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Why Transit Cities are Better for Everyone. Houston Vs Hong Kong


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Population biologists identify species with differing reproductive strategies.  Some are called "r-selected" and some are called "K-selected" according to the limiting factor in an equation that calculates population growth with time.  One type of species require a higher level of care for their offspring but the next generation can thrive in specialized ways within a stable local environment ... one type of species require minimal care and compensate for it by having tons more offspring and tons more mortality but the survivors can thrive in a wide range of unstable environments.  Elephants and cockroaches are two extremes of this population biology spectrum.  From a civic perspective we can relate this to the Buxton Index, which is a number that indicates how far ahead a group of people typically makes its plans.  A stable institution may plan far into the future but have a lower metabolism, lower dynamism, and higher cost of buy-in or entry.  Dynamic institutions or societies with low buy-in may be more welcoming but some of them aren't going to be around in the future.  One is not better for everybody unless you know what the future holds.  Youtube video maker urbanists merely have a moral preference for elephant cities over cockroaches.  

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