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Race Track In Fifth Ward

Highrise Tower

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I was reading the newspaper The Houston Daily Post dated January 24, 1894 and came across an article about a Fifth Ward Budget.  The last paragraph mentions a race track that is under construction.  How cool is that!?  However, there isn't a name/developer attached. Does HAIF already know about this race track? I wonder if it's around here someplace.  Given the date, 1894, this could be one of the earliest tracks that we have!

Can anyone identify this? 

Fifth Ward Budget.

Items of Interest From the Busy Ward- People Who Come and Go.

There re two or three very bad holes in the sewer on Walnut street--

Much interest is shown by the Fifth Warders in the new race track, which is under construction in the outskirts of the ward. Every day wagons are seen loaded with lumber and gentlemen on foot and in buggies going out. One, live, progressive citizen of the ward suggested The Post reporter the idea of opening Odin Avenue and making a first-class road all the way; also the extension of the street car line. It is presumed that as soon as the race track is completed all the necessary arrangements will be made both by the city and the street car company. 


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