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Lee Bros. Farm On South Main St.

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I was reading the newspaper The Houston Post dated December 4, 1918 and came across an advertisement for Smith Machinery Co. that had a tractor demonstration at the Lee Brothers farm at the South End of Main Street Boulevard. 

Very cool! I love finding old farms (or ranches) on South Main, Fannin, Old Main Street, Old Spanish Trail, Almeda, etc. 

Technically, it looks like the farm was located on Bellaire Blvd. Using "South End of Main Street" was just a directional talking point since the "End of Main" terminology was so popular back then.  Back in the 1910s the term was "South End of Main Street." A few decades later in the 1930s and 1940s the term was slightly changed to "End of Main".  I believe the original term was used because of the street car that went down that way. The street car was removed by the 1930s and 1940s. 

Tractor demonstration.

Wallis- America's Foremost Tractor.

Will give plowing exhibitions Friday and Saturday, December 6th and 7th on Lee Bros' farm at South End of Main Street Boulevard.

Take South End car, transfer to Bellaire car, get off at end of Main Street, and go a few blocks west on Belaire Boulevard.  Demonstration at 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. each day.


Another classified ad by the Smith Machinery Co. has zero mentions of Bellaire. It is sticking with the location being South End of Main St.

Tractor demonstration- December 6 and 7. Wallis Tractor will give demonstration plowing at Lee Bros.' farm, South end of Main St. Take South End Car and Transfer.  Smith Machinery Co.  Preston 3893.


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