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Crime In The Heights


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That was exciting. First the helicopter came swooping overhead and started to circle, then I heard sirens and a cop car came SCREAMING past my house - no siren, just lights - he must have been doing at least 50. Thankfully the helicopter scared the neighborhood cats out of their usual morning spots on the street, so they didn't get run over.

I was leaving for work anyway, and I cycled down to the end of the block where several of my neighbors stood watching the action. One of them said they just saw a white car come flying down Michaux and make a hard right, but the closest cop (there were at least 6 cars at that point) said the guys they were chasing were on foot. The cops proceeded to set up a barricade around the 1000 block of Highland and Omar, and they said they were getting the dogs involved. At that point I had to leave, so I don't know how it all wound up.

It was fairly amusing to see everyone out on their porches, coffee cups in hand, wondering what all the fuss was about.

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That was exciting. First the helicopter came swooping overhead and started to circle, then I heard sirens and a cop car came SCREAMING past my house - no siren, just lights - he must have been doing at least 50. Thankfully the helicopter scared the neighborhood cats out of their usual morning spots on the street, so they didn't get run over.

I was leaving for work anyway, and I cycled down to the end of the block where several of my neighbors stood watching the action. One of them said they just saw a white car come flying down Michaux and make a hard right, but the closest cop (there were at least 6 cars at that point) said the guys they were chasing were on foot. The cops proceeded to set up a barricade around the 1000 block of Highland and Omar, and they said they were getting the dogs involved. At that point I had to leave, so I don't know how it all wound up.

It was fairly amusing to see everyone out on their porches, coffee cups in hand, wondering what all the fuss was about.

Sounds like the cops did a great job. We had some robbery issues in our alley a few years back and they did a great job of taking care of that also. This situation reminds me of the second night I spent in my house. Same deal, circling helicoptors, police cars racing up and down 20th. I wondered to myself "good Lord what kind of place did I move too".

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You had a "welcome to the Heights" experience too? Ours was our second night here, when our truck got broken into on the street. Totally our fault for leaving boxes in it, but surprise, surprise, the theives left the reams of geology notes behind.

I agree that the cops are doing a good job. Our tenant's Jeep got stolen from in front of our place, and the police were not optimistic about finding it. Thankfully the theives were morons and didn't go any further than Rice Military. Two days after taking the Jeep, the were driving it around and they ran a stop sign. A cop saw them, pulled them over, ran the plate and realized the car was stolen. Idiot theives tried to flee and crashed the Jeep (not too badly). The policeman on the case was thrilled that they caught the guys, said it made his whole week.

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Some people just got to go ! Stolen Car, attempting to steal 3-18 packs of beer, undoubtedly up to no good, after consuming said 18 packs with probably OTHER known criminals. It was just his time. C-YA !

Edited by TJones
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Friday's incident, my burglary, the homicide on Merrill (all in the last two months) definitely has me worried. :( This doesn't include the convenience store shooting across from Fitzgerald's earlier this week.

Friday's incident was supposedly part of a home invasion that occurred on North Main. The resident said his place was invaded twice in the last eight days!

Edited by gonzo1976
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I was driving home the other day, turning left on W 43rd from Shepherd, and the house on the southwest corner had several signs in their front yard near the bus stop:

"No Defecating in the Bushes"

"No Trespassing"

"No Drugs or Alcohol"

"No Prostitution"

This must be a real problem if they had to put signs like that in their front yard. Not a good selling point for the 20 houses on the market along W 43rd between Ella and Shepherd. I live on W 43rd, and aside from cigarette butts and some trash dropped in my front yard by pedestrians, I haven't had much of a problem. Now, granted, I do not have a Metro bus stop in my front yard (Thank God!).

When I first saw this, I laughed, because come on, "defecation" is funny. But this is not a good sign for the neighborhood, no pun intended.

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I was driving home the other day, turning left on W 43rd from Shepherd, and the house on the southwest corner had several signs in their front yard near the bus stop:

"No Defecating in the Bushes"

"No Trespassing"

"No Drugs or Alcohol"

"No Prostitution"

This must be a real problem if they had to put signs like that in their front yard. Not a good selling point for the 20 houses on the market along W 43rd between Ella and Shepherd. I live on W 43rd, and aside from cigarette butts and some trash dropped in my front yard by pedestrians, I haven't had much of a problem. Now, granted, I do not have a Metro bus stop in my front yard (Thank God!).

When I first saw this, I laughed, because come on, "defecation" is funny. But this is not a good sign for the neighborhood, no pun intended.

I think its great...the signs have gotten all of Garden Oaks Snobs into a tizzy (it isn't really that hard), and they'll end up getting something done about it.

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I think its great...the signs have gotten all of Garden Oaks Snobs into a tizzy (it isn't really that hard), and they'll end up getting something done about it.

You're right, they certainly are serving their purpose. I mean, if there is a sign saying "No Defecating in the Bushes", I am less likely to defecate in those bushes.

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apparently folks (from the metro/metro stop, according to the home owner) like to hang out in their yard and litter, poo, etc...

the signs are against the deed restrictions, and someone from the homeowner's association said something like "your house is by a metro stop, you should have expected this when you bought the house..."

there was something on the news about it, but i can't find anything now.

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... When I first saw this, I laughed, because come on, "defecation" is funny. But this is not a good sign for the neighborhood, no pun intended.

I saw a dude who worked at a car repair company taking a whizz yesterday. I guess he couldn't get inside the gate fast enough and really had to go ... it's only water right ...

But defecating ... now that is just gross. Goto McDonald's or something!

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the signs are against the deed restrictions, and someone from the homeowner's association said something like "your house is by a metro stop, you should have expected this when you bought the house..."

I guess it's too much for the homeowner to expect something constructive be done with all those HOA fees he's paying.

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apparently folks (from the metro/metro stop, according to the home owner) like to hang out in their yard and litter, poo, etc...

the signs are against the deed restrictions, and someone from the homeowner's association said something like "your house is by a metro stop, you should have expected this when you bought the house..."

there was something on the news about it, but i can't find anything now.

That homeowners association guy is an idiot. On one of my neighborhood forum, someone a while back made mention of a mugging that happened to a couple of girls walking back from Beer Island and someone made the comment to the effect that it serves them right for walking around at 2am. What total BS that is. No one DESERVES to get mugged because they're out walking at night no more so than this guy DESERVES a steaming loaf in his front bushes because he bought a house by a bus stop. I know of a good halloween prank involving poo and a flaming paper bag that would work well for this association guy.

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I did see that news cast awhile back, maybe last month. I thought that it was disgusting the way some of this mans neighbors responded. Something to the effect of, if he didn't want those problems he should not have bought the house (wow, what a nice welcome to the neighborhood attitude).

I guess the HOA wants an empty home on a bus line rather than a homeowner trying to keep his yard clean.

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