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Between Washington and Detering and Washington and Reinerman, there are a couple lots (next to the Washateria) that appear to be in the process of being demod...anyone know what is going to be built there?

This post needs to be in the washington ave. forum in the Heights section. You may get answers there....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just saw these pop up today: http://search.har.com/engine/dispSearch.cfm?mlnum=9703739

They're the new units going up just east of the Target. Also noticed a couple of weeks ago, the two blocks that border the south of this complex had a sign up requesting the removal of the middle street. Makes me think another large two block complex is intended for that area. All the homes on those blocks are boarded up and appear ready for demo.

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I've noticed that they've cleared two more large areas where warehouses had been located. I'm assuming that those clearings will eventually house new residential/retail? One lines the eastern border of Studemont and the other is located about a block further east, just before you get to the Sawyer Heights development.

Edited by The Great Hizzy!
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Cosmos Cafe at 69 Heights is now the "Porch Swing Pub" - looks like it could be related to "Front Porch Pub" in Midtown, which I think will be a great addition to the area, but will be competing/sharing business with the new "Social" around the corner... According to this site, it was open as of Friday 2/1. I drove by Saturday, though, and it still looked like it was under construction (but very close to being finished).

Porch Swing Pub is hiring.

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i heard it was kinda yuppie.

It is Front Porch's (midtown) second location.

Has anyone been to the new lounge/club on Center (near Fowler St basically behind Max's but before Patterson) ? I think it is only open Thur-Sat. Sadly, I saw valet parking outside on Friday night.

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It is Front Porch's (midtown) second location.

Has anyone been to the new lounge/club on Center (near Fowler St basically behind Max's but before Patterson) ? I think it is only open Thur-Sat. Sadly, I saw valet parking outside on Friday night.

Yep, that place is called Citizen..... it seems to be suffering from a split personality disorder. It wants to be a club and a lounge at the same time.... kind of ends up failing at both. It is a bit generic and a somewhat cheesy. But it is certainly amusing, although probably not intentionally so. Not really my kind of place - but I'm sure it will prove popular for a short while and then bottom out and change owners.

I wish Pearl Bar would open back up.

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When I was driving home last night, I noticed a new sign set up on that long-vacant restaurant/bar on the corner of White Oak and Houston Ave. I was quickly driving by it, but the sign said something like wine/beer/coffee. Anybody know anything on it?

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When I was driving home last night, I noticed a new sign set up on that long-vacant restaurant/bar on the corner of White Oak and Houston Ave. I was quickly driving by it, but the sign said something like wine/beer/coffee. Anybody know anything on it?

The property is for sale or lease. For the size and condition, the price seems very high. That probably explains why it has sat for over a year.

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yes they are open. i'm with you about the front porch comparson. lame comes to mind first.

I think the post was actually suggesting that a Front Porch knockoff would do extremely well. Maybe you are not a fan of the customer base, but if you look at Front Porch's numbers over the years, they hit a homerun with their concept.

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Hmmm....$2 million a year in alcohol sales ALONE is weak? By comparison, your favorite bar, Warren's, does about $350,000 a year. I suppose if increasing business to stratospheric levels in a 2100 sf space is "weak", I'd have to agree (and, I'd strive for "weak"). But, in a period of about 6 years, they've gone from a $30,000 alcohol sales a month bar with a toaster oven to a $165,000 alcohol sales a month bar with a full kitchen. My kind of weak.

You might be better off admitting your preference for dingy, smelly bars that are barely hanging on when describing bars as "lame" or "weak". At least people will know where you're coming from. And, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with hellholes, either. Just that your characterizations are a bit...no, WAY...off.

Edited by RedScare
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Warren's has character. The Porch bars do not.

Million dollar sales have nothing to do with the quality of a bar, in my view. In fact, many of the crappiest bars in town have the highest sales. Those bars -- Sam's Boat, the Porch Bars, Pub Fiction -- are full of people who think they are having fun. And if they think they are having fun, they are not old enough.

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Warren's has character. The Porch bars do not.

Million dollar sales have nothing to do with the quality of a bar, in my view. In fact, many of the crappiest bars in town have the highest sales. Those bars -- Sam's Boat, the Porch Bars, Pub Fiction -- are full of people who think they are having fun. And if they think they are having fun, they are not old enough.

While I wholehearteadly agree, and am not a fan of Pub Fiction and Sam's, and a reduced fan of the now crowded Front Porch, I must respectfully disagree on the Warren's and Jimmy's crowds, as well. They may be authentic, but they are desperately depressing. Every time I try to give them another chance, they depress me again.

To each his own, as they say...or as Yogi Berra would say, "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."

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I went to a spot last night on Washington called "Pearl Bar" or something like that. It was between Molina's (where I had dinner) and Yale (where I turned to bring a friend home). I know that's real specific. Anyway, it was a really mixed crowd. Laid back. I enjoyed it.

That's the old Mary Jane's, now Pearl Bar - thread here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A friend of mine went to this place the same night. It just opened few weeks ago and is only busy on weekends. I live 4 blocks from the place!



Less Than Welcoming To All Houston Citizens

A friend and co-worker of mine - we'll just call her Ms. T, was invited to a birthday party for a friend of hers and invited me to come along. Why not? I have fun hanging out with Ms. T and her friends, so sure...sounds like fun. The party was going to be at a new club in the Heights called Citizen.

The party theme was "Black and White Ball" so everyone had to come dressed in those colors. I got all dressed up in a new dress with a very cool black and white mod print. I fixed my hair and got all gussied up for the party because I heard the dress code was really strict at the club. Apparently, that's not all that's strict about the club, which my friends and I would find out later.

I met Ms. T at her house and she drove us to Citizen. When we got there my first thought was "Wow, this club is not in a very nice looking area." Then I saw the outside of the club and it seemed kind of small. Anyway, we parked the car in the parking lot across the street and paid the $7 parking fee (they do have valet parking too). We walked in the rain and cold over to the door of the club and the guy at the door asked if we were there for a party. We told him who's party we were with and he didn't even really glance at his clipboard before saying "I don't have that name." He said that there were 3 private parties going on that night and they weren't letting in the general public. And we told him that we were there for one of those parties and we were invited to it and RSVPed for it. My friend gets out her phone to try and call the birthday girl, and as she's doing this, people are walking up to the door and the door guy isn't asking them if they are there for a party or anything. He just opens the door and lets them in. All the while, Ms. T and I are standing in the rain making phone calls and trying to figure out what's going on.

Ms. T was unable to get a hold of the birthday girl so she and I decided to leave instead of waiting out in the rain. Thankfully, the guy watching the parking lot was nice enough to give us our money back since we couldn't get into the club (the sign in the parking lot says no refunds, but we asked very nicely).

Anyway, Ms. T and I wait in the car for another friend to arrive and we all decided to go somewhere else. Why not? We were all dressed up. But before we left, I wanted to see if our friend, Ms. D, could get in since the door guy hadn't see her yet. So I asked her to give it a try. She walked up to the door and the door man just opened the door and let her in. She didn't have to say she was there for a party or anything. If the club wasn't letting in the "general public" that night, why didn't he ask her if she was there for a party? Needless to say, Ms. T and I were very annoyed at that point. We were invited to come out there and we were told that we couldn't go in?

Come to find out the next day, it wasn't our clothes, our make-up or our hair...they wouldn't let us in because my friend/co-worker, Ms. T, is black. One of Ms. T's friends, who was able to get in, called her the next day and told her that there were no black people inside the club, so it was highly probable that the reason we didn't get in was because of the color of her skin. It amazes me that there are still establishments and people around that are like that.

I can't review what the club was like on the inside or what the service or atmosphere was like inside either because I wasn't allowed in due to some very narrow minded people. And I can not say that that club will ever be reviewed on this website because I do not plan to go there again or give those people my hard earned money. As a matter of fact, the manager is named Bobby Ramirez and I don't plan on going to any of the clubs that he manages.

- Shannel Vance


4606 Washington

Houston, TX 77007

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