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Michael Jackson

DJ V Lawrence

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Okay, HAIF Maps does not to be use in every thread. . Mkay!

Unless he died in the middle of downtown Houston, it should be removed. :P

Why don't you just change it to Los Angeles. You know... contributing instead of moaning. It's the open source way.

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Two great icons passed today, Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett. Ed McMahon died a couple days ago. I used to like Michael Jackson before he became a freak show. I like Bad. Farrah Fawcett was a true beauty from Texas. Ed McMahon was a star in his own right despite being a sidekick. RIP to all.

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I have wondered at why I can feel sad for Michael Jackson and not for any other accused pedophile (he was not convicted). I figured it out. We saw him as a child. we saw him as sweet and innocent and we watched him grow up. We saw him as a teenager vulnerable in the awkwardness of that. It makes me sad for him. It makes me sad for all children who are abused to the point of turning into the perpetrator to avoid ever being victimized again.

God bless you Michael Jackson, may you rest in peace. May all your burdens be lifted and your spirit be healed and set free.

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Once again deaths seem to always come in 3s. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and lastly Michael Jackson.The Death of MJ was shocking... once again it is my opinion as well: Jacko in his older age was more than odd and a turnoff, but when you see him in the 80s, in videos like Thriller, it all becomes clear why he was an icon like he was. I heard in a report that "The King of Pop" was a title he gave to himself after the success of Thriller.

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Once again deaths seem to always come in 3s. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and lastly Michael Jackson.The Death of MJ was shocking... once again it is my opinion as well: Jacko in his older age was more than odd and a turnoff, but when you see him in the 80s, in videos like Thriller, it all becomes clear why he was an icon like he was. I heard in a report that "The King of Pop" was a title he gave to himself after the success of Thriller.

I have heard that too. Is there a list of triplets somewhere or a Wikipedia entry?

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One of my earliest memories in life is the day my mom brought home the Thriller cassette... I guess one of the reasons today's news is so shocking is related to the nostalgia I feel for the 80's - when he was truly the king of pop, and when that glove and red leather jacket were actually "bad." Well, at least to a kid, and to more than a handful of adults. For some reason it just seemed like he would always be around

It all seems silly now, but so does a lot of stuff from pop culture in the 80's... All I know is that when I saw the headline on TMZ, I was definitely hoping that they had it wrong. RIP, Michael. As I grew older I always felt sorry for the man - sure, a lot of what happened to him was self-imposed, but for all the fame and fortune he had a pretty unenviable life towards the end.

Edited by OkieEric
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I have heard that too. Is there a list of triplets somewhere or a Wikipedia entry?

I dunno, but I did find this: http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2009/06/25/...-rule-of-three/

I remember this rule of 3 happening more often than what was named in this article. It may just be urban myth but one that happens quite often! In the Condo where I live the rule of 3 cannot be escaped. Residents, former residents, etc. If one person dies, another and another will follow almost always, happening within a few weeks. It comes to be expected now. After the 3 deaths there are no more until the cycle starts up again. I tell you its creepy, but almost a certainty.

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In first grade I remember the bus driver had a tape player and if we were good on the morning ride, she would play Thriller on the way home. It was awesome.

So, the first thing I thought when I heard this is that it was staged so he can go be truly secluded and maybe get out of some of his debts. Maybe it's crazy, maybe it's not.

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So, the first thing I thought when I heard this is that it was staged so he can go be truly secluded and maybe get out of some of his debts. Maybe it's crazy, maybe it's not.

You think he and Elvis are on an island chilling?

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This is one heck of a trifeca. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. I wonder who had that on their dead pool ?

I think MJ's doctor is to blame for his early demise. I bet they find a potent little cocktail in his autopsy.

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This is one heck of a trifeca. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. I wonder who had that on their dead pool ?

I think MJ's doctor is to blame for his early demise. I bet they find a potent little cocktail in his autopsy.

Liza Minnelli, a close friend of MJ's, said that when the autopsy report is released, all Hell will break loose. Definitely another Elvis and Anna Nicole Smith.

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Liza Minnelli, a close friend of MJ's, said that when the autopsy report is released, all Hell will break loose. Definitely another Elvis and Anna Nicole Smith.

They are searching for his doctor who apparently has been giving him daily doses of a drug that's similar to morphine... family is saying that's what killed him... doctor is nowhere to be found... sounds like something similar to Anna Nicole Smith.

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This is one heck of a trifeca. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. I wonder who had that on their dead pool ?

Not me. I thought Michael J. Fox was going to be the third. I guess I got the "Michael J." part right.

Heard a local entertainment reporter say something odd this morning. He said that Michael Jackson was the first person to break through the all-white racial barrier on MTV. I was like, "Whaaa? MTV had a racial barrier? Someone better let Prince know."

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Not me. I thought Michael J. Fox was going to be the third. I guess I got the "Michael J." part right.

Heard a local entertainment reporter say something odd this morning. He said that Michael Jackson was the first person to break through the all-white racial barrier on MTV. I was like, "Whaaa? MTV had a racial barrier? Someone better let Prince know."

Rick James called MTV out for not letting his videos on their network. They inferred he belonged on soul tv not rock and roll tv.

Edited by EMME
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Liza Minnelli, a close friend of MJ's, said that when the autopsy report is released, all Hell will break loose. Definitely another Elvis and Anna Nicole Smith.

Liza is a nutcase. There is no body, so nothing interesting can come from an autopsy. Unless they did use a real body as a substitute for his while he's on that island not next to Elvis :ph34r:

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Rick James called MTV out for not letting his videos on their network. They inferred he belonged on soul tv not rock and roll tv.

I don't know what Rick James' problem was, then. I guess he was just playing the race card. In the early days of MTV when I watched it they played videos by black musicians all the time. Much of it was Motown stuff, but in the early days that's most of what was available. Sometimes it seemed like half the videos on MTV were old black-and-white Motown films.

I guess Rick James was yet another person making money from the race baiting industry. Too bad, I really like some of his music.

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I don't know what Rick James' problem was, then. I guess he was just playing the race card. In the early days of MTV when I watched it they played videos by black musicians all the time. Much of it was Motown stuff, but in the early days that's most of what was available. Sometimes it seemed like half the videos on MTV were old black-and-white Motown films.

I guess Rick James was yet another person making money from the race baiting industry. Too bad, I really like some of his music.

There were very very few black artists being played on MTV in its early years. I remember when Rick James started making noise about it. Shortly after, Michael Jackson came out with his album and MTV was pressured to run it. This was pre-Prince.

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There were very very few black artists being played on MTV in its early years. I remember when Rick James started making noise about it. Shortly after, Michael Jackson came out with his album and MTV was pressured to run it. This was pre-Prince.

MTV in it early years was trying to be very avant guard. They tried to stay away from mainstream stuff. Thus we had classic music videos like "Fish Heads". It was also strictly a rock format and few black artist were making rock music than.

Edited by LunaticFringe
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