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Montagu Hotel At 804 Fannin St.


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Great pictures, liam - thanks.

Have you noticed that much of the cornice, some brickwork and other details have been stripped? I wonder if they're being salvaged - never have seen that done in preperation for the implosion of any other building.

It appears that someone's already rescued the bronze lion's heads over the entryway.

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Mo ho - that's classic :D

here is the demolition information from the MainPlace thread (thanks Highway6):

Called Cherry, he said 7am Sunday, rain or shine. That they will have a 1 block perimeter, but that he didnt know off hand if the parking garage at San Jacinto would be offlimits or not but that it probably would.
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So, who was there? I was there. And I saw sevfiv. I even brought along some official HAIF candies for other forumers, but no one made themselves known.

I was there, but I was in the parking garage at Walker and Main on the 13th floor. It was a great view. I didn't take photos because 1) you can't really watch the implosion if your eyes are on the camera and 2) there were lots of people taking photos there and I assumed others would be posting.

It was the first time I had ever seen an implosion in person. The charges were a LOT louder than I anticipated. It's interesting that nothing visibly happened after the first round of charges, but after the second round the building just fell perfectly.

Actually, it was sad watching it come down. History falls before your eyes.

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I love this one


Sunrise light is amazing! Check out my Flickr photostream for a similar sunrise light photo of downtown from last weekend.

I was up too late last night and also slept through the demolition. Plus the metro rail was closed for maintenance this morning and I didn't feel like driving...

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That's cool NH. I studied Google Earth for the best view. I thought I'd might have been able to get onto the parking garage at San Jacinto and Rusk, but it was closed off to everyone except the demolition guys. So I was stuck across the street.

When I saw you all on the other side (after the Montagu was blown away) on that other parking garage I couldn't believe I missed that vantage point. But, looks like you had a great view.

Thx for all the comments.

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