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Crime In The Heights


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Not sure, but probably a member of Los Illegales Immigrantes Locos.

I'm sure more than one of us on this board has a 12 guage waiting for him if he enters our property.

What happened to the constable program that karen derr was promoting? In light of recent events, it may be prudent to start circulating that email again.

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My husband and neighbors who saw the guy said he's a Latino man in his 40's

que clique...los viejos locos :lol::rolleyes:B)

aye buey

a man in his 40's being initiated? unlikely...but I hear using drugs can make someone look 10 years older.

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There are three candidates so far. Karen Derr, Ed Gonzalez, and Hugo Mojica

Special election date for District H not set yet

Now that Adrian Garcia's City Council seat in District H is officially empty, the special election to replace him can be set for the next uniform election date, which is May 9. That was on the agenda for Council yesterday, but it got off track when the possibility of appointing an interim replacement was raised.

"Common sense tells us all that leaving this office vacant, no matter how well the intentions of any caretakers looking after the district might be, leaves District H, and 42 percent of the Latino community in this city, woefully underrepresented," said Vidal Martinez, a lawyer and former Port of Houston commissioner.

He suggested Garcia's wife, Monica, as a possible temporary appointment. He said he supports Ed Gonzalez, who works for the Houston Police Department and also is favored by Garcia, as a candidate for the District H special election.

But Councilman James Rodriguez said it was too late to consider an appointment and questioned whether Martinez really was speaking on behalf of District H residents, since many he knows already have been preparing for a special election. That process is the best way to ensure a fair outcome, he said.

"It's not a backroom process," Rodriguez said. "We need to be better than that."

White said he had heard little from District H residents about the need for an interim appointment and would not support it unless there were widespread calls for such action.

Several council members said the district was sufficiently represented by the at-large members and questioned whether the racial makeup of council should have any relevance.


Garcia said he has not been involved in any discussions about his successor and had no position on whether an appointment was needed.

"I think the mayor and the council will do the right thing by the city and the district," he said. "I've been busy focusing on my responsibilities here at the county."

For what it's worth, speaking as a District H resident, this is the first I'd heard of that. I can see the merits of the idea, but I think Martinez's way of proposing this (see more here) was not very adept. I see no reason to stray from the usual process. Let's set a date - that will happen in two weeks, at the next Council meeting - and may the best person win.

I have been asked if I am supporting a candidate for this race. The answer at this time is no, I have not made any decisions yet. I intend to try to meet and talk to all of the candidates - I definitely intend to try to do interviews with all of them - before I make any decisions. Since November when it became known that we would have a special election, I have had the chance to meet Karen Derr, who lives in my neighborhood. I've been to an open house at her office and to a holiday party at her house. I've had a phone conversation with Ed Gonzalez (he called me), and some email correspondence with Hugo Mojica, who sent out a statement opposing the idea of an interim appointment, which I've reproduced beneath the fold. This is going to be a tough decision, because there are some good candidates running. I'm glad for that, and I'm looking forward to the official start of this race.

Greetings Mayor White and Council Members,

As a resident of District H, I wanted to express my strong opposition to the appointment process mentioned in today's Council meeting. I believe appointing someone instead of having an election goes against our democratic system of government. Moreover, the appointment process rewards only those who are politically connected. The process should be about transparency and fairness not the typical "coronation mentality" proposed by some within our community.

In closing, I urge you to please approve ordinance 13, setting the special election for May 9, 2009, so that we can ELECT who we want to be our representative at City Hall.

I am available anytime at (713) 256-7277 if you would like to discuss this issue further. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best Regards,

Hugo J. Mojica

District H Candidate

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I know Karen Derr is a realtor and Ed Gonzalez is a HPD. Who is Hugo Mojica?

he's been an aide to several councilmembers and at least one state rep that i know of. he's from the northside so knows the hood. i've had the opportunity to work with him on a couple of projects and he was a go-getter.

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just a random crackhead, is my guess. What I find disturbing is his use of a shotgun rather than a handgun. I much prefer the odds of intruder: 9 mm, me: shotgun.

yes - I much prefer to be on the holding side of the Shotgun as well...A crackhead with a 9 could miss you from 5 feet...with a 20ga - its not so easy to miss...though I will say, when I point my 10 ga at him, his gun is going to look awful small all of a sudden.

Next on my list is teachin the wife how to shoot....may have to get her a 410 - she about fell over when I tried to teach her to shoot the 12ga...She surely wouldnt shoot it twice.

Its a good thing the dad ran....putting even 20-30 yards between you and a 20 ga is the difference between fatal, and just painful.

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Here is a map of the beat area:


Here are the crime stats for only this area, and only for November 2008


If you don't have the time to look this up, here is a summary....bear in mind, this is for a 30 day period.

3 Robbery

3 Aggrevated Assaults

39 Burglary

41 Burglary of a Motor Vehicle

15 Just flat out stole the whole car (Motor Vehicle Theft)

8 Narcotic Drug Laws

3 DWIs

And yet, we have 6 cop cars within a few miles of here the very next morning, 3 of which are in this beat area, handing out speeding tickets. I can't wait for December's figures to come out (due out by the 25th of Jan).

November 2008 was actually a pretty good month. You should have used some other months to really make it look scary.

As for your belief that the police should ignore all lesser crimes until the crimes that concern you are addressed, well...umm...it doesn't quite work that way...and shouldn't. Lock your doors AND drive the speed limit. Best advice I can give you.

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People have a tendency to overlook how many arrests and cases are solved due to police simply pulling people over for a traffic violation.

While it isn't the most popular thing in the world (Bear in mind, I've been pulled over 4 times in the past couple of years), people who break into homes, also have a tendency not to obey traffic laws. It may seem pointless, but they ARE able to find people that way.

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All I'm trying to say is that it seems like it might be a better use of police time to at least show some presence within the neighborhood...I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen a cruiser on my street (except for those visits for filling out the car break in reports). Sure, put a cop on the hill for the speeders, but put the other two guys just patrolling.

And, all I am trying to say is that HPD dedicates a ridiculously small percentage of the force to traffic enforcement. To make up for the size of the traffic force, HPD decided several years ago to go to a saturation style of traffic enforcement. This involves putting several officers in one area to catch more violators. Of course, this means that other parts of the city have no traffic enforcement, while some areas get saturated. Obviously, the saturation method gives the appearance that there are many more cops on the street, since posters like you are complaining about it.

HPD also saturation patrols that flood an area with extra patrols in crime 'hot spots'. I know from talking with one of the supervisors of these patrols that the (greater) Heights area has gotten them before. For all you or I know, they may be doing it now. My point is that you are complaining about police presence AND lack of police presence at the same time. Do you WANT cops on the street in your neighborhood or not? If you want the cops there, then quit bitching when those extra cops notice you violating the law. My other point is that HPD does not send out letters to everyone telling them what they are doing.

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People have a tendency to overlook how many arrests and cases are solved due to police simply pulling people over for a traffic violation.

While it isn't the most popular thing in the world (Bear in mind, I've been pulled over 4 times in the past couple of years), people who break into homes, also have a tendency not to obey traffic laws. It may seem pointless, but they ARE able to find people that way.

Indeed, this is how Timothy McVeigh was arrested just moments after blowing up the federal building.

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Sorry Red, but I don't see where I was bitching about being caught for violating any laws. All I'm questioning is do we need 3 cops there at one time. And, according to your theory, if people see the cops in the area, they will not speed in that area. I would think the same would hold true for other, more violent/serious crimes.

Just some visibility on a regular basis would be nice, and would likely do some good. Not to mention, just adding some peace of mind to the people who live in the area.

Chances are extremely good that I live closer to the crime scene than you do. I see HPD on patrol in the area virtually every single day. I especially see them on 11th Street and Studewood Street, both of which pass within 500-1000 feet of this crime scene. While you may be a member of the group that blames every crime on the police not patrolling your street at the exact moment that the criminal arrived, I do not. I also do not believe that the appearance of one crackhead in my neighborhood requires that the police stop investigating every less serious crime and immediately devote every officer to finding that single robber. The police force has detectives assigned to robbery, officer assigned to patrol, and officers assigned to traffic enforcement. Knowing a bit about HPD, I believe that they are also assigned in the correct proportions. We could just use a few more of them.

Just curious, what have you done to make your street safer, other than complain about HPD on a message board?

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I actually do expect the police to put a priority on many types of crime....but that does not mean I expect them to just ignore speeding...even in Houston :rolleyes:

and while I agree many criminals are often doing many stupid things in a car they usually are NOT doing them early in the morning during rush hour commutes

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Traffic and Patrol are two different divisions. Its like complaining you don't have enough ER doctors, but you have a surplus of Podiatrists three floors up at the local hospital.

not exactly since all Drs are trained in basic medicine and since being a police officer is a lot less specialized than being a specialized Dr.

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People have a tendency to overlook how many arrests and cases are solved due to police simply pulling people over for a traffic violation.

While it isn't the most popular thing in the world (Bear in mind, I've been pulled over 4 times in the past couple of years), people who break into homes, also have a tendency not to obey traffic laws. It may seem pointless, but they ARE able to find people that way.

Good point. And, from what I have seen, the cops do a great job in the Heights. When our row of houses were completed and first occupied in '04 there was a rash of break-ins, vandalism and issues with the existing car lot on the corner. HPD took care of all of that very professionally.

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last i heard, they caught the guy. i don't have any details, but if anything comes up i will certainly post. now back to your traffic stop squabling

I've been searching and can't find anything that they found the guy. I'd really like to know. I live a few doors away from where this happended on Tuesday. I do commend the 911 service as the police and ambulance all arrived within about 5 minutes after we called 911 (although must admit the dispatch service was not all that familiar with the "1/2" part of the street address :(. Someone made a comment about there possibly being a get-away car. I believe that because when I ran outside after the 4th gunshot (there were 3 gunshots, then the screams for help when "he" ran outside with the baby (don't want to say the home owners name nor the babies) then the last gunshot, we saw someone running down the street and get into a white suv.

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I've been searching and can't find anything that they found the guy. I'd really like to know. I live a few doors away from where this happended on Tuesday. I do commend the 911 service as the police and ambulance all arrived within about 5 minutes after we called 911 (although must admit the dispatch service was not all that familiar with the "1/2" part of the street address :(. Someone made a comment about there possibly being a get-away car. I believe that because when I ran outside after the 4th gunshot (there were 3 gunshots, then the screams for help when "he" ran outside with the baby (don't want to say the home owners name nor the babies) then the last gunshot, we saw someone running down the street and get into a white suv.

ok- i was wrong. sorry. there was a similar perp a while back who was caught but some people think it might be the same guy. this is what they generaly said:

A dad caught a guy in their garage a few weeks ago and he held the robber at gunpoint until the cops came. He said the description of the guy sounds similiar, so it may be the same person. These people live at 19th and Oxford. Another woman (whose husband and toddler were held up at gunpoint at the Blockbuster on Main a few months ago, if any of you remember that) said she also knows this couple on 19th and that the guy they caught in their house lives on E 12th street with his mother. she theorized that maybe that is why the shooter this week disappeared into thin air-HE WENT HOME!

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Meet the cops who patrol the Greater Heights area.


I will be there for the numerous car break-ins on W 17 in the Shady Acres area. I am sure they are going to discuss this robbery/shooting case.

Houston Police Department Positive Interaction Program (PIP)

1602 State Street

Houston Police Officers Union Building

7:00-8:00 p.m.

I use this crime map for the Shady Acres are:


For the Heights area, this is another map.


This is an eye opening map of how much crime there is in Studemont/Woodland Heights area.

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poyea, I'm with you. After 3 vehicle break-ins and 2 home break-ins in 2 years, it makes me pretty angry to see groups of police running radar on the Katy Freeway during rush hour. Their presence slows traffic down to below speed limit, and increases my drive time to work.

Response time at my last home break-in was pathetic too. I had to go out in the street and wave the police down after they passed my house twice but were unable to find it.

It is sickening how easy it is for these people to get away with these crimes. I am sick of being a victim, and next time it happens, I'm not going to scare the guy away, I'm going to wait quietly in my bedroom with my gun.

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It is sickening how easy it is for these people to get away with these crimes.

After this incident last week, I looked around my area to see what can I do to actively try and eliminate some of this BS. I never realized how many street lights were not lit,and so I called 311 to have them come out and fix it....then driving around the Heights, good lord there are so many lights not lit, and then having many trees blanket the area in darkness doesn't help! I would love for everyone to call and have them come fix there lights, its easy and takes literally 2 minutes....baby steps leads to leaps and bounds!

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After this incident last week, I looked around my area to see what can I do to actively try and eliminate some of this BS. I never realized how many street lights were not lit,and so I called 311 to have them come out and fix it....then driving around the Heights, good lord there are so many lights not lit, and then having many trees blanket the area in darkness doesn't help! I would love for everyone to call and have them come fix there lights, its easy and takes literally 2 minutes....baby steps leads to leaps and bounds!

You can also submit then online, be sure to get the pole number. A few on our block just blitzed them with many requests to fix the 6 out on our block.


Edited by 20thStDad
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