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Crime In The Heights


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And, all I am trying to say is that HPD dedicates a ridiculously small percentage of the force to traffic enforcement. To make up for the size of the traffic force, HPD decided several years ago to go to a saturation style of traffic enforcement. This involves putting several officers in one area to catch more violators. Of course, this means that other parts of the city have no traffic enforcement, while some areas get saturated. Obviously, the saturation method gives the appearance that there are many more cops on the street, since posters like you are complaining about it.

Running a speed trap is about revenue..

If police were concerned about "safety".. they'd park in plain sight so people would remember to slow down.. When they hide, they want to catch you.

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Running a speed trap is about revenue..

If police were concerned about "safety".. they'd park in plain sight so people would remember to slow down.. When they hide, they want to catch you.

Lessons are learned better when money is involved.

EDIT: I should amend this to say when pain is involved. One remembers that a stove is hot far longer having touched it than when a parent tells you it is hot. Speeders remember to slow down for longer when $100 was taken from their wallet than seeing a police cruiser parked on the side of the road.

Oh, and about that revenue? I have no problem with your speeding ticket revenue paying for the police and EMTs required to attend the wrecks that cause 41,000 traffic fatalities annually. No one cried for me when my cigarette tax increased to pay for emergency rooms. Why are you speeders special?

Back to the robber...

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Lessons are learned better when money is involved.

EDIT: I should amend this to say when pain is involved. One remembers that a stove is hot far longer having touched it than when a parent tells you it is hot. Speeders remember to slow down for longer when $100 was taken from their wallet than seeing a police cruiser parked on the side of the road.

I guess I wasn't polled.. When stopped, I now know the cop is behind me.

Tickets are an additional tax.. Pay it, continue on in life..

No one cried for me when my cigarette tax increased to pay for emergency rooms. Why are you speeders special?

Because cigarettes are EVIL!! heh

Back to the robber...


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any update on if they caught this guy. I'm in the general area where this happened, would have been only a block away at that exact time (I normally drive through there around 9:15-9:45 on tuesdays) but my shoulder was hurt so i stayed home last week. I'll definitely be looking for this guy when i'm in the area tonight. I only live like 8 blocks away in the first place.

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any update on if they caught this guy. I'm in the general area where this happened, would have been only a block away at that exact time (I normally drive through there around 9:15-9:45 on tuesdays) but my shoulder was hurt so i stayed home last week. I'll definitely be looking for this guy when i'm in the area tonight. I only live like 8 blocks away in the first place.

No update if the a#@h* has been caught that I am aware of. Not that it matters but it happend before 9:00 pm. The 4th gun shot was at 9:05 pm. I only know that because I had just sent an e-mail to my family out of state moments before I ran outside which was after the last gun shot. Either way as I said time does not matter. (the most important thing is NOBODY was physically hurt) It happened and has scared the crap out of all of us. Unfortunately it appears to be the "signs" of the times and more to come with the economy going the way it is with more lay-offs to come. I was talking to Nick at the Metro Mart this past weekend and they were robbed a week before at 1:30 pm on a Monday...Nick has had the place for 14 years and it's the first time his store has been robbed. My suggestion is to be careful of everything, be aware of your surroundings no matter what time, keep your doors locked and pack a pistol. I know that I vowed to never get a gun but my thoughts are starting to change QUICKLY

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yeah, this seems to be just one guy causing a whole neighborhood to be scared. I don't see it as the new "trend". I'm definitely not going to be "packing a pistol" as i don't have a CCL. This guy would make a lovely hood ornament for my jeep though...

I'm sure this guy will be caught soon since he seems to be behaving with complete wreckless abandon, I just hope he doesn't hurt anyone before he is caught (unless its another gun toting crackhead).

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No update if the a#@h* has been caught that I am aware of. Not that it matters but it happend before 9:00 pm. The 4th gun shot was at 9:05 pm. I only know that because I had just sent an e-mail to my family out of state moments before I ran outside which was after the last gun shot. Either way as I said time does not matter. (the most important thing is NOBODY was physically hurt) It happened and has scared the crap out of all of us. Unfortunately it appears to be the "signs" of the times and more to come with the economy going the way it is with more lay-offs to come. I was talking to Nick at the Metro Mart this past weekend and they were robbed a week before at 1:30 pm on a Monday...Nick has had the place for 14 years and it's the first time his store has been robbed. My suggestion is to be careful of everything, be aware of your surroundings no matter what time, keep your doors locked and pack a pistol. I know that I vowed to never get a gun but my thoughts are starting to change QUICKLY

all these things are true and we must be vigilant as individuals but we also must be vigilant as a community. with the demographics of the heights being what they are these days. why is it so hard to get a neighborhood watch going? it's like all of my yuppie comrades want to delicate flower and moan about the crime but when i suggest we organize to do somethinf about it, all they can say is they pay taxes. really? well, houston's police force is thread bare and it's not for lack of caring on the part of the city government either... yeah, we pay taxes for schools, too, but does that mean we shouldn't help our kids with their homework? anyway, i would love to be a part of a neighborhood watch program or see the neighborhood do something as a group. i don't want a would-be-robber to just know i have a gun and that i am watching. i want him to know that if i'm not home, my neighbor is watching. the guy on the corner is watching. the couple walking their dog is watching with the police station on speed dial. only then will we have the safety we all want... even with more cops and the constible and everything else money can pay for, those officials can only be so many places at once.

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all these things are true and we must be vigilant as individuals but we also must be vigilant as a community. with the demographics of the heights being what they are these days. why is it so hard to get a neighborhood watch going? it's like all of my yuppie comrades want to delicate flower and moan about the crime but when i suggest we organize to do somethinf about it, all they can say is they pay taxes. really? well, houston's police force is thread bare and it's not for lack of caring on the part of the city government either... yeah, we pay taxes for schools, too, but does that mean we shouldn't help our kids with their homework? anyway, i would love to be a part of a neighborhood watch program or see the neighborhood do something as a group. i don't want a would-be-robber to just know i have a gun and that i am watching. i want him to know that if i'm not home, my neighbor is watching. the guy on the corner is watching. the couple walking their dog is watching with the police station on speed dial. only then will we have the safety we all want... even with more cops and the constible and everything else money can pay for, those officials can only be so many places at once.

what brings down a neghborhood? Apartments

what does the Heights have a lot of? Apartments

Lets keep up our streets and watch our neihgbors back, so developers will take a chance on our neighborhood and buy up these properties.

If you see a bum or homeless person in the Heights, do what I do..Dont give them a dime and tell them to get the ell out.

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If apartments ruin neighborhoods, I don't understand telling homeless people to get the hell out. Homeless people don't live in apartments so they're clearly not the problem, at least according to the post.

Instead, maybe what's needed is a neighborhood group out knocking on the doors at all the apartments and telling them to get the hell out.

Be careful though, because I bet some of the apartment dwellers are just as scared of random crackhead intruders as homeowners are, and they might open their door with a shotgun pointed at the neighborhood anti-apartment patrol.

Why is it that a useful discussion on neighborhood safety has to turn into a predictable rant about homeless people, and people without mortgages?

Kudos to Heights Yankee for trying to impress upon her neighbors that a community can take their own steps, rather than blaming cops for lack of attention, or waiting for developers to magically raze the apartments and force the undesirables out.

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I just heard that the police caught the guy in our neighborhood. According to a neighbor that shares the alley on 12th Street, he was staying at his mom's house in the area where the crimes took place.

I hope this is true. I'd feel so much better knowing that he has been caught. I feel thankful for the strong sense of community in our neighborhood -neighbors watching out for one another.

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I just heard that the police caught the guy in our neighborhood. According to a neighbor that shares the alley on 12th Street, he was staying at his mom's house in the area where the crimes took place.

I hope this is true. I'd feel so much better knowing that he has been caught. I feel thankful for the strong sense of community in our neighborhood -neighbors watching out for one another.

does this mean you will sleep with your windows and doors unlocked?

people should not let down their guard because ONE robber got caught another will take his place.

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I just heard that the police caught the guy in our neighborhood. According to a neighbor that shares the alley on 12th Street, he was staying at his mom's house in the area where the crimes took place.

I hope this is true. I'd feel so much better knowing that he has been caught. I feel thankful for the strong sense of community in our neighborhood -neighbors watching out for one another.

cool.. keep us posted as the "press" doesn't usually follow up on these things..

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I just heard that the police caught the guy in our neighborhood. According to a neighbor that shares the alley on 12th Street, he was staying at his mom's house in the area where the crimes took place.

I hope this is true. I'd feel so much better knowing that he has been caught. I feel thankful for the strong sense of community in our neighborhood -neighbors watching out for one another.

That sounds like the story that was floating in the Heights Kids group that Heights Yankee was referencing (mom's house, 12th street...). I think that was a different guy. The guy we're looking for had an accomplice in a white SUV.

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Just had a conversation with an officer down the street (neighbor had a burglary of his garage from the alley). He had not heard that the 12 1/2 Street robber had been caught. However, since shots were fired, that crime is being investigated by the homicide division. Not all of these robberies or attempts are by the same person. There is a second person or group hitting random convenience stores all the way from our beloved Valero on Studewood out to 43rd Street. This suspect is a Black male (sorry I don't have a better description).

Officers patrolling the Heights are very aware of the situation. The 12 1/2 Street guy is a big concern because he actually fired shots. Most burglars are wimps. They are not armed and don't want to be seen. This guy is probably mental.

Note to posters: A home or garage break in is called a Burglary. If the criminal actually confronts the victim face to face, it is a Robbery. The attack on 12 1/2 Street was both, since the criminal came in the house AND confronted the homeowner. In an effort to keep our posts as accurate as possible, please try to use the more appropriate term. Frankly, if I hear that half a dozen people were ROBBED, as opposed to their homes burglarized, that is a much scarier situation. Burglaries are annoying. Robberies are dangerous.

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Note to posters: A home or garage break in is called a Burglary. If the criminal actually confronts the victim face to face, it is a Robbery. The attack on 12 1/2 Street was both, since the criminal came in the house AND confronted the homeowner. In an effort to keep our posts as accurate as possible, please try to use the more appropriate term. Frankly, if I hear that half a dozen people were ROBBED, as opposed to their homes burglarized, that is a much scarier situation. Burglaries are annoying. Robberies are dangerous.

And remember kids, knowing is half the battle!

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I just heard 14th and Alexander and their neighbors got robbed yesterday...

Thanks for he heads up, Tiko. Any violence or just robbery? Were these the new, SSH homes over there?

Edit: Oh crap! Crime is migrating over my side of Heights? There goes the neighborhood. ^_^

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Note to posters: A home or garage break in is called a Burglary. If the criminal actually confronts the victim face to face, it is a Robbery. The attack on 12 1/2 Street was both, since the criminal came in the house AND confronted the homeowner. In an effort to keep our posts as accurate as possible, please try to use the more appropriate term. Frankly, if I hear that half a dozen people were ROBBED, as opposed to their homes burglarized, that is a much scarier situation. Burglaries are annoying. Robberies are dangerous.

Tell the chron that! These "burglars" were actually robbers, but you'd never know it from the headline. Or does it not work the same for the offenders...

Resident kills burglar at NW Houston apartments

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Tell the chron that! These "burglars" were actually robbers, but you'd never know it from the headline. Or does it not work the same for the offenders...

Resident kills burglar at NW Houston apartments

That headline is correct. The criminal broke into the apartment to commit a crime, therefore, it is a burglary. Of course, since the criminals broke into the house to commit a Robbery, the Chronicle could have also called it a Robbery. However, a burglary tells us that a house or building was entered to commit the crime, so it is a bit more descriptive. This might also be called a home invasion robbery. A home invasion in criminal law would be called "Burglary with intent to commit robbery".

In tomorrow's lesson, we will learn why both the hooker and her john can be charged with prostitution. :D

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That sounds like the story that was floating in the Heights Kids group that Heights Yankee was referencing (mom's house, 12th street...). I think that was a different guy. The guy we're looking for had an accomplice in a white SUV.

We don't know for sure if the guy had an accomplice in a white SUV, (conflicting stories; some neighbors say they saw him run on foot off of 12 1/2 st to Oxford...) if you are taking that from my post last week. We saw some one running down the street afterwards and get into a white SUV and drive away...did it have anything to do with the robbery? was it coincedince? Ironically the vechile that was shot at was also driven by a female, a white SUV..Was she somewhere she was not supposed to be? I hate to say that...I agree with Tiko and it sounds like the reference was to something prior to the recent events. I also agree with Heights Yankee that a neighborhood patrol is an excellent idea.

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How would it be possible to organize such a citizen watch program?

go to the next PIP meeting in the area (i believe soemone posted a link earlier). HPD officers will tell you how to organize a program with their support. i believe each person who volunteers will have a background check done on them by HPD as part of the certification process.

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Good Afternoon All,

Do any of the surrounding homes located on Norhill, Shady Acres, Heights etc . . .

have a patrol watch program or paid officer? Why / Why not?

Does this type of program work?

How would it be possible to organize such a citizen watch program?

heightsfan- since you post on my neighborhood message board as well, i am guessing that you live in my area- Proctor Plaza. do you attend the monthly PPNA meetings? since having a baby and getting knocked up again, i don't attend as often as i would like but i do keep an ear to the ground and am actively involved with the neighborhood especially the park. if you don't attend mtgs, you should. ask these questions there... we tried to have a neighborhood watch, even made an agreement with Woodland Heights to share patrols but for some reason, our hood couldn't keep up its end of the bargain... looks to me like it's time to try again.

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Thanks for he heads up, Tiko. Any violence or just robbery? Were these the new, SSH homes over there?

Edit: Oh crap! Crime is migrating over my side of Heights? There goes the neighborhood. ^_^

From the Heights Kids group: "We, along with my neighbors, were burglarized yesterday. Luckily, they didn't take much (probably because there isn't much to take

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