totally on the subject, but geeze I hate it when one race can make statements like Nagin did and not have major repurcussions. Had that statement been made by a white man like suggested above, the world would have caved in.

By the way I am not rascist in any form or fashion, in fact one of my best friends is black, it's just that I'm sick of racial quotas. My lord, this is America!

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I hate when people say this. You don't have to mention that to prove anything.

I wasn't trying to prove anything my friend, I was simply qualifying the fact as some of my rantings may seem to some as rascist. Also your statement is exactly what I was trying to get across, it's impossible to address this sentiment without ruffling feathers.

Next time I'll be carefull not to upset you. ;)

Edited by Gary
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Well, Gary, that statement (or a similar one) was made only a week ago by a senile, white preacher and the world did not cave in, mostly because he makes those statements so regularly.

You are right, though. Your post is not on topic. You also did not read all of Nagin's remarks. He took aim at Black on Black violence as well.

I would suggest that you are being a bit omnipotent in interpereting Rev. King's "wildest dreams". This would be somewhat akin to Mayor Nagin telling us what God is thinking, wouldn't it?

By the way, why did you have to inform us that you are not rascist? Why did you have to state (twice) how much trouble whites would get in for making these comments? And what does the race of your best friend add to the debate?

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It's refreshing to at least hear a politician speaking straight as he was thinking, not phony, over-rehearsed lies like most in his position do, telling us nothing of what they really think. People can deal with someone honest, even if they disagree with them, as opposed to someone we suspect is a liar. Too bad a person gets creamed when they do speak off the cuff.

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Well, Gary, that statement (or a similar one) was made only a week ago by a senile, white preacher and the world did not cave in, mostly because he makes those statements so regularly.

You are right, though. Your post is not on topic. You also did not read all of Nagin's remarks. He took aim at Black on Black violence as well.

I would suggest that you are being a bit omnipotent in interpereting Rev. King's "wildest dreams". This would be somewhat akin to Mayor Nagin telling us what God is thinking, wouldn't it?

By the way, why did you have to inform us that you are not rascist? Why did you have to state (twice) how much trouble whites would get in for making these comments? And what does the race of your best friend add to the debate?

Well Red, I made the "I'm not rascist" comment for exactly this reason. Also, to put me in the camp of a ranting nut is just plain unfair.

It's impossible today to have this conversation without everyone getting pissed and saying"if your not rascist why did you make the comment".

Now in regards to me using the "wildest dreams" comment. I was not interpreting anything regarding MLK's vision of the future, I was using the term, bad as it may have been, to make my point. In other words I have no idea how Dr King felt about the current state of affirmative action, it was not my point.

As far as me not reading Nagin's remarks, you are being extremely presumptuous just as you accused me of. By the way I did read the entire article and I did read about the black on black violence, this is old hat and has been talked about over and over again. Is it a problem? Of course, but you'll have to talk with someone else about that as I don't relate in the least bit to that particular problem.

Finally, I believe there is a vast difference in the American thought process when comparing what a political leader says and what some nutty preacher says. As Americans, were trained to know that most, if not all tv preachers are nuts. On the other hand what are political leaders say is lifted up to a totally different level.

Edited by Gary
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Gary, let your words speak for you. Just as a Christian should not have to put a fish on his car, you should not have to state that you are not rascist. It only has the negative effect. The intelligent will understand the point you are making. The ignorant...well, who cares what they think anyway?

I don't quite understand why you think Rev. King might appreciate today's affirmative action. It is being systematically dismantled by today's bought and paid for politicians.

Pat Robertson IS a politician. He ran for the Republican nomination for President in 1988, and uses his show to attempt to influence political policy daily. That is a politician. He gets treated the same as Nagin.

Violence in the Black community may be "old hat", but it is a continuing problem. It was also integral to Mayor Nagin's rambling remarks. To not consider the remarks in context is to give them a different meaning, though in this particular case, Nagin pretty much went off the deep end anyway, in or out of context.

Oh, and I WISH Americans saw TV preachers for what they are.

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Gary, let your words speak for you. Just as a Christian should not have to put a fish on his car, you should not have to state that you are not rascist. It only has the negative effect. The intelligent will understand the point you are making. The ignorant...well, who cares what they think anyway?

I don't quite understand why you think Rev. King might appreciate today's affirmative action. It is being systematically dismantled by today's bought and paid for politicians.

Pat Robertson IS a politician. He ran for the Republican nomination for President in 1988, and uses his show to attempt to influence political policy daily. That is a politician. He gets treated the same as Nagin.

Violence in the Black community may be "old hat", but it is a continuing problem. It was also integral to Mayor Nagin's rambling remarks. To not consider the remarks in context is to give them a different meaning, though in this particular case, Nagin pretty much went off the deep end anyway, in or out of context.

Oh, and I WISH Americans saw TV preachers for what they are.

Red, I really don't want to keep addressing the comment regarding not being rascist. Maybe it was a bad idea but my heart was in the right place when I made it. In other words it isn't a complex I deal with.

In regards to my statement of MLK and affirmative action, probably also a bad idea. Again my intention was not to imply that MLK was a supporter of such, it was to make my point. It was obviously a bad one on my account as it's been misunderstood so far.

In regards to Pat Robertson being a politician, it's been a long time since 88 and I for one don't view this nut as a politician but a preacher. Maybe I'm wrong when I assume that most in America feel the same way.

In regards to black on black violence. I don't mean to minimilize the problem, I just think that it's been said and said with no results. I certainly hope one day they can resolve this issue with actions instead of words.

In regards to tv preachers. I wholeheartedly agree. These guys are snakes at best, not to say that all preachers are snakes but these guys are rediculous.

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WHOA ! WHOA ! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAA !!!! Everyone please calm down a second here. Gary you made the 3rd rule mistake of "I'm not a racist, 101" You can't say, "I'm not a racist !" followed by "One of my best friends is a black guy." No, No, No, this will not do. You might as well have thrown a white sheet over your head at that point. Can't use cliches to defend yourself. Don't join those two sentences together, EVER, my friend. I understand that you are indeed NOT a racist. You are right, there is a "double standard" and where it falls in party politics is clearly drawn out.

Now, as far as Nagin's statements are concerned, given a full day to digest what you just regurgitated, and a team of good Clintonesque speech writers at your disposal, you WILL find a way to "SPIN" those words and make it look like " OH, you didn't understand what I meant ? Hell, all my New Orleans brothers and sisters, I mean the Black community, knew what I was saying. I am sorry you kind white folk didn't get it. I thought it was common knowledge how people make Chocolate."

Go tell it on the mountain Rev. Nagin, this Hillbilly ain't buyin' it. But, I know all the Dems don't either, they'll never admit to it though. ;)

Edited by TJones
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Personally, I like Nagin. He's quite a character. I almost ran my car off the road when I hear what he said on the radio. But not because I was in total shock. I almost choked on my tongue because I was laughing so hard. I voted for the man, and unless someone who I thing loves my city and the people that live here as much as I know he really does, I'll do it again.

It's not the first time he's made a "chocolate" comment. But it is the first time that he's had the national media standing right over his sholder. He speaks his mind. Does he get in trouble for it? Yep! But at the very least, I know exactly where he is coming from because of it.

Our old governor (Foster) made some pretty colorful remarks about race while he was in office, but no one called for his head. After Katrina hit, one of our Reps. made a comment about how God finally took care of our horrid public housing situation. And I'd bet good money that he won't lose his seat come next election.

The point is, sometimes people say stupid things. Just because they are elected officals doesn't mean that they are better than anyone else, or anything less than human. Humans make mistakes.

As a "white milk" New Orleanian, I forgave my "dark chocolate" mayor, even before he made his formal apology.

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ABC's World News Tonight had a couple of good sound bites from evacuees who no longer welcome going back to New Orleans after Nagin's comments. I wonder if anyone will, though a combination of disgust and fatigue, decide to stay where they are because of what he said.

Nagin's problem has always been that he really doesn't understand the magnitude of his job. That was OK before the storms because he would say stupid things (on all sorts of topics, not just racist comments) and the local news outlets would shrug it off saying, "That's just Nagin." The same thing happens in Jesse Jackson's congressional district.

Now he's in the national spotlight, whether he likes it or not, and is finally being somewhat held accountable for what he says by organizations not used to his eccentricity. Lots of politicians have gone through entire careers with blinders on. Nagin has a particularly bad case of this. He plays to the people immediately in front of him. If he's addressing a bunch of angry black white-haters, he'll say what they want to hear. If he's addressing a convention center full of white business people, he'll say what THEY want to hear. If he's talking to a graduating class of police cadets, he'll say what THEY want to hear. I don't think it's so much that he's two-faced or a flip-flopper. I think it's that he lacks a clear vision of what his job is and what his responsibilities are and that when you're in a leadership position your job is to lead and do the right thing, even if it offends someone.

He is not a leader. We all saw that during Katrina. It's all still catching up to him.

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Not only he made that racial statment about turning New Orleans to a "Chocolate City," he also mention Mexicans coming to N.O. and taking jobs away from black people.

My opinion about those two D.A.(dumbass) statments. For one, he put his foot in his mouth, cause now white people is not going to cater to N.O. like they use to. And do he know majority of jobs in America is own by whites? Plus, do he know he have to rebuild N.O., with the help of whites, even mexicans? Do he know he have to get the money to rebuild from the whites? Dude, you just cause N.O. rebuilding a step back, cause of your mouth.

Secondly, mexicans are great workers. They come here to the states to work, with their families. I'm black, and if I had a team I would love to have mexicans on my team, cause I know they going to get the job done.

I think this so called mayor, Ray Nagin don't know what he have created. Sometimes you have to keep your mouth closed.

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Kudos to the Mayor for owning up to his stupidity quickly. And, I have to admit, nice recovery on the "Chocolate comes from Dark Chocolate and White milk" statement. No wonder he's a politician. :D

And lactose tolerant, too! :D \

Now, if only he understood that a bit of cinnamon makes chocolate even more delicious...

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Mayor Nagin was just in awe, when it came to all the Hispanics coming to Nawlins to rebuild the homes, those guys can frame a house a day. Especially those little shotgun houses, probably 2 or 3 a day. He has just never seen or been around our little brown brothers. They will break their backs for you. I have agreed with some of the things Nagin said at first, but then he has just gone GahGah in the recent months. I do believe the pressure has finally gotten to him. He'll run for re-election or possibly Govenor, after this stint as Mayor, and he'll win.

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What I have seen of Mayor Nagin, I do not like.

I agree that there is a serious double standard in this country, and it seems to be escalating. That's the only reason that I can fathom that no one has gone all Lee Harvey Oswald on Aaron McGruder's a*s.

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