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Crime In The Heights


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We heard about this and it is terrible news....My fiance and I are moving into a home 2 weeks from today right around the corner from the first car jacking. Kinda scary really. Hopefully they catch these thugs soon and it never happens again....

Hey chiefbmg!

Welcome to HAIF and welcome to the neighborhood.

You know, you hate hear that something like this happened near where you live. But carjacking's like this can happen anywhere. Besides, we could live in River Oaks where people get kidnapped. Now, that's a rough neighborhood! :D

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Hey chiefbmg!

Welcome to HAIF and welcome to the neighborhood.

You know, you hate hear that something like this happened near where you live. But carjacking's like this can happen anywhere. Besides, we could live in River Oaks where people get kidnapped. Now, that's a rough neighborhood! :D

Thanks for the welcome....haha, this is very true-I always say no matter where you live, you're never 100% safe...its just the world we live in today, unfortunately!

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But any time you see someone running up the back of your car put it in reverse and punch it!

It worked for me.

I was once told by a police officer, if you are ever at a red light or stop sign and feel you are in danger, just run it. I wouldn't twice about it as I will run a red light in the middle of the night when there is no traffic anyway :P

You know, you hate hear that something like this happened near where you live. But carjacking's like this can happen anywhere. Besides, we could live in River Oaks where people get kidnapped. Now, that's a rough neighborhood! :D

Much better to have your car stolen than to get thrown in the trunk of some old junker, for sure!

chiefbmj- welcome to HAIF and the Heights. You're going to love both ^_^

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Funny how the responses in this thread are so different from those in the one about the River Oaks woman.

Just saying.........


I think she's saying that there's a lot less cyncism about these incidents.

Either way, I don't live far from where this stuff happened. I was followed once on the road driving home late at night from a friend's house in the same area. I realized what was happening and ran a red light (18th & TC Jester, right by my house) and he ran it with me. I sped up, he stayed behind me. I didn't think it was smart to lead him to my house, so I kept driving in circles, and eventually ended up on 610 near Ella. When I exited at Shepherd, he kept going straight on the freeway, I guess deciding that I wasn't worth the trouble or not a fun game anymore. Either way, it was freaky and scared the dickens out of me.

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I agree with the previous remarks, it can happen anywhere. I have lived in the area for a while. Interestingly enough, I have noticed that the streets (Yale, Shepherd, and Durham) introduce a lot of pass-through traffic activity to the Heights area. In some instances, you can tell some of these folks are in the area with ulterior motives.

Changing subjects

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I agree with the previous remarks, it can happen anywhere. I have lived in the area for a while. Interestingly enough, I have noticed that the streets (Yale, Shepherd, and Durham) introduce a lot of pass-through traffic activity to the Heights area.

You are correct. When everyone was losing their head over area crime in the last year, I began spreadsheeting the HPD crime data. (Yes, Red, I actually worked on this, but it was cumbersome and work, volunteering, and need for mindless porch-sitting got in the way). One thing was clear. Crime on and around corridors like Shepherd, Yale, Studewood, Main, 11th, 19th, and 20th was prevalent in the few months I managed to track. It's true of other places, too. You wouldn't believe the crime in 77024! :o (along the Katy Freeway ^_^ )

While the body getting dumped a couple blocks from my house a couple of years ago (Read about it here) was little bit more freaky, particulary since it happened in the middle of the day, I still viewed viewed it as "pass-through".

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Robbery....near main and I45.

Theft over at Rice Military....

Dump dead idiot in Heights...

Roll by body detailing...

get oil checked.

Pick up some eggs...

I can see that as part of a pass through. He was merely taking care of his to do list. :)

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You are correct. When everyone was losing their head over area crime in the last year, I began spreadsheeting the HPD crime data. (Yes, Red, I actually worked on this, but it was cumbersome and work, volunteering, and need for mindless porch-sitting got in the way). One thing was clear. Crime on and around corridors like Shepherd, Yale, Studewood, Main, 11th, 19th, and 20th was prevalent in the few months I managed to track. It's true of other places, too. You wouldn't believe the crime in 77024! :o (along the Katy Freeway ^_^ )


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Hi there -

Can you all explain this one for me? I live on a block where a lot of the homes have gates around their properties. One enters the driveway using a gate opener much like a garage door opener. Well, the main control box for the opener is right on the front fence. The other night, someone reached through the fence, unscrewed the control box and stole it. I am just baffled because I don't get why someone would do that. Would someone please enlighten me?


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Well, either they are building a fence themselves, or their control box is no longer working, and instead of shelling out a few bucks, it is just easier to go steal one for them. THink about it, what cop is gonna roll up and say, "Hey, you aren't trying to steal that control box are you ?"

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  • 1 month later...

The Fri. and Sat. night speedtraps must be a new thing. Both nights they were setup running radar in the Sawyer area.

On Friday on the way to the Corkscrew, I counted 5 cruisers in a parking lot with 3 cars pulled over. A couple of blocks down on the other side of the street was a cop standing on the sidewalk shooting radar. I left the Corkscrew at midnight and they were still shooting radar on Washington and a couple of blocks later I saw a driver on the sidewalk getting a sobriety check.

I pretty much the same thing Sat. night too. So remember folks, it's 30 MPH on Washington. Stay alert, stay alive, and hopefully out of jail too. :P

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The Fri. and Sat. night speedtraps must be a new thing. Both nights they were setup running radar in the Sawyer area.

On Friday on the way to the Corkscrew, I counted 5 cruisers in a parking lot with 3 cars pulled over. A couple of blocks down on the other side of the street was a cop standing on the sidewalk shooting radar. I left the Corkscrew at midnight and they were still shooting radar on Washington and a couple of blocks later I saw a driver on the sidewalk getting a sobriety check.

I pretty much the same thing Sat. night too. So remember folks, it's 30 MPH on Washington. Stay alert, stay alive, and hopefully out of jail too. :P

I agree that the police presence overall was particularly heavy and I was thankful for it.

I was going down Milam (Bar Hopping to "cheer" me up, that was their excuse) when we almost got involved with a head on collision with some Suburban going the wrong way and immediately saw some cruisers heading it off. We stopped to watch, and sure enough, he was drunk. There was also an accident on Dallas @ Milam that we just passed a few blocks earlier and one of them was in handcuffs. That was only 1 of 8 accidents we saw while hopping around. We finally settled on The maple leaf because we figured the streets were too damned dangerous that night.

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Residents of the 6th ward have been in quite a tizzy over some of the bars that have opened up on Washington, and patrons parking in the neighborhood. The increased presence may well be a direct result of their whining.

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Too bad they weren't on Heights Blvd by the RR tracks about 2am....
i was thinking the same thing.

Well, I guess they were out for that very reason. Drunk driving up and down washington is probably quite common now. I have no sympathy for drunk drivers, particularly the one that hit me a few weeks back.

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While I do think freeway speedtraps are little bit heavy-handed and unnecessary, I will NEVER complain about cops out on surface roads picking off idiot speeders. They are free to come over to my neighborhood, particularly W TC Jester, any time.

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While I do think freeway speedtraps are little bit heavy-handed and unnecessary, I will NEVER complain about cops out on surface roads picking off idiot speeders. They are free to come over to my neighborhood, particularly W TC Jester, any time.

if i had a dollar everytime i've badgered the non-emergency number with speeders up and down michaux. one of these days i am going to bring an empty stroller and let it slip right as some jackoff is doing 40 on michaux trying to catch the light at pecore. you guys want me to take pictures of how badly they crap their pants when they hit a baby stroller? :angry:

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