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Al Gore Wants In Again


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I saw where Gore wants to be in the spotlight again. Demanding an investigation for Bush and the whole wiretap thing. Does Gore and his people think that maybe is a good time to rear his ugly head again, and be the Dems. "Goldenboy" once more. I sure hope so, I actually kinda like Gore, much more than some past President he has been associated with. I think the timing is dead on for him myself. The Dems. don't seem to have a true front runner, and I think that the Dems. are gonna shy away from Hillary, and focus attention on Gore again, IMO. :closedeyes:

Edited by TJones
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I disagree. I think regardless of ones political beliefs, Gore comes across as a spoiled brat. The only reason I think he tied with Bush in 2000 is people were simply voting against Bush.

I think the Democratic party needs to bring in a calm, mature and relatively honest man, :huh: that is if one actually exists (in either party).

Although on a different political level, I'd like to see someone with the personality of our current mayor. He seems to have done a good job crossing the political boundaries and he doesn't walk around complaining about the other side.

Facts are facts and whether your Republican or Democrat you've got to admit that both parties are almost hopelessly corrupt.

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The only reason I think he tied with Bush in 2000 is people were simply voting against Bush.

Actually Gore won the 2000 popular vote. There was no tie.

That being said, I would be more than happy to have Gore and Dean take a long tour to a remote, mountain forest, led by John Kerry.


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Actually Gore won the 2000 popular vote. There was no tie.

That being said, I would be more than happy to have Gore and Dean take a long tour to a remote, mountain forest, led by John Kerry.



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Actually Gore won the 2000 popular vote. There was no tie.

That being said, I would be more than happy to have Gore and Dean take a long tour to a remote, mountain forest, led by John Kerry.


Oh lord, how did I know someone would throw the popular vote in there?

Seriously, I don't care about the 2000 election, it's over and I didn't like Gore anyway, in fact he scared me just like Dean did. He was just to nutty. Of course I'm no Bush fan either, but quite honestly I liked him better than Gore. I still think he's a lay down president who's trying to be on everybodies side, so I'd like him to go, go, go.

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The Dems. don't seem to have a true front runner, and I think that the Dems. are gonna shy away from Hillary, and focus attention on Gore again, IMO. :closedeyes:

I guess that is why you vote Republican, TJ. Gore is yesterday's news. The Dems aren't interested in a retread. Hillary is definitely in the hunt. Biden, maybe, if he stays away from Supreme Court nominee speeches. Bill Richardson from New Mexico is a possibility. But, Gore? No.

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I guess that is why you vote Republican, TJ. Gore is yesterday's news. The Dems aren't interested in a retread. Hillary is definitely in the hunt. Biden, maybe, if he stays away from Supreme Court nominee speeches. Bill Richardson from New Mexico is a possibility. But, Gore? No.

Biden ? Hmph ! Pretty sad when the answer takes 11 minutes less to explain than the question. Don't you agree ?

Richardson, Govenor right ? They'd eat him alive over the whole "harboring fiasco" with the Texas legislators.

Like I said, just an opinion, I see Gore gaining a little resurgance, Hillary, first female Pres., doubtful. The Dems will grasp at any glimmer of hope to get the Executive branch back. You guys are gonna have to come up with somethone just decent this time, not even a "Good" candidate. Bush can't run again, and I just don't see anyone in our camp to succeed him. I hate to admit that, but I will patiently wait to see what happens.

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I think Gore's timing is indicative of his biggest problem. He came out THIS WEEK to talk about something that went through the news cycle BEFORE CHRISTMAS. It just shows how out of touch he is, not only with the American people, but with current events. If he wants to be the Democratic bulldog, he's got to latch onto an issue while it's hot -- when people care -- and not be some kind of Johnny-Come-Lately "Me, Too!" candidate.

Truthfully, I place most of the blame for this on his handlers, who were amateurs even during the Clinton administration, and never really got good at their jobs. They've always been a disorganized bunch who could never keep Al, let along an entire political adgenda, stay on time or on track. But then again, why does he even bother having handlers if he's not thinking about running again?

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Hillary's "ambitions" for POTUS don't exist except in the wishful minds of Republicans. She's just throwing the rabid dogs off the scent for the time being. I think the governor of Virginia will be the nominee. It has to be a Southern Dem governor for the Democrats to win, and he is the most Mayor-White-like politician (popular among people from both parties).

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Hillary's "ambitions" for POTUS don't exist except in the wishful minds of Republicans. She's just throwing the rabid dogs off the scent for the time being. I think the governor of Virginia will be the nominee. It has to be a Southern Dem governor for the Democrats to win, and he is the most Mayor-White-like politician (popular among people from both parties).

You are correct, Westguy. Where have the last 3 Democrat presidents been from? The South.

Gore and Kerry are has-beens and won't be renominated. Hillary is a possibility but the Democrats will ultimately ask: which red state can she win back? There are plenty of maybes but no sure thing (as of now).

Of course, the Virginia governor has to play his cards right in the next couple years, kind of like Bush did while he was governor. If the Virginia governor has a lock on Virginia, then the Republicans are in a bind because they need to start winning back one or more blue states.

But it's a long way to 2008, with lots of Iraq action and Congressional antics between now and then. If Republicans continue to mismanage, that works in Hillary's favor since the Dems may not need Virginia.

Edited by MaxConcrete
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Sen. Clinton doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell.

She refuses to commit to a position. Prior to the last election, the same tired predictable debate started about a Constitutional amendment banning the burning of the flag. Sen. Clinton came out against such an amendment, but then said that she thought there should be a federal law banning burning the flag.

Huh? :blink:

And this madness about comparing the House of Representatives to a plantation, while addressing people in Harlem on MLK Day? C'mon, Hillary...not what I'd call a reasoned argument.

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